Botkin's disease: how to avoid becoming a victim of hepatitis


2019-10-03 03:20:19




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The infectious Disease, and on the other – epidemic hepatitis, was known to physicians for a long time. As a rule, carried on by the physicians, because he saw this approach to the treatment of the disease. In 1888, Sergey Petrovich Botkin has put forward one suggestion, and soon proved that catarrhal jaundice (when that was the name of the disease) is an infectious spread and acts destructively, not only on the liver, but also on the whole body. In Soviet times, scientists have identified the virus and have confirmed the theory Botkin.

The infectious Disease in humans can be caused by viruses of two types – type A and type B. the source of the illness is a person who is either ill with the disease or virus in his body is still in the incubation stage. The environment in which the causative agent, a blood, liver, gastric juice. However, you can become infected by fecal-oral route when the virus is released into the environment, the sick man and already is a threat to others. In this regard, special attention should be paid to personal hygiene and food hygiene – it is important to wash hands after being in public places, and the veggies and fruits before use, and to abide by the rules of cooking (observe temperature, etc.). Hepatitis can be transmitted and through blood transfusions, injections, carrying out medical and cosmetic procedures.

The infectious Disease primarily affects the liver, and the liver affects the entire body. The metabolism, changing the composition of the blood. Up of symptoms the pathogen may persist in the human organism from two weeks to a month. The media, without knowing it may infect others.

Botkin's Disease, symptoms of which show up pretty clearly, does not cause difficulties in diagnosis. Usually in the first phase of fever patients, they have broken a chair by the nature of dyspepsia. Significantly worsens the condition of the body – patients reported fatigue, pain in the right hypochondrium in the region of the liver, lack of appetite, nausea. May increase the temperature above low grade.

The height of the disease is very revealing. The skin of patients with jaundice have yellow tint, especially noticeable along the inside of the eyes, a little later, yellow face, body, and limbs. The peak of the disease falls from the fourth to the seventh day. During this period patients are particularly tired, do not want to move. They experience headaches, itching on the skin, any help of others irritates them. Lowered blood pressure, less likely to become pulse. The liver increases in size, it is easy to determine when polerowanie. Can vary in size (upwards) in the spleen. Clinical blood and urine tests show elevated levels of bilirubin, and the stool, on the contrary, – reduced.

The infectious Disease long enough – in some cases symptoms lasts for two to three months. In severe form of the disease hepatitis can occur necrotic phenomena in the liver, that the failure to provide adequate assistance can lead to death. Rare cases when the disease lasts as a flash two or three days, almost without affecting the patient's condition. Then talking about the mild form of the disease.

To Confirm the improvement can be when the normal color of the skin, reduced the size of the liver and disappear dysfunctional disorders of the intestine. Some time to prevent recurrence of the sick patron of the hospital, doing tests for hepatitis.

To Treat the disease should be strictly in the medical facility. Patients usually spend there four weeks. The main thing to remember is that the infectious disease is curable, but such a long road to recovery is justified, because hepatitis can cause infection of others and lead to epidemics.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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