How to grow seedlings of Petunia house right?


2018-03-17 20:30:44




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Beauty Petunia has become one of the favorite flowers of many gardeners. It has bright petals of different color, large flowers and is quite a strong pleasant aroma that fills all the space around a flowering shrub.

Where to plant Petunia?

Thanks to the combination of absolute simplicity to growing conditions and the many beautiful colors, it is often used in landscaping for landscaping settlements: the decoration of the streets, squares, boulevards, squares, lawns, and parks.

how to plant Petunia seedlings

These bright flowers look equally good on the lawn dividing strip of the road, and in hanging pots along the streets. Even a few plants planted near the restaurant, beauty salon or store located on the ground floor of the house, encouraging visitors and passers-by with colorful delicate petals and uplifting sweet scent.

At the cottage, in the gardens of country houses, on the balconies of city apartments throughout the summer at each of these simple at first glance, the plants bloom with new flowers.

How to choose the right varieties for your flower bed?

On the home stretch of Petunia you can use everywhere, you only need to choose the right length and height of flowering plants and also know about the presence of drooping lashes, the quantity, quality and arrangement of colors.

So, for hanging pots and flower pots located near the house, arbors, installed along the walkways of the garden, fit a low basket and cascading varieties of plants. It is convenient to combine with the higher counterparts of the same or contrasting colors, creating a composition with a high middle and flowing lashes. And for decoration of flower beds and flower pot optimal short and medium length stems, richly studded with fragrant flowers.


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How to grow seedlings of Petunia home

In an urban environment for the design of a blooming balcony petunias – a treasure trove! Of them, even an inexperienced gardener can create very beautiful composition. It is less important whether each box of monochrome or multi-colored varieties – effectively look at different options. They are not only pleasing to the eye of passers-by, but also give their sweet smell of the apartment owners and people passing by.

In this article you will find information on how to grow seedlings of Petunia at home without the hassle and worries.

Where to begin?

This is a key question anyone new to new business. How to grow seedlings of Petunia house and avoid mistakes? About this reflects the one who has already had a bad experience breeding petunias. Unfortunately, despite the simplicity of adult plants, small seedlings are subject to different calamities. How to plant seedlings of petunias, I know not all gardeners.

We Start with the planning of the flower garden. Late autumn and winter gardens and orchards from the rest of the plants and their hosts from heavy, but in most cases rewarding work. It is the right time to think about the placement of plants in his garden plot, including in flower beds and flower beds. What we want to see every corner of the land will depend on the choice of seeds for planting.

Someone arrange many-flowered varieties with long stems and painted solid colors, and someone like Terry are not enough carnations expensive varieties.

Having Defined the color and the varietal decision, feel free to go to the store for seeds.

seedling petunias in the peat pill

About the timing of planting flowers

To our Petunia was pleased with its beautiful flowers hosts the maximum number of warm summer and autumn days, I should say a few words about when to plant Petunia seedlings. Usually grown and strong plants are planted to a permanent place in the middle of June, when the threat passes the suddenly icy cold, as cold nights will be replaced by warm. Of course, in the Urals and in colder regions snow falls in June, but it happens very rarely. If you are unsure about the weather, do not rush to planting in the ground, decide on the circumstances when to plant Petunia seedlings.

The Recommended dates for sowing seeds - the middle of February, approximately 13-15 weeks before planting the flower in the ground. Anyone who wants to blooms start as early as possible, can plant petunias in January. The terms have no special meaning, if you want to make it grow and please you in a flower pot on the windowsill or in pots near the window. The same is true for growing petunias as decoration insulated, glazed balcony.

Selecting seeds

By the Way, about them more detail. Anyone ever seen a Petunia seeds, imagine well all the difficulties of planting and nurturing. They look like small poppy seeds, and sometimes even are similar to a small, dust-like specks. How to sow Petunia seedlings these seeds? There is a solution. In selling there are two categories of seeds:

  • In kind.
  • In the form of small granules, which represent one seed enclosed in a thick hard shell of the nutrients and adjuvants to speed up the awakening of the seed, fertilizing it, the growth of more dynamic development and rooting in the soil, and protection from disease. Typically, the granules are packaged in seeds artificially bred varieties that do not possess sufficient resistance to adverse environmental factors and diseases.

when to plant Petunia seedlings

Granular seeds, of course, are much more expensive than usual, cheap seeds, but to work with them much easier and nicer than with small. They are more comfortable to take a hand and put in one row, and they allow you to use for planting a special sowing machine. Experienced growers say that the result of the planting of small seeds and granular about the same, but when working with organic seed work is much higher.

Selecting land

Whatever soil you choose, store-bought or from the garden – know that it must carefully steamed and to get rid of fungi spores and pests that affect small, weak seedlings. Seedlings of Petunia in home is not a myth but a reality. It is important to observe the technology of cultivation of fragile, thin, afraid of draughts and drying out of seedlings.

As a substrate for planting of seeds is used of well-milled surface layers of peat, mixed with sand, protecting the soil from the growth of moss, algae and root rot ("black leg"), laced with fertilizers and trace elements, providing a little plant is all necessary for growth, development and further flowering.

The quality of the soil, its composition depends on maintaining optimum moisture. From lack of seedlings quickly wither, and the excess contributes to the development of fungi and the infection of stem or root system of the plant.

how to plant Petunia seedlings

Another important point: the level of acidity and salinity of soil must be as low as possible.

There are several opinions of experienced gardeners and how to determine the necessary amount of land and how to grow seedlings of Petunia home. Some suggest using plastic containers with cover for products sold in the departments of disposable tableware stores, others are of the opinion on expediency of use of containers made of natural materials (peat). How to grow seedling petunias in peat tablets, learn later.

If the capacity for planting has drainage holes, before the beginning of works it is necessary to make them.

A container for planting petunias fill the earth, not cosipa to the top 2 cm, the minimum distance from the earth to the edges of the tank – 6 mm. This distance is necessary for the development of small seedlings in a sheltered space. If you plan to use a plastic container with a lid, make sure to do it in a few small holes through which the space of the “greenhouse” will be ventilated, and Express the distance from the ground to the top about two inches.

How to plant Petunia seedlings

Here we come to the main point. Talk, how to sow Petunia seedlings. There are two ways of planting, choose any.

In the first case, the soil in advance moistened and lightly compacted. On top of it put the seeds in granular form or natural seeds.

how to sow Petunia seedlings

You Should use a little trick before you plant the Petunia seedlings: if you choose to use a small, Petunia seeds, then scatter them beforehand on a sheet of white paper, armed with a bottle of water and a toothpick. Rethrownew in a single layer of seeds on the sheet, select the best, the moistened end of a toothpick with water, bring it to the selected seed. When it will stick to the wet toothpick, carefully place in a container with earth. Using a wet toothpick, put the right amount of seed on the ground.

In the second option for lightly compacted soil, put a layer of snow with a thickness of 3-4 mm, and on top of him, Petunia seeds. This method does not require irrigation and is preferable for people with impaired vision, ...

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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