Organizational culture is a system of norms and rules of conduct


2019-06-04 08:20:22




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Organizational culture – this is a relatively recent term. Under this concept understand the system of shared values and opinions that are shared by all members of the same company. Organizational culture – this is the base of vital potential of the Corporation. As experience shows, for a progressive growing companies are characterized by a high level of spiritual attainment.

Organizational culture-a system of norms and rules of behavior, common values that each employee of the organization. Considering this concept, not to mention his connection with the common set of social, spiritual and achievements of people.

The Manner of behavior, language, speech, core values, principles and life of the company is reflected in the organizational culture that distinguish one structure from another. In addition, all these factors combine to influence the development and existence of the Corporation in the future.

Along with this can be seen in the dual nature possessed by the organizational culture. This is manifested, on the one hand, the influence of the dominant values and ideas, the goals of leaders, regulations and standards. On the other hand, corporate culture forms their value system.

Based on the existing body of spiritual achievements in the company is developed in the framework of common regulations and laws the philosophy of the Corporation. The underlying acts include, in particular, the Declaration of human rights, religious doctrine, Civil code, Constitution, Charter companies and others. Developing the philosophy of the company should be in accordance with the national composition of its members, employees, regional characteristics, cultural level of the personnel, quality of life, type of production. Disregard for regulations within the enterprise leads to the development of conflicts between employees and management, customers and suppliers. Ultimately, the reduced image of the company in the corporate structure comes the crisis, leading, as a rule, to ruin.

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The Most common types of organizational culture-the culture of power, role, task and personality-can be considered a kind of benchmark in the determination or formation of a particular philosophy in the enterprise. This takes into account the desires and situation. The typology of organizational culture is derived the English Professor of management Charles handy.

Typically, small businesses engaged in securities, real estate, trade. In such companies thriving culture of power, fully independent from the Central source. Mainly in these structures are accepted with the help of acquaintances or friends, the final decision about the device depends on the head of the company.

For the bureaucratic organizations typical of the culture of role. These companies have a high degree of formalization due to strict adherence to the staff rules. The main source of power here is the situation, the strength of the expert is evaluated in combination with the respective regulations.

Culture problems inherent in the organizations based on the working groups or teams are formed to solve specific problems. In the structure of the enterprise value strength specialist and his ability to work in a team.

In the case when the company formed with the aim of promoting the realization of the interests of a few (or one) individuals in its structure, there is a culture of personality. The specificity of these corporations is that before the overall objectives of the priority objectives of one or more employees. By and large, organizations with a culture of personality owe their existence to this person. That is why its interests subordinated to all.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
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