Old and new wedding traditions and rituals


2019-03-29 06:20:25




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Wedding – an important celebration in the life of every person. In addition that creates a new family, each of the pair changes their life, status, goals and priorities. Everyone wants their marriage was strong, and the relationship of the newlyweds went perfectly. That is why our nation is trying so hard to honor wedding traditions and ceremonies that in all possible ways to secure a smooth family life.

wedding traditions and ritualsBride

Now in our country there is no distinction between native, Slavic, and Western wedding traditions. Modern wedding so skillfully everything crossed that sometimes even do not disassemble, where we come to some action. For example, the bride – the tradition of many peoples of the world, ours in particular. It is believed that the bridegroom for the bride has to pay a large sum, even then, parents can safely give his daughter in marriage. Today, everything happens a little differently in a game, when the groom not to perform a particular task associated with the bride, should pay compensation.


Modern wedding traditions and rituals presuppose the bride a small bouquet of flowers-boutonniere, which ties the bride for his sweetie. Just today, this tradition changed a little bit, ideally girls just wove their grooms wreaths as a sign of love and devotion.

Russian wedding traditionsBouquet

This custom is also transformed, but the flowers in it was always. Just before the bride threw into a crowd of unmarried girls your wreath which adorned their heads during the marriage ceremony. It was believed that the lucky lady who caught the wreath of a bride, soon to marry.


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At all times there were also some very interesting wedding traditions and rituals. Thus, for example, is a smashing crockery. Today, as they say, it beats to happiness: the more small fragments, the greater the happiness of the young. But before this tradition had a somewhat different purpose. So I checked the chastity of the bride. If the utensils, often of clay, was broken, so the girl pure, if still intact, the bride had hard times, and to prove the truth of the superstitious inhabitants was Oh how difficult.


Today, at weddings shout: “Kiss!” for young kissed. But before such word had a different meaning. So, in the old days everyone who gave a gift, be sure to pour a glass of vodka. And man, having drunk the contents of the cups, had to say: “Kiss!” to prove the present that was drunk that vodka, not water. Here are some interesting Russian wedding traditions have stayed with us and still.

wedding rituals and traditions of RussianWitnesses

Wedding ceremonies and traditions of Russia suggest the presence at each celebration witnesses. They must put their signature at the registry office and to convince others of the authenticity of the wedding couple. But before the witnesses were carrying a slightly different purpose. Even in ancient times, they were necessary in order to deceive the evil forces and protect the young couple from adversity. Later, in the difficult middle ages, witnesses had also saved the young, but this time from the real threats from the offenders.


Modern wedding traditions and rituals involve the removal of the bride wedding veils and tying a headscarf in a sign that the lady is already married. Previously, the custom was slightly different. The girl removed a wreath and be sure to unbraid the braid. This was done last time, because it was thought that a married woman should not go bareheaded. Then the girls did the hair of the bride, and she forever said goodbye to his loose hair over her shoulders.

Article in other languages:

BE: https://www.tostpost.com/be/dom-syam-ya/26370-staryya-novyya-vyasel-nyya-tradycy-abrady.html

DE: https://www.tostpost.com/de/das-haus-und-die-familie/26553-alte-und-neue-hochzeitsbr-uche-und-rituale.html

ES: https://www.tostpost.com/es/la-casa-y-la-familia/26586-viejas-y-nuevas-tradiciones-de-boda-y-celebraciones.html

KK: https://www.tostpost.com/kk/y-zh-ne-otbasy/26352-esk-zh-ne-zha-a-ylenu-salt-d-st-rler.html

PL: https://www.tostpost.com/pl/dom-i-rodzina/26277-stare-i-nowe-suknie-lubne-tradycje-i-obrz-dy.html

PT: https://www.tostpost.com/pt/a-casa-e-a-fam-lia/26288-novas-e-antigas-tradi-es-de-casamento-e-cerim-nias.html

TR: https://www.tostpost.com/tr/ev-ve-aile/26357-eski-ve-yeni-d-n-gelenekleri-ve-t-renleri.html

UK: https://www.tostpost.com/uk/d-m-s-m-ya/26340-star-nov-ves-l-n-tradic-ta-obryadi.html

Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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