Kari Lehtonen: the biography and achievements of a hockey player


2019-08-17 11:20:18




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Kari Lehtonen – goalie hockey NHL club «Dallas stars” and the national team of Finland. Nickname Kari – “the Weasel". Debut in the National hockey League took place in 2003/04.

Kari Lehtonen. Biography and awards Finnish hockey player

Kari was Born in 1983 in the Finnish capital, Helsinki. From 2001 to 2003, he defended the colors of the capital of the hockey club called «Jokerit». Special victories in this period have Lehtonen was not, however, twice he managed to become the best goalkeeper in the SM-League, and in 2002, he became the most valuable player of the playoffs round of the SM-League.

Kari Lehtonen

The greatest achievement brown in the composition of the “Wilds” can be considered as the draft of the National hockey League. It was during his stay in “the Jokerit» hockey player Kari Lehtonen announced its candidacy for a lottery draft pick of the National hockey League in 2002 and was selected in the first round «Atlanta Trashers” under the second peak, losing first place forward Rick Nash, who was selected number one “the Columbus blue Jackets".

«Jokerit» Chicago “Wolves”

In his debut season Lehtonen has played only four games for the “wilds”. Three games his team won and one lost. The percentage of beaten off pucks constituted 93.7 %, and average per game he's missed of 1.9 goals.

In the second season, Kari has spent 23 of the match «Jokerit». In an average match, the goalkeeper conceded 1.79 goals, and the percentage of parried strikes has increased compared to the previous season and amounted to 94, 1%. Also in that season «Jokerit» went into the play-offs, where Lehtonen took part in 11 fights, finishing three of them without conceding goals.

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During the third and last of the season, Kari Lehtonen has played 45 games, made 1121 saves and conceded 87 goals. 5 of the 45 matches the goalkeeper was able to finish “dry”. The percentage departure of the strikes – 92.8 per cent. At the end of the regular championship of the “Wilds” is once again able to get to the round of the playoffs. In games on a departure Kari Lehtonen and company played 10 matches, 6 of which ended in victories. Kari made 2 "shut-outs”, and the average per game of 1.63 passes the puck.

After the draft Lehtonen went to play in the American hockey League for the club «Chicago Wolves”. The team in the first season brown spent 39 games in the regular season and 10 in the playoffs. Only the goalkeeper made 4 "shut-out”. The following season, Finn also spent in the AHL in the roster “Wolves”. This time he managed to participate in 57 regular season games (5 “shut-outs”) in 16 match of the round playoffs (1 shut-out”). Starting with the 2005/06 season, Lehtonen has become a major player "Atlanta", but in 6 years, took part in the “Trashers”, brown has played 6 matches for "Chicago Wolves”.

“Atlanta Trashers” and “Dallas Rhinestone”

The Debut game Lehtonen for “Atlas” took place in 2003/04. While Finn played for farm-club "Atlanta" in the American hockey League, but was called on a few matches in the main squad.

Kari Lehtonen hockey player

The First season, Kari Lehtonen held as the main Keeper "Atlanta" was the regular season 2005/06. According to the results of "regular season” “Trashers" failed to qualify in round of the playoffs for the Stanley Cup. At the beginning of the season, the goalkeeper injured his groin and missed more than 30 games of the team. At the end of the season he got another injury. That is such a long absence of the goalkeeper «Atlanta" did not allow her to go to the playoffs.

The next season was one of the best in the career of a goalkeeper. At the start of the regular season Lehtonen missed goals in the gate for nearly 168 minutes. This allowed the Finn to set the record club. At the end of the season "Atlanta" was held in the playoffs. Brown played two games and conceded 11 goals.

From 2007 to 2010 the team Lehtonen never failed to qualify in round of the playoffs. During this time the average percentage of beaten off shots amounted to 91.5-92 %. At the end of the season, brown was traded to the ‘Dallas stars”. Until the end of the championship, he took part in 12 games for a Texas hockey club. In the playoffs “Stars” not included.

Kari Lehtonen

In 2010, “Dallas” only two times to go to the playoffs, but never even reached the conference finals. Last time it happened last season. “stars” and were the first Rand games through, but lost in the semifinals of the conference. This season, Lehtonen spent 59 games, 3 of which finished on zero. the ‘Dallas’ re not able to get into the TOP 8 at the end of the regular season.

National team and international awards

In 2000 the national team of Finland to 18 years, which was Kari Lehtonen, became the world champion. One year later, Lehtonen once again participated in the world Championship among players under the age of 18 years. This time the Finns were the second. Lehtonen participated in three Junior world Championships from 2001 to 2003, which won a silver and two bronze medals.

Kari Lehtonen biography awards

For the main team Finland Kari was also able to get a few medals at big tournaments. In 2004, the Finns were second at the world Cup, and three years later – at the world Championships in Russia. At the Olympic games 2014 in Sochi and Finnish team took the third place.

Article in other languages:

BE: https://www.tostpost.com/be/nav-ny-gramadstva/36091-kary-lehtonen-b-yagraf-ya-dasyagnenn-hake-sta.html

DE: https://www.tostpost.com/de/news-und-gesellschaft/35742-kari-lehtonen-biografie-und-erfolge-hockeyspieler.html

ES: https://www.tostpost.com/es/noticias-y-sociedad/35573-kari-lehtonen-biograf-a-y-logros-jugador-de-hockey.html

KK: https://www.tostpost.com/kk/zha-aly-tar-o-am/36380-ari-lehtonen-m-rbayany-men-zhet-st-kter-hokkeysh-n.html

PL: https://www.tostpost.com/pl/aktualno-ci-i-spo-ecze-stwo/37591-kari-lehtonen-biografia-i-osi-gni-cia-hokeista.html

PT: https://www.tostpost.com/pt/not-cias-e-sociedade/37366-kari-lehtonen-biografia-e-realiza-es-h-quei.html

TR: https://www.tostpost.com/tr/haber-ve-toplum/32840-kari-lehtonen-biyografisi-ve-makalede-kategorilerinin-listesini-elde-e.html

UK: https://www.tostpost.com/uk/novini-ta-susp-l-stvo/36657-kar-lehtonen-b-ograf-ya-ta-dosyagnennya-hoke-sta.html

Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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