What To Do If You've Got A Cold Appendages? Symptoms


2018-03-19 12:55:25




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Probably every little girl has heard from senior counsel that on the window sill to sit it is impossible, because it is cold and can be chilled like a woman. Or that you need to dress up warm and walking in winter in mini skirt and short jacket. Our grandmothers and mothers were worried that we will zastudil yourself appendages, but we, as creatures young and frivolous did not care about their own health, and we ignore all wise advice on deaf ears, focused on the already emerged on the issue in the form of pain in the abdomen.

Epididymitis – a common disease among women, but not everyone knows how to identify and treat. If a woman to chill appendages, the symptoms of which manifest as pain in the bottom and sides of the abdomen, fever and unusual discharge, which did not exist before, then it is necessary to address urgently to the gynecologist. The disease is serious and to run it is not worth it, so it is not passed into the chronic form.

What to do if you've got a cold appendages? First, as mentioned earlier, it is necessary to turn to a professional to whiten teeth. It is this specialist after inspection and the taking of the smear will prescribe medications or douching, which will fit you. Self-treatment is dangerous and to not do it! Threatens to infertility and most often is the cause of ectopic pregnancy that a woman to chill appendages.

The Symptoms of inflammation depend on the form of the disease. There are several forms of this nasty women's disease-acute, chronic and sluggish. In the acute form there is pain in the lower abdomen, often passing into the leg or lower back, pain during sexual intercourse, fever, an unpleasant allocation in the cycle there are various violations. If the disease is not treated or not completely treated, it can be a chronic form – periodic abdominal pain, often increased to 37 degrees temperature, a small discharge and General lethargy and nervousness. The most dangerous stage of the disease when a woman to chill appendages, the symptoms of which will make themselves known – that's sluggish form. The body almost does not notice and does not react at this stage, the process of inflammation goes unnoticed, leaving behind destructive to women's reproductive health consequences – are formed adhesions, leading to infertility. Therefore, all women should regularly, at least once a year to visit the gynecologist, who without complaint and without external symptoms can detect the problem.

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What factors contribute to reasons for a woman to chill appendages, the symptoms are very unpleasant and treacherous at the same time? This infections that can be transmitted from a sexual partner, and hormonal disturbances, and nerve stress, abundantly present in the life of a modern lady, and viral diseases, and lack of regular sex. It also happens that like and way of life are correct, and dress for the weather, but still happen to catch a cold appendages. The treatment of this serious disease cannot be postponed, in order not to have problems in the future. And it is antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and restorative therapy, which selects and appoints the expert. After a couple of days go by sharp pain with the right approach to treatment, but this does not mean that treatment should be interrupted. In fact, the healing process is quite long and you need to follow all the recommendations of the attending physician-the gynecologist. Usually first prescribe antibiotics and physiotherapy, which should not be missed. If the specialist will identify the presence of chronic form of the disease, the physiotherapy will need to take place for another year or two; when formed adhesions is done endoscopic surgery they cut. Also the woman recommended treatment in some cases.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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