Alexander Nevzorov: biography and personal life of a journalist


2018-03-18 11:16:26




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Director, video blogger, reporter and broadcaster, writer and journalist, presenter of television and the Deputy of the state Duma, the participant of military conflict and scientist apolog, politician and novice in the monastery. Who is the hero of this list can continue and continue? Speech of Alexander Nevzorov - talented man with boundless energy and a thirst for justice.

Alexander Nevzorov biography

Born Alexander Nevzorov on August 3, 1958 in Leningrad. In 1975 he graduated from the 171 special school with advanced study of French. After that, he entered the literary Institute. In parallel he studied in the Seminary, but was expelled in his fourth year. Alexander Glebovich worked at the Leningrad television and tried himself in the role of a stuntman.

Childhood and family

As for his father, the journalist he does not know anything. As Nevzorov always talked about it directly, “sementovskiy era” when he led the well-known transfer “600 seconds", dad queued up. In General, candidates for this role enough, but he never chose. On this subject many times joked Nevzorov Alexander Glebovich. Biography, parents in which the artists, the actors placed in several sources. But he in his interview has confirmed that it has no father and her mother is also a journalist.

Often she was just too busy to engage in his upbringing. But he was a wonderful grandfather - General of the MGB. He lived on the other side of town, so the boy was left to himself. According to Nevzorov, he felt the happiness of the absolute abandonment of myself. But my grandfather, despite his busy schedule, he financed all his outrages, says Alexander Glebovich.


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Alexander Nevzorov biography personal life

Biography of his childhood, full of “hooligan actions”. For example, it was easy to catch the bats and releasing them in the tram. How much fun it was to watch what was going on then. The grandfather patiently helped him from the police and covered endless bullying. But never read him a lecture, not forced to do anything. And compared with classmates whose parents were tortured with guidance and ideas about life, Alexander was free. In short, he lived just fine, and trained and raised the St. Petersburg yards.

Twists of fate

Favorite place in childhood Sasha was Smolenskoe cemetery. In old crypts you can find a lot of interesting. One night he was walking around and wandered into the crypt, and sitting there three some friend and sharing a bottle of vodka. At first the guy thought they were alcoholics, but they proved to be quite respectable citizens from the Church choir. The conversation revealed that Alexander has a great voice and hearing. So he became a chorister in the Church choir, for which he paid a lot of money. It was not only the choir but also the icon-painting training, probation in the monastery. It was the only opportunity to escape from Soviet reality, dark and impenetrable reality, says Alexander Nevzorov.

Alexander Nevzorov biography personal life children

Biography, personal life of a journalist show that fate was favorable to him and tossed meet interesting people. Nevzorov worked as a Secretary at the literary critic T. Y. Khmelnitsky. She instructed him simple things to do is to pick up some literature and quotes to make books essential to her statement. While he was listed in the writers ' Union. Tatiana, said the journalist, the most intelligent and wonderful woman who really taught him a lot. Military science was taught by A. I. Lebed and Rokhlin L. Ya. The foundations of peace and of anatomy - N. Spondylitis. Despite the fact that she was sometimes shocked by some of his statements, they were friends until her death. She left him his unpublished notes on neuroscience. In the history of his enlightened ln. Gumilev. When he got his hands on, says Nevzorov, was an absolute savage, a reporter, right, who had just come on TV.

“600 seconds"

Nevzorov led popular in the 90-ies of the transmission “600 seconds" and has always been at the center of political events. The program highlighted hot news and facts of Leningrad. The program created a furor in the truest sense of the word. The audience was eagerly waiting for the next transfer. Of course! After the boring news before them unfolded the real revelations and sensations.

biography of journalist Alexander Nevzorov

Nevzorov, an uncompromising fighter against organized crime, corruption and bribery, a beautiful journalist, just won the audience. In the eyes of many he became a hero. Reminiscing about his transfer, Alexander says she feels a bit awkward for her. Since it is a gamble. We can say that the transfer was outright information destruction. Biography of Alexander Glebovich Nevzorov demonstrates craved for hot news and sensationalism, this talented journalist.

Journalism weekdays

The information in the truest sense of the word “mined” and the criminal was this method of production, the more valuable the information was. Documents viminalis any crook, kidnapped, bought. Often the crew literally broke into a private object, or simply rammed the gate on “van”. What did not come up! To remove the story about the factory, was presented by the emergency doctors.

The crematorium as it had to penetrate the real coffin. Once Alexander realized that he was being taken to the ovens, he immediately threw back the lid of the coffin and appeared before the staff of the crematorium in all its glory. While they were shocked, ran and opened the door to their colleagues. In a word, did not stop at nothing.

biography of Alexander Nevzorov Glebovich

At the time Nevzorov was a very famous journalist whom almost everyone knew in the face. But as a star he is not, as in “600 seconds" all were equals, and arrogance among these wonderful people would be stupid. Many of them work with him still, together they are 25 years.

Vilnius events

The Irrepressible energy and thirst for truth led Nevzorova in January 1991 in Vilnius. Soviet troops entered Lithuania, seek independence. January 15 released a report about the events in Vilnius, in which he praised the troops of the Baltic OMON, loyal to the Union leadership. The film caused a scandal in the Union, and Nevzorov for a long time were numbered among the enemies of the democratic community.

Remembering those events today, Alexander Glebovich sincerely regrets that the Lithuanian people have ranked him over to his enemies. From the act, he did not deny, but in 1991, it seemed to him that he acts as he sees fit. Sadly recalls those days, Alexander Nevzorov. Biography, nationality, faith, political views - he was never tried and did not divide people according to these criteria. But at the time believed to contribute to the salvation of the country is his duty.

August putsch

The Lover “hot” news, Alexander Nevzorov couldn't stand by and during the coup in Moscow. He says that his Hobbies - participation in the coup. The situation was so uncertain, and he supported quite deliberately the putsch, but in the “600 seconds" did not Express their point of view.

Alexander Nevzorov biography nationality

Looking back on these events now, Nevzorov says that happy that he had the opportunity to see and participate in the tragic collapse of the Soviet Union. After 25 years it is the absolute understanding that this process was inevitable. And at that time he was in the thick of things, at the White house.

Hot spots

Biography of Alexander Nevzorov, a journalist and publicist, shows clearly that he was not indifferent to the events happening around them. He was always in the hot spots and display all the reports - Karabakh, Chechnya, war in Yugoslavia and Transnistria. In 1995 he released his documentary, “Hell” about the events in Chechnya. In 1997, the world saw the picture “Purgatory”, which was filmed in a realistic manner, with brutal scenes of violence, the fighting in Chechnya.

Nevzorova invited to program “Days”, “Wild pitch”, “Nevzorov”. His active life did not go unnoticed, and journalist was appointed Advisor of the Governor of the Leningrad region. In 1994 Nevzorov becomes a personal analyst Berezovsky and adviser to the government of the Russian Federation and the Deputy of four convocations.

Nevzorov Alexander Glebovich biography parents

Currently, Alexander Glebovich is Advisor to the General Director of the First channel. Today television is an important part of his life. He writes books, notes, column in the "Snob" is quite an expensive school that adapts people to the correct behavior in front of the camera. Its founder is Alexander Nevzorov.

Biography: personal life, children

In the early 80s Nevzorov married Natalia Yakovleva - singing Church choir...

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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