How to hide other "Contact": features of hiding friends in the social network


2019-06-29 11:00:22




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Every user of a social network "Vkontakte" can not only add and remove friends, but also edit them in a list. If one places no restrictions on viewing your page, any user can find out with whom he associates, what friends, there are two different people. How to hide friend in "Contact" – a question the answer to which everyone should know. Simple precautions and a little time spent will allow you to keep personal information confidential. Unfortunately, you can “hide” from the prying eyes of only 15 friends, if their total number at least hundreds, and 20, if longer.

how to hide friend in contactHow to hide friends in the "Contact" – an interesting topic, because Pavel Durov, the founder of the network, gradually preparing the ground for the introduction of paid services. If the user does not want to pay for additional services, its information will be accessible to a wide range of people. If you buy the package, allowing to set limits, he will be able to easily hide all unnecessary. In any case, you can't trust the advertising, which promises ‘to teach how to hide all friends”. Most likely, such communication will lead to a phishing website, whose creators want to get from the user his username and password, and if it comes to SMS messages, you more money.

To understand the working principle of a social network, you need to remember that "Vkontakte" is appreciated by users for the ability to remain aware of other people, often unfamiliar. How to hide friend in "Contact" – hot topic discussing that, you need to know that “hide” from all friends is simply impossible. In fact, the only way to hide some of the people added to the user in the friends menu. Limit 15 and 20 people should be enough to hide some people from the opinion of other users.

hide friend in contact
To quickly remove some friends from the main list, go to "My settings", then go to the tab “Privacy” and point "Anyone seen in the list”. In front of each other will see the sign for “plus” by clicking which you can transfer man from General to private, closed list. You can find a photo of a man, to make sure that you need to hide another.


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find a personHow to hide friends in the "Contact" – subject, on the basis of which arose a lot of controversy. Some users and sites offer the use of special scripts, which in fact not only can help to hide a larger number of people, but sending people to external resources, are entered on computer viruses.

You do Not need to pay extra money for the assistance scammers and will not be able to provide. Under the administration of "Vkontakte" opportunities are the same, meaning that the user can remove from the list only 15-20 friends. Perhaps in the future, Pavel Durov will introduce a paid service to increase the number of hidden friends, but to date official information about this yet. If the person doesn't want his friends saw someone specifically, you can just bring this person to the blacklist or to put him a limit that he couldn't see the friends list of the user.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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