Gloxinia bloomed out what to do next?


2018-03-18 08:50:23




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Gloxinia on “the language of flowers”, which was introduced in the eighteenth century, Charles II, king of Sweden, means “love at first sight”. Indeed, this flower can fall in love as soon as you see him. Gloxinia have large beautifully colored flowers in the shape of bells. They can be a lot more than twenty. Sometimes they bloom at the same time. Flower petals can be Terry or smooth, wavy and plain, vary in color – it depends on the type of plant.

gloxinia bloomed out what to doHouseplants are another name – representatives of the hybrid. It hails from Brazil. Still gloxinia - a more common name among Amateur gardeners. His plant has received, perhaps due to the flower having the shape of a bell, as is the translated word "Glocke" in German language.

Gloxinia care and breeding

For the full flowering of gloxinia requires good lighting – bright ambient light. You can't put it on the sun, it is fraught with burns and rapid wilting of leaves and flowers. Gloxinia likes high humidity. However, due to the fact that it leaves pubescent, spray the plant impossible. It is necessary to use pallets with expanded clay, the device of fountains, installation of humidifiers. The room should be frequently ventilated.

Watering the gloxinia is also properly. The tubers are sensitive to waterlogging. When the tuber woke up in February and March after a period of rest, in which he was immersed when gloxinia bloomed, pour it little by little. During flowering plants need frequent but careful watering. The water should be distributed over the entire surface of the earth in the pot, and even better to water the plant by the pallet.


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Gloxinia requires a constant improvement of the soil nutrient. One week after transplantation of the plants into fresh soil is needed to start a weekly feeding of fertilizer: in the beginning – the nitrogen, in the period of flower Bud formation and flowering-phosphorus. Will be useful, and fertilizing organic matter. gloxinia bloomed

Multiplies gloxinia different methods: leaf cuttings, division of tubers, seeds, sprouts, part of the leaf. The most common way – leaf cuttings. Select a good piece and lowered into the water. When he let the roots, a leaf is planted in the soil in a small pot. Care for him, as for adult plants.

Gloxinia bloomed: what to do?

Usually gloxinia “throws” a few flowers in the early stage of its growth. It is recommended that after its first flowering to trim the stem, leaving only 1-2 pairs of the lower leaves. Will soon begin to emerge at the point of attachment of the leaves of the shoots that will grow and produce new flowers. During this period you should feed the plant with nitrogen fertilizers, and when the buds appear, go to the phosphorus.

The Second flowering finishes in autumn. By this time the watering of gloxinia gradually reduce fertilization reduce. The leaves of the plant directly into the eyes begin to turn yellow and dry. So, gloxinia bloomed: what to do?

The plant Watering stopped altogether. The stem is cut off. You can leave a stump height of about two centimeters. When it is completely dry, it should be unscrewed and thrown away. The pot, which remains in the ground tuber of gloxinia, you should cover the pan and remove in a cool, dark place. But this does not mean that the flower for a long time to forget. Yes, we sent him to bed, when gloxinia bloomed. What to do next? Not to forget that once a month you need to check the pots with the tubers. Dry soil is little need to moisten with water. If new shoots will come out too early, they should break down, but only if you are sure that the tuber is grown, strong and spring will be able to give re-shoots.gloxinia care and reproduction

The Young plants, which was not yet two years into retirement to send should not be, because of their small tubers are unlikely to survive the winter. It's better they continue to grow on the lit rack all winter.

In the Spring when you see sprouts, the tubers of the plant, gently shake out of the pots, cleaned of old earth, and then plant in new soil. The plant put into the light so that it will grow and gain strength for flowering.

By the Way, a rest period of gloxinia does not have to last all winter. The plant may not be sufficient and two or three weeks to accumulate new forces and again indulge in growth. Hence, it is necessary to provide him with good care.

As you can see, there is nothing wrong with that gloxinia bloomed. What to do next - will tell you these tips.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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