How to cook stuffed mushrooms


2018-03-18 10:10:40




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That the mushrooms – one of the favorite dishes of vegetarians and meat-lovers – is indisputable. Not only delicious, but also beautiful on the holiday table will look great stuffed mushrooms. Recipes of cooking quite a lot, it is necessary to dwell on some of them.

Before you prepare stuffed mushrooms, you should prepare the mushrooms themselves, it is better to choose the largest of those that are. Then they washed, cleaned hats, and the legs are neatly cut. So, now we should start making the toppings, you can choose a variety depending on the taste preferences of cooking.

One of the classic fillings are very popular – this is minced meat. It is necessary to take some meat, grind it along with the legs of the mushroom and season with salt, add spices. A small amount of ready mix you need to dump cap, and then sprinkle with grated cheese and place in a preheated medium temperature oven for 30-40 minutes. Onion lovers can add it initially to the mince.

The Original dish decoration of the table will be mushrooms stuffed with shrimp. 4 medium-sized mushroom will need 100 grams of shrimp, 1 tablespoon of sour cream, some herbs, salt to taste, grated cheese. Boiled shrimp, finely chopped, combine with greens, and add to the pan where you fried the sliced stem of mushrooms. After a few minutes the mixture is cooled and turned off. In the ready-made stuffing is added to sour cream, salt and spices. This prepared stuffed mushroom caps. Dish roasting in the oven on medium heat for about 15 minutes. Then sprinkled with cheese. For decoration you can use the red caviar and greens.


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You Can make the stuffed mushrooms, the stuffing which will only serve greens and cheese. In this dish there are no additional ingredients that will help enhance the taste of the mushrooms themselves. In a prepared hats to put mass consisting of crushed legs, mushrooms, herbs, onions, garlic, and United with grated cheese and small amount of sour cream. Then the dish is put in the oven for 15-20 minutes. This recipe can be indispensable when unexpected guests arrive, the dish is done quickly and one of those products that almost always have in the fridge, also do not need to exert much effort.

So, preparing stuffed mushrooms, you can use other products, for example, sausages, eggs, cereals or vegetables. Interesting combination for a stuffing of rice with fresh tomatoes, the taste of this dish will be quite juicy, and it's perfect for lovers of vegetarian cuisine. You can add to stuffing a little soy sauce, but it's not for everybody, as the dish will have a kind of flavor from it.

There are a few additional tips to prepare stuffed mushrooms. First, the cheese the better the dish sprinkle in 5-10 minutes before it is cooked. Thus, he's not gonna turn into the crust during cooking and will give food a more delicate flavor. Also stuff can be as raw and semi-finished mushrooms. To do this is to place the hats in a little butter, put them on a few minutes in the oven, and only then add the filling. For the sauce, which is seasoned ground meat, you can take the sour cream, mayonnaise or soy sauce, all of the above goes perfectly with the taste of mushrooms, and those foods that are usually taken for the filling.

It Should be noted that the stuffed mushrooms are a perfect appetizer on the festive table and will help to diversify the daily menu. This dish is simple to prepare and takes a lot of time that could be spent cooking the main dishes.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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