Troika D Bank. The services and opinions of the customers


2018-03-17 21:00:47




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“three D" - a relatively young Bank with its head office located in Moscow. Today, the financial Institute actively develops a retail direction of business, however, great importance continues to have service entities.

Information about the Bank

The Financial institution CJSC “Troika D Bank” founded and registered by the regulator was at the end of 2002 and was originally named ZAO “Standard Bank”. As the main business direction was selected corporate clients, as well as the promotion of investment programs. At the time the financial institution was a 100% subsidiary of Standard International Holdings (SIH).

Troika d Bank deposits

In the first half of 2009 SIH group and Troika Dialog signed an agreement on strategic Alliance, resulting in “three” has received significant foreign investments, as well as full stake “Standard Bank”. After about a year the credit institution changed its name and became known as the “Troika Dialog”.

For Several years the organization was a member of the financial group Troika Dialog. While the parent organization in 2011 are not fully under the control of the savings Bank and has been integrated into the company.

Originally, the savings Bank planned to create on the basis of financial institutions one of the most powerful banks in the market, specializing in servicing large corporate entities and provide investment. But the plans changed dramatically and in 2013, the credit institution was sold to new owners. Around the same time again change the name to “triple D". The Bank came under the control of new owners, which was attended by Yuri Zhukov.


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To date, the financial institution is controlled by Vladimir Achievem through one of the Cypriot companies.

The Deposits of the Bank “three D"

Attracted “Troika D Bank" deposits enough active only recently, after the new owners, who decided to refocus the business financial institutions to make additional efforts in the development of the retail sector.

Troika d Bank

The Contributions offered by “Troika D Bank”, have a variety of conditions. But the interest they represent more for those who used to leave money in a credit institution in a relatively short period of time. Possible to place spare funds on 1 year. Interest in rubles may reach 13.5%, and in foreign currency of 4.2%.

Some products for investors that offers “Troika D Bank" are not quite standard for the Russian market. For example, the contribution of the “Index” has a variable interest rate, which depends on the conditions proposed by the participants of TOP-10 Russian banks by amount of deposits from physical entities.

Naturally, all deposits placed by physical persons in the Bank "triple D" of the insured by the state. Plus for the clients, we offer a variety of bonus programs.


The market of lending to individuals “three D" was released quite recently. However, today offers both consumer and mortgage loans. Unlike most credit institutions “three D" prefer individual approach to each client.

Simply fill out the application form on the website or in the office and staff will contact you to discuss the specific conditions. They are individually selected for each client and are not fixed. Is “Troika D Bank" reviews from borrowers receives mostly positive.

Troika d Bank reviews


From the outset, the business of the Bank “three D" was sent for servicing and lending to corporate clients. This allowed to collect in the financial institutions team of professionals and provide services in accordance with the highest modern standards.

A Legal entity can use the Bank “three D" credit, open a checking account for current operations, to pick up Deposit. Widely, the Bank develops card products, offering corporate clients salary projects, and cards for business.

The owner of the organizations involved in the trade, acquiring. For those whose business involves the supply of goods from abroad, there are also services foreign exchange controls. Special attention "three D" giving a variety of investment programs.

ZAO Troika d Bank

Customer feedback

A Financial institution focused on corporate clients, of course must meet all the highest requirements. Therefore, “Troika D Bank" of reviews it gets predominantly positive, and in the case of a problematic situation is always contact with the customer and trying to solve difficulties or problems.

Many clients of the Bank noted the high professionalism of the staff working in the operating rooms. If necessary, they are always ready to provide the client advice on all products offered by “three D".

The Majority of clients also noted the convenience of the location of the offices, friendly attitude to every visitor and style of work of employees, which meets the highest standards of banking services.


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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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