The standard file Manager for Android: review programs


2018-03-18 09:16:04




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Operating system “Android” in many ways good. Here and flexible functionality, and a lot of options, and the opportunity to freely work with files and folders. The standard file Manager Android, such as to cope with the tasks, but for most users the standard functionality is not enough.

“mobile” you can find a lot of programs of this kind, which not only copy, delete and create, but will send by mail, please sharevirus and a lot more will. Some file managers for Android with root and does will help to optimize your drive and bring the folder up.

Yes, offers a lot, but not every useful and works as I would like. Separate options and all can do serious harm to the platform. We will try to identify the best file managers for Android 2017 and beginning 2018, which have distinguished quality, good functional mix and effectiveness of their work. In compiling the list of apps first account of the user reviews on the most “mobile” and on specialized forums.

ES File Explorer

File Manager for Android ES Explorer is the most popular app in its segment. And such an enviable indicators download it is clearly not due to the “beautiful eye". Utility is essentially considered to be a complex work with the file system of the mobile gadget.

best file Manager

The Main advantages of the best file Manager for Android-this free license distribution, rich feature set and intelligent localization. The latter is not made anyhow, on the knee, as we see in most applications such a plan, and professionals.


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In addition to regular operations for copying, creation, moving and deletion there is a possibility of sorting and grouping media files, removing installed apps and cleaning the drive. You can also view and analyze the internal memory to work with files and even edit photos.


Moreover, the file Manager for Android in Russian language ES Explorer can sync with popular cloud storages like “Yandex Disk”, “Dropbox”, “Google Drive" and others. To work in this direction is to transfer data via FTP Protocol over the local network.

es file Explorer

Overall, ES File Explorer – this is a great tool for working with files and folders with extensive functionality and completely free. It is useful to also know about some of the nuances of the last paragraph to a file Manager on Android. Write in the search bar, for example, "system", and it is this request in addition to the usual platform file spits out a bunch of advertising Windows, it is not related to the indicated criteria. And since almost everything. If advertising is annoying, then you can buy the Pro version where it does not manifest itself.

Total Commander

This Manager is very familiar to PC users with experience. Total Commander along with the same “Morton’ – the pioneers of its segment. Its history began back in 1993, when about multiplatform and never heard. Multifunctional and at the same time utterly simple utility survived all computer crises and for several years now is a very good file Manager for Android and PC.

total commander

The Program fully cope with the management of files, well-localized for Russian language and is absolutely free. Moreover, in contrast to the previous Respondent here is no hint of aggressive advertising. That is why the utility has received a lot of positive reviews and enjoys an enviable popularity among all categories of users.

Distinctive features utilities

One of the hallmarks of “Total” – is the interface in two panes. Platform “Android” this solution looks much more practical than the same window, as in “Windows”. The basic version of file Manager for Android is completely devoid of any frills. Here just everything you need to manage your data. Because of its “purity” a utility for low loads the system tray, so for owners of gadgets with modest characteristics is the best option, unlike the previous, more demanding file Manager for Android.

But this does not mean that “Total” is just a pathetic shadow ES File Explorer. The program supports the installation of plugins and various add-ons. On the official resource developers and specialized forums you can find hundreds of extensions for any directions. Only it is necessary to warn that to get involved in the installation of the plugins is not necessary, because with each new addition file Manager for Android begins to load the system, which, naturally, affects productivity.

Amaze File Manager

If you undemanding users and is enough for the ordinary functions of a full-time Manager, but because of some circumstances you want to replace it, Amaze – this is a great option. The utility is extremely easy to use, has a competent Russian localization and is completely free. As such advertising here, but if something POPs up, something utterly innocuous and unobtrusive.

Explorer for Android

One of the main features of the Manager – fast work. Unlike other apps of this kind, which use buffering or other tools to facilitate (but not accelerate) usability, this program operates as if directly, thereby reducing the time to perform common tasks.

Software Features

In addition, there is an application Manager that allows you to remove or install software, and support for themes. The last lot, so everyone can choose for themselves the best option.

As for the reviews, users especially appreciate the simplicity, beauty and speed the Manager, putting on these items is five in “mobile”. About some critical shortcomings not mentioned, so the application can be recommended to everyone, especially to owners of gadgets with modest technical component. Amaze, as well as “Total” in its “net” at low load the system and does not lag.


Though the App is in beta testing, but has proved only from a positive side. The Manager is free to download, and the interface is fully translated into Russian language. The branch menu is no confusing, and a set of core tools intuitive and clear.

the best file Explorer for Android

Utility supports in addition to their own plug-ins and Amateur, which in large quantities contained in the forums on the above-mentioned “Total”. As in the other case, be fond of extra "chips" are not worth it, otherwise your interface risks are just not budge because of freezes and lags.

Distinctive features utilities

By the Way, the app is fairly demanding on system performance, therefore, the owners of budget gadgets the best to look for another option, so even in “pure” form ‘Office” right. due to lack of memory.

In addition to the usual actions with files and folders Manager easily handles the backup and synchronization with popular cloud services. Also, if you wish, you can dramatically change the appearance of the app. If you are not satisfied with the classical and indeed an ascetic, you can choose several preset free. The last bit gives more load on the system, but without the critical SAG, as in the case of plugins.

Solid Explorer

This is a paid solution, but multi-functional and extremely effective. Unlike previous applications, the local code is properly optimized, so even on weak devices Manager and does not lag.

solid Explorer

In addition to the usual action files for copying, deleting and creating new utility can perform any SD memory, internal memory, and some system or regular folders. Is the ability to fully view the content, be it audio, video or photos, plus synchronization with popular cloud storage. If necessary, you can connect to receive via common protocols such as FTP and WebDav.

It should Also be noted that file Manager works great ...

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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