Assault - what is it? Beating


2018-03-28 18:07:15




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The Activities of modern man today is in many areas. However, she almost completely koordiniruyutsya through the law – the main regulator of social relations. This situation allows to diversify methods and forms of state control over human activity. But the question arises, why control people? In the Russian Federation today there are established legal regime. Its basis are the provisions of normative acts powers and generally accepted social rules. However, this routine is often disturbed individuals, which is quite a negative factor. In addition to this, there are several forms of such actions. The first are ordinary offences. In General they do not carry any public danger. The most dangerous are acts of a different form, called crimes. They are characterized by high public danger. For crimes of a special kind of legal liability-criminal. One of such acts today are a beating. This crime is characterized by a specific composition and by the presence of responsibility. beating it

History of legal processing acts

To date, beating – a felony, punishable by a specific article of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation. It should be noted that the violation in the process of formation of the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation repeatedly processed. For example, until 2005, under the provisions of the criminal procedure code of Russia, representatives of bodies of inquiry and investigation could not accept statements which reported the fact of beating. Today, however, beating – is a criminal action that is characterized by its own composition and other defined features. It should also be noted the fact that mentioned in the article, the act is punishable not only in Russia. The criminal legislation of the Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia are the norms establishing responsibility for this socially dangerous act. beating the criminal code


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Normative tightness

The fact that the beatings – it is a crime, says compulsory the existence of certain regulations under its direct control. In line with this, it is possible to allocate normal branch of the law, which establishes liability for the Commission of the aforementioned acts. Such today is article 116 of the criminal code «Beatings». The provisions of this rule reinforce the key statement about the crime and the types of individuals who can do. In addition, the sanctions of article established alternative punishments that can be applied to subjects relevant organs of justice of the Russian Federation. Of course, each crime should only be considered taking into account the characteristics of its composition. A key moment in this case are the elements of the structure of socially dangerous acts.


The beating is characterized by the presence of criminal responsibility. So an act of this kind will be mandatory to have a composition that is a classic manifestation of the subjective and objective features of any crimes. According to the General criminal law theory, the composition of any act representing public danger, includes the following elements, namely: subject, object, subjective side and the objective side. These structural elements allow to describe the crime from different angles, given all related to his Commission of moments.beating

What is the object of the crime?

Any act characterized by a certain level of public danger, infringe on something. In the scientific community there are many disputes about the object of the crime a beating. The criminal code, as we understand it, does not give any clarification on this issue. However, there are many doctrinal theories concerning the presented issues. According to the most common, beatings are encroaching on public relations in the sphere of bodily and physical integrity of every person without exception of person. That is, the qualification requires the determination of damage to the relationship. As for the man, he only has the status of a victim.

The Article «Beatings» the criminal code is also characterized by additional object. It has optional status and is characterized by relations in the sphere of honor and human dignity. Infringement of this object is not always, so it is not mandatory in nature.

Beating the criminal code – the subject of the crime

Any socially dangerous act is made by someone. Therefore, in criminal law there is an Institute of the subject. He has a large number of features that due to the specificity of each individual crime. For example, article 116 of the criminal code «Beatings» applies to individuals over the age of 16 years. That is, in this case we are talking about the standard age group of the subjects of criminal responsibility. Anythe specific features of the rule of law does not provide. Therefore, under the action of punishment can get any individual realizowania their actions constitute a crime.beating Russian

The Subjective side of socially dangerous acts

In the study of specific crime it is necessary to consider the internal relation of the subject of criminal liability to have committed the violation. This element of a socially dangerous act is always present. There are several forms of its immediate manifestations. Thus, battery – it is a crime, the subjective aspect of which is characterized by direct intention. In other words, the subject who commits an act that wants to perform certain actions active character, and understood their dangers and the consequences, which in the future can come. Incremen=iravati in this case, negligence is simply impossible, as this article implies a purposeful activity of the person.

Of Great importance in the classification of a beating playing motives. According to article 116 of the criminal code, battery can be applied because of hooligan motives, religious, personal and otherwise. Hatred of a particular social group is also subject to the subjective side of the crime.

The Beatings of the Russian Federation – the objective side

Crimes are committed by action or inaction. The first category characterizes the beatings. Article of the criminal code, mentioned above, suggests that crime is through violent acts that hurt the victim. It should also be noted that the objective side of the beating can be realized in two basic forms:

  • Directly beating;
  • Perform other actions of a violent nature, which cause the victim physical pain.

The First aspect is expressed in the active application of the offender blows with feet, hands or other items: sticks, bats, etc. and their number is not explicitly specified.UK 116 beatings the Legislator merely notes multiple such shots. With regard to other actions aimed at infliction of pain, they can be expressed in beats specific items, fire moxibustion, pinching, scratching, etc. a Key aspect of beating is the fact that their implementation does not bring harm to health. This aspect differentiates criminal charges of fixing the responsibility for the beatings, from other similar crimes.

The sentences

Assault in criminal law is a crime of light gravity. Therefore, the legislator has established a large number of alternative penalties that can be applied to the subject of socially dangerous acts. The award is one of the types of legal liability can vary depending on the circumstances of a particular case. Thus, there are the following penalties for assault, namely:

  • Compulsory work;
  • Correctional work;
  • Restriction of liberty;
  • The forced work;
  • The arrest and imprisonment.116 of the criminal code beating

The identity of the victim

The Beatings can be directed at any person. However, article 116 there is a note that the offence also goes against loved ones. Among these include, of course, close relatives, and subjects that lead a common life with a criminal. Thus, the number of victims. 116 is quite extensive. Therefore, the tightness of the act, as a crime, to prevent the consequences of its Commission, and if necessary – to punish the guilty.a beating article criminal code

So, we found features of a crime provided for by article 116 of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation. It should be noted that the legislative interpretation of this provision requires additional scientific studies. After all, it directly affects its application in practical activities of law enforcement agencies of the state.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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