Almagel neo - ambulance in the acidity of the stomach


2018-03-19 08:15:43




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"Almagel Neo" is a new multicomponent cationic nonabsorbable antacid drug local action, which optimally correspond to Al and Mg (0,86).

The drug combines a powerful buffer properties (long-term supports in the pH range of 3.5-4.0 in the stomach, which prevents the occurrence of the syndrome "lifting", the so-called "acid rebound") and acid-neutralizing effect.

The Drug is "Almagel Neo" as well adsorbs bile acids, and pepsin. In addition, it provides increased sliseobrazutee and synthesis of prostaglandins, envelops the mucous membrane, exerting a cytoprotective effect. It forms a protective film on damaged tissue and increases the tone of the sphincter of the esophagus during the transition to the stomach.

The Drug is "Almagel Neo" works directly in 3-5 min Duration of action is approximately 3 hours. Dosage form Almagel – is a suspension which has a pleasant taste.

"Almagel Neo" gets the best reviews because, unlike other antacids, it includes simethicone – a substance which prevents the gas and destroys the already formed bubbles. This surface-active substance acts on the entire length of the gastrointestinal tract. The ingredient simethicone is gazogene, or carminative, a remedy that eliminates the clinical symptoms of flatulence (borborygmus, bloating, pain, bursting, belching air).

The Drug is "Almagel Neo" is assigned when functional disorders in the digestive system or irritable bowel syndrome. Conducted a series of experiments, which examined the advantages and disadvantages of using this drug. Patients who participated in the experiment, excluding functional disorders were diagnosed also irritable bowel syndrome.


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The Diagnosis was exhibited on the basis of disease, results of studies (capriform, the General analysis of blood and urine tests) and instrumental methods of examination (EGD, ultrasound, transendoscopic pH-metry). These patients received the drug "Almagel Neo" 4 times a day 10 ml one hour after meals and at bedtime for 2 weeks, after which they assessed their condition according to the following criteria:

• dynamics of clinical symptoms (bloating, abdominal pain, mild swelling, belching, heartburn, flatulence) on a 4-point scale;

• reduced kislotoproduktsii with transendoscopic pH-metry on an empty stomach;

• the suppression of gas formation (no gas bubble in the duodenum) according to ULTRASONIC research.

Analyzing the data: the drug "Almagell" received excellent reviews, as it effectively eliminates all clinical manifestations of the above disorders. When taken for 2 weeks, all patients noted positive dynamics of all clinical symptoms and side effects (bloating, constipation, and so on) did not develop in any of them. None of the studied after 2 weeks had complained of flatulence and functional disorders. Thus, this experiment demonstrated high efficiency "Almagel Neo" in the treatment of diseases of the digestive tract with symptoms such as bloating and pain.

It is Worth noting that the broad safety profile of drugs of this series can be used in patients of different groups, but their use is contraindicated in patients with renal insufficiency. In addition, during pregnancy, the drug should be used no more than 3 days.

Consult a specialist if you are unsure that you have disorders of the gastrointestinal tract functional. Be healthy!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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