Breast disease: breast cyst


2018-03-19 12:50:59




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The Female breast is one of the most beautiful parts of the body. She always liked not only the hostess, but everyone around me, and for a long time remained in perfect condition, you need to know about the probable threats and diseases that can destroy the beauty. For example, considerable injury can cause a breast cyst.

Unfortunately, most often this disease are exposed to women in middle age, especially those who haven't experienced the joys of motherhood. The unpleasant fact is that breast cyst each year is diagnosed in an increasing number of women. The most common causes of this formation are all kinds of hormonal disruptions caused by the intake of appropriate contraceptives, as well as individual genetic inheritance. Considerable influence on the determination of the cyst have transferred earlier operations on the breast and mastitis.

Actually, according to the medical definition, a cyst is a special education with the content inside transparent liquid, often with a yellowish tinge. Similar cavities, generally, are the result of running the blockage of the gland ducts. They can be single or group and consist not only of benign cells, but malignant. Thus, at the slightest hint of what is possible had a cyst of the breast, you need to contact medical institution for passing of necessary examination and, in the case of confirmation of diagnosis, appropriate treatment.

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Actually define the formation of breast cysts is quite simple. You should just carefully examine the chest and slowly feel her light taps. If you follow these steps there is a formation of round or oval form, which, after some time had increased slightly, it is an occasion of unscheduled visits to the doctor-specialist. In addition, breast cyst periodically starts to hurt. The most unpleasant is that the cyst needs to achieve considerable sizes to be able to feel themselves. For this reason, doctors usually advise their patients to regularly examine their Breasts at home, in the event the threat was quickly eliminated, until she turned into a malignant tumor or festers. Otherwise, the consequences can be very unpleasant.

To Recognize the presence of cysts in the breast when it is not detectable using ultrasound or radiographs. Also to put such a diagnosis can help some blood tests, for the most part hormonal.  After obtaining the opinion before treat a cyst of the breast, can be assigned to a biopsy, which will help to identify cancerous cells. In addition, in most cases examines the sexual life of the patient in order to exclude abnormalities in other organs.

The Treatment of cysts of the breast depends on its size. If it is a small education, as a rule, appointed various creams or ointments, as well as various homeopathic remedies. Does not exclude the use of drugs, which is composed of certain hormones that affect the disease. When large amounts of a foreign body it with surgery pierce and remove the contents, after which the bladder wall are fused. The extracted fluid is sent to a laboratory for testing.

For pregnant women, and nursing young mothers, a cyst usually is not a cause for concern. But you should always keep in mind that the cyst, like any other disease, should be treated, otherwise sooner or later it can cause serious disturbances in the functioning of the body and women's health.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
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