Zones with special conditions of use of the territory: the signs, types and accounting areas


2018-03-18 07:26:27




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The Zones with special conditions of use of the territory are marked by special signs informational type. For damage, unauthorized transfers, the destruction is subject to administrative liability. All types of zones with special conditions of use of the territory must be registered and played on all maps.zones with special conditions of using territories


The Zones with special conditions of using territories include security areas:

  1. The power grid system.
  2. Pipelines.
  3. Objects of gas supply.
  4. Geodetic points.
  5. Networking and communication structures.
  6. Ports.
  7. Railways.
  8. Stationary items, designed to monitor the state of nature the level of pollution.

In the present category also includes:

  1. Water and conservation areas, nature reserves.
  2. District and zones of sanitary protection of therapeutic natural resources, resorts, recreational areas, water objects for household drinking supply.
  3. Protective sites of buildings, businesses and other facilities.
  4. The protected area of the cultural-historical complexes.

list of zones with special conditions of using territories


In accordance with the laws and regulations in the list of zones with special conditions of use of the territory also includes:

  1. Woodland areas.
  2. Coastal water (internal) ways of Russia.
  3. Pierogarnia areas.

The Specifics of the selection

The Zones with special conditions of use of territories are areas, which are defined by the rules and within which special regulations. The allocation of such sites is subject to various factors. In particular, the establishment of zones with special conditions of use of territories shall be in accordance with:


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  1. The Possibility of combining within one area different types of planned and existing modes of operation sections.
  2. The Location of the functional areas and indicators of their intended development. The latter are determined in accordance with the applicable plan.

border zones with special conditions of using territories


The review sites are allocated in accordance with the provisions of Federal laws. Land management zones with special conditions of use of territories provided for:

  1. The security of citizens.
  2. The Creation of conditions for the operation of industrial, energy, radiation and nuclear threat, transport facilities, storage facilities of hazardous substances and materials.
  3. Protection of natural, historical and cultural monuments, archaeological complexes.
  4. Sustainable functioning of natural ecosystems.
  5. Protection of landscapes against pollution.

Signs of zones with special conditions of use

Usually the plots that are included in their composition, are not withdrawn from the holders. However, their boundaries can be introduced special regimes prohibiting or restricting certain types of activities incompatible with the purposes of allocation of such areas. The borders of zones with special conditions of use of territories are determined by the current legislation. They shall be described and included in the state cadastre of real estate. Zones with special conditions of use of the territory are being created in the area adjacent to objects in respect of which they are formed. The latter are not included in these plots. The creation of zones with special conditions of use of the territory implies certain legal requirements and restrictions on use of immovable/movable property.

In respect of such sections may provide for attendance rules, stay and so on. These requirements and limitations expressed protective or security mode. The area under consideration sections usually does not coincide with the size of the objects, for the protection or protection from which they are created. The borders of zones with special conditions of use of territories is significantly wider. If they match directly this should be specified in the normative act on the basis of which formed the area. The object of protection or source of exposure must have a separate border. Their area is not part of the considered sites, except if there is a match.


Taking into account the above criteria, you can set that zone with special conditions of use of territory is the area determined in accordance with the law, with its limits, is described in accordance with the rules of order. It is intended for protection of an object or protect against adverse effects on humans and nature, imposes legal requirements for the operation and limitations, defines the rules of visiting, location, mode of stay, etc. The zone usually does not coincide with the boundaries of a protected object or threat source.  zones with special conditions of using territories include


For classification of the terrain in the zone with special conditions of use of the territory Rosreestr assesses the presence of all the signs listed above. The exception is the mandatory descriptions and inclusion in the state cadastre. This is done with the inclusion of the area in this category.


The Zones with special conditions of use of the territory should be distinguished from other areas with restrictions. The creation of the first, as noted above, is for the protection of any object or protection from danger. Education other areas with restrictions may not pursue such goals. For example, in the zones with a special regime are not included protected areas, protective forests and other similar areas where subject/object of protection is with them a single whole. In protected areas protection shall be subject to a variety of natural systems. This can be directly to the land, subsoil, water objects, flora or fauna. Thus protection is not each of them separately and together. She is specially protected area, which, in turn, acts as the single object in relation to the area with a special regime of operation.

Similarly considered and protective forests. In fact, they represent a range of shrubs and trees. The object of protection in this case – is not a specific imposition, and the whole area is occupied by forest. Do not act as zones with a special regime of exploitation of the territory of the monuments of culture and history. They are the object of protection. A zone with a special mode set on the ground involving them.


The Legislation provides for the compulsory registration of zones with special conditions of use of the territory. The cadastre shall contain the following information:

  1. Individual marking. This may be the number, type, view, index and so on.
  2. A description of the location of boundaries.
  3. The names of the bodies of state or municipal authorities, by the decision which was created by the countryside.
  4. Details of relevant regulations and regulations about change of borders, the sources of their official publication.
  5. Table of Contents restrictions on the exploitation of real estate objects located within the area.

land management zones with special conditions of using territories

Content of urban development

Information about the zones with special regime are displayed:

  1. On the maps forming part of planning schemes and master plans.
  2. The materials on a substantiation of projects and drawings of surveying.
  3. On the zoning maps forming part of planning regulations building rules and land use.

The Order of inclusion in the inventory

The Federal law No. 221, except for the provisions governing the procedure for registration of immovable objects, there are provisions that provide rules reflect information about the zones with special regime of use. According to article 1, part 1 of the regulation the state cadastre is a systematic set of data on the registered real estate. It also contains information about the borders of Russia, regions, municipalities, settlements, territorial zones and localities with a special regime of operation. According to article 46 (paragraph 1) of law No. 221, state, territorial competent bodies of power are obliged to provide information about registered stations prior to the effective date of a normative act into effect. The information and rules of sending materials to the authority for cadastral registration are made by an Executive Agency, established by the government. The act also provides for the period within which the specified information and documents must be submitted. It is no more than 10 days from the date of the decision on the establishment, change, cancellation of the establishment of a zone with a special regime.

Functional areas

For such zones documentation on territorial planning defines the limits and purpose. In the town planning code provides for the obligation to create functional areas in accordance with the actual operation. This is because the planning is focused not on fixing the current situation and the development of the area in the future...

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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