Assessment of coins. Where to evaluate coins? Is a table of the coins of Russia. Assessment of coins


2019-07-29 12:20:28




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When we find an interesting coin, there is a desire to learn not only its history, but also the cost. Person who is not familiar with numismatics, it is difficult to determine the value of the findings. To determine the real value in several ways.

the Estimation of the coin

Why do we need assessment

Why is it necessary to mark the coins? The answer is simple and lies on the surface. The owner before selling need to imagine what the real value of his exhibit. Proper assessment will help to identify all the features of the coin.

Web Search

Online – one of the ways to learn more about money. In a Network found a valuation table of the coins of Russia, the USSR and other countries. Knowing the year of their findings, it is possible to calculate the approximate cost. Usually tables are broken down by release date and rating. Although it is quite primitive way of evaluation.

The tables show the approximate price of a normal coin. However, the cost can match. Money of the same denomination, there are a lot of differences that affect price.

Coins of Russia

The New money rate to be much simpler. For Russian coins, there are special tables with a set price. The value of money 1997-2015 year ranges from tens to hundreds of thousands of rubles. Bright representative of steel coins of 2001 with a nominal value of 50 cents and above. Find table online is not difficult. Data is updated constantly, so you should look for a more recent version. It should be noted that the price depends on the mint. Consider the value of rare coins of modern Russia:

YearOne pennyFive centsTen centsFifty centsOne rubleNineFive ruble
199910-50250 00010-2040-15030-4050-200450 000


200110-5010-15010-20250 000250 000250 000
200210-5010, 150, 850010-2010-306 0008 00010 000
200310-5010, 100, 175010-2510-25From 20 000 to 250 000From 15 000 to 250 000From 10 000 to 250 000
200610-5010-5010-2530-402020-40250 000
201010-2510-5020-10020-150 25-250
201110-25From 10 rubles to 150 00020 rubles up to 150 00020 rubles to 150 00025 rubles to 150 000
2012200 000200 000From 10 rubles up to 250 000From 10 rubles up to 250 00020 rubles 250 00020 rubles 250 00025 rubles 250 000
2013From 60 000 to 200 000From 60 000 to 200 0001010202040-250
2014200 000200 000From 10 rubles to 200 000From 10 rubles to 100 00020 rubles to 200,00020 rubles to 200,00030 rubles to 250 000


After determining the year, denomination and mint, you can evaluate the exhibit through the catalog. The problem with this method is the fluctuation of the market. Directories do not have time to upgrade, but prices change very often. This assessment is suitable as a secondary method.

a table of coins of Russia

Impact on value

Evaluation of the coins requires some knowledge and patience. If you need to sell the find, should examine all factors that affect the price. The main indicator is the condition of the money. Worn or damaged coin will cost as much as normal scrap. Appearance without any flaw will significantly increase the price.


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Assessment of coins – not the only thing that needs to be determined. The place of manufacture also plays a big role. And if the looks are all simple, then to determine the mint will be more difficult. The price will affect also the marriage when chasing. Sometimes cheap coin, made with deviations, reaches an incredible value.

Special sites

There are special resources that are able to determine the value of money. Evaluation of the coins on the website will require the owner of detailed pictures and payment services. This method is good because, while at home, you can learn the exact cost and features of money.

Rating coins table

Usually, such sites purchase coins. Therefore trust their assessment difficult. The cost can be reduced, if previously stipulated selling coins. It is also possible to MIS-estimation in low quality images.


One of the options, the rating of the coin, are the places of communication numismatists. On the specialized forum, there is a chance to get a second opinion. Usually, collectors are not denied care. They not only tell you the cost, but also assess the condition.

It is Also possible that numismatists will be interested in buying. The forum is relevant that the evaluation of rare coins would be the most accurate. Most users simply no need to cheat.


The Opposite of the forum will be a specialty store, where the evaluation of the coin is not in favor of the seller. Antique dealers deliberately underestimatecost, although this is not surprising. Bargain interesting instance at a low price promise considerable benefit.

Where to make an assessment of the coin

Antiquarians interested in buying, therefore, evaluate by your own criteria. For information about the real cost to pay. But there are also pluses. Paying the times, the owner knows all the details that affect the price of his coin.

Coin Collectors

Living in a big city, you can find a club of coin collectors. This place is perfect for determining the value of coins. The owner not only learns the real price but will also get advice where to sell the catch.

The Pros of finding these clubs is huge. Here is not only the evaluation of a coin, but subsequent purchases. Some collectors are willing to pay even more realistic prices for their favourite exhibit.


People who can help in the appraisal of coins, there are even on the conventional market. Of course, not everywhere you can find an antique dealer, but if you're lucky, the owner will know the value of money. On the market at once possible and to sell the coin. Merchants are always happy to buy good goods.

Evaluation of rare coins

The Disadvantage of this method is the fact that not all sellers faced with really rare coins. To appreciate an expensive copy, most likely, will not work. This way you can assess the money the Soviet Union or Russia, but foreign will snag.

Social networks

This is one of the most primitive, but working ways. Social networking is a lot of useful information. The owner will easily be able to find a group of coin collectors and ask for help. Evaluation of the coins with a high probability will be approximate, but among the answers will be useful. People will share their experience with sales, advise the place of sale or you can acquire the coin.

Preparation for assessment

The condition depends on how the evaluation of a coin. Table this factor does not account for. The owner is desirable to bring the goods in order. Evaluation needs to get perfectly clean coin, although some buyers have the taste and patina. However, for the Russian coins is relatively new, cleaning is not required.

There are many ways to bring money in proper form. For each material will require a special method. New coins do not need cleaning, but the same Soviet money should be put in order.

Images for evaluation

To set the cost of the exhibit via the Internet, you will need to upload the photo. The quality of the image has to convey the color, condition and any defects. Although afraid of the high requirements is not necessary. To make a good shot even with an ordinary telephone.

The Minimum that you need for photo – it is 3 megapixels, autofocus and good lighting. The distance between the camera and the coin must be about 10 centimeters. Thus, the color of money will be transferred as accurately as possible. The coin should not be a glare, but at the same time, it should be well publicized. For an accurate assessment you will need images in several angles. Photos should convey all the smallest details of the coin.

assessment of the condition of the coin

It is Recommended to use the stand for the picture – something small and unobtrusive. This will allow the focus to be adjusted much better.

It is Very important to do precise and high-quality images of the exhibit. Photos need not only to assess the Internet. For sale you will also need pictures. Buyers of the coins will be even more demanding of appraisers.


Having Studied the different methods of determining value for money, the owner will choose the most suitable one for you. No matter where the rating – online or from an antique dealer. Each method is good in its own way.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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