The history of the Imperial bridge in Ulyanovsk


2019-08-07 12:20:22




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In the Autumn of 1916 in Ulyanovsk (former name of the city is Simbirsk), the opening of a new large bridge. At that time it was the largest railway crossing of the Volga in Europe. Subsequently he played a major role in the economy of the province and Siberia.

the Imperial bridge in Ulyanovsk

Who made the decision about construction?

In the nineteenth century laid the railway at Simbirsk, and was immediately conceived through the Volga river to build a bridge. Before the goods imported in the ways, were unloaded from cars. In the summer, transported by barge to the other shore. In winter, goods were moved from shore to shore on the frozen river. On the opposite side again they were loaded into train cars.

In the Autumn of 1910, Stolypin was sailing on the Volga. And for a time was moored to the shore of Simbirsk. During this visit, Prince Dolgoruky, merchants and honorary citizens of Simbirsk, led to the Minister's arguments about the relevance, importance and needs to build a bridge to reach high economic growth in the city. Stolypin agreed and took under personal control the construction of the railway bridge.

Start of construction

In 1913 started the construction of the bridge. For the design came from an engineer with experience N. A. Belelyubsky, the former great specialist in bridge engineering and structural mechanics. Prior to this he built over a hundred bridges, was also involved in building of large railway bridges, through long and wide river.

At the plant in Donetsk (Ukraine) produced steel structures for the construction of the bridge. Brought to Simbirsk, and there on the construction site was collected. In the Urals mined granite for facing of the piers. In most Simbirsk extracted stone and gravel. The stairs were made of riveted iron, this was used first time in world practice. For installation, apply the latest technology. For underwater work was used caissons and bridge cranes. The whole year was building, even in severe winter frosts, it did not stop. In the summer of 1914 there was a fire on the bridge. And the mountain was the landslide that destroyed eight completely rebuilt the piers and destroyed many buildings, homes and almost the entire train station. Because of this, the construction of the bridge was hampered for some time.

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In the shortest possible time completed construction of a major railway bridge. It took only 2.5 years for the construction of this giant. There is a high level of security during the construction works was not deaths. In October of 1916 had completely finished construction.

the Imperial bridge in Ulyanovsk is closed


The Bridge began to act in 1916, October 18. And immediately launched freight. In honor of the start of the bridge by local priests held a prayer service with Bishop of Simbirsk and Syzran, and the rite of consecration of the railway bridge. The Governor of the city of Simbirsk thanked the builders and those who decided to build a bridge. At the time of the ceremony, the bridge was named “His Imperial Majesty Nicholas II”. But soon the name was changed - it was renamed the "bridge of Freedom". It happened in 1917.

During the retreat of the white guards in 1918 blew up one flight of stairs, but it was quickly restored by the new government.

 the closure of the Imperial bridge in Ulyanovsk

Traffic via Imperial bridge

During the construction of the Kuybyshev reservoir of the piers of the bridge expanded. During the reconstruction of the movement on the Imperial bridge in Ulyanovsk did not stop. 6 November 1956 opened rail traffic. When the reconstruction was finished, a new superstructure was converted to vehicular traffic. Cars began to go through the bridge in 1958, in late summer (August 10). The lanes for vehicles added support for these works was involved divers.

The Train of the Imperial bridge in Ulyanovsk was built with the use of rivets, and automotive - with the help of welding, it became a new word in the construction of bridges. After the reconstruction of the Imperial bridge in Ulyanovsk and shore were raised, returned to the place of the railway track, since then began working road bridge.

The Last renovation of the Imperial bridge in Ulyanovsk was carried out for seven years, from 2003 to 2010. The decision on reconstruction was accepted because of fatigue (aging) metal. Imperial bridge in Ulyanovsk is closed to traffic was not at the time of the renovations.

closing the repair of the Imperial bridge in Ulyanovsk

In the Fall of 2016 dismantled the old asphalt and put new. The closure of the Imperial bridge in Ulyanovsk for repairs in 2016 was carried out in night hours from 9 PM to 5 am.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
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