Investing for beginners. Investment strategy


2018-03-18 13:05:17




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Investment and Finance in a General sense are seen as tools used to gain a positive result. It can be monetary, defense, intellectual, social, and so on. This interpretation of these concepts is beyond the scope of economic consideration. From this point of view, investment and Finance serve as a tool for obtaining a large amount of money, generate income or increase capital. They can also be used for that, and for another. investing for beginners


The above definitions interpret this concept as a means to accumulate their own capital and the method of achieving non-economic goals. For example, the government is investing funds from the budget to the development of astrophysics, does not expect to make a profit. However, the capital injection into this area allows to conduct important research work. In a narrow sense investing involves the increment of invested capital. A General definition is contained in Federal law. In accordance with its terms, investments are treated as securities, cash, other property, property rights having value. They are invested in objects of entrepreneurial or other activity for income or achievement of other useful effect. Capital expenditures are considered as investments in fixed assets. To them, among other things, include the costs for the refurbishment, construction and reconstruction of existing enterprises, the cost of purchasing equipment, machinery, inventory, instruments and design and inventive activity, etc. of Investment is considered as broader than capital investments, and more narrow than the costs, sense. Costs, for example, can be one-time and recurring. The first can be attributed to the investment.


In today's economic system there are different types of investments. The contribution of assets is carried out in certain programs, implementation of which allows to achieve the goals. They are represented as complex actions and activities, not contradicting the legislation. Investing in projects is carried out within a specified period. In the above FZ, the concept of the program is presented as a study of economic feasibility, timing and amount of capital investment. For this category, the legislation will include the documentation developed in accordance with applicable regulations, and approved according to the existing standards and as intended. Investment project is, among other things, a description of practical actions on investment (business plan). The law introduces additional concept. In particular, the regulations provide this definition as a "priority project". It is considered as a set of activities with total amount of investments corresponding to the established requirements and included in the list approved by the Government. investing in projects


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Practical implementation - the beginning of investments is impossible without the implementation of certain individual or collective activities. Integral elements of this work are the subjects and objects. The former include organizations and individuals who work consistently in the process of solving the tasks set out in investment projects. The subjects are:

  • The Contractors (performers).
  • Customers.
  • Investors.
  • User object.
  • Others.

The Legislation allows the same subject to combine the functions of two or more of the project participants, unless otherwise is established by the contract or agreement.


As of them is generated by different organizations and enterprises of non-production and production sector, certificates, bonds, shares and other securities, the production of scientific and technical nature, proprietary and other rights (including intellectual property), cash deposits. Among the objects of attachments can be singled out:

  • Exploration.
  • Communication and transportation.
  • Housing.
  • Agricultural Facilities.
  • Structure of the social sphere (educational, medical, cultural and prosvetitelskie companies), etc.


Investment Strategy are formed according to various criteria:

  • The Object of the attachment.
  • Terms of investments.
  • Ownership.
  • Territorial orientation.
  • Sources of funds.
  • Business.
  • Industry focus.
  • Opportunities to participate in management and so on. investment and Finance

As the main acts, the classification of investment activity objects. In accordance with this characteristic distinguish financial and real investments. The latter, in turn, divided into intangible and tangible, the second in the portfolio, direct and other.

Real investment

As objects are material investments buildings, equipment, machines, buildings, etc. Intangible investments aimed at the acquisition of licenses, patents, implementation of programs for professional development and retraining of personnel, payment of research activities. In the statistical practice of real investments are referred to as deposits in non-financial assets. Their accounting is performed according to the IMF Methodology.

Cash investments

Financial investments presented as investments in bonds, stocks, certificates, and other securities, and Bank accounts. As was said above, they are divided into portfolio, real and other contributions. The former include investment in shares to receive dividends and rights to participate in management activities. They are organizations and individuals, completely owning the enterprise or controlling not less than 10% of the share (authorized) capital or securities. Portfolio referred to investments in different types of shares that are owned by various issuers, to increase the likelihood to income. In this category include purchase of bonds, shares, promissory notes and other debt securities. The proportion is less than 10% in the share (Charter) capital. Those investments which do not belong to given categories, specify as "other". They include, for example, trade loans, government loans to foreign countries under the guarantee of the other.


By this criterion, as a rule, distinguish between foreign, private, public and mixed investment. For beginner investors develop relevant training materials, which provide enhanced classification. In particular, in statistical practice there are municipal deposits, participation in consumer cooperatives, religious and public organizations. Mixed investments are classified into domestic and joint Russian-foreign. guide to investing

Other criteria

Statistical practice uses the classification of areas of use. For example, investments in fixed capital are divided by forms of ownership, economic sectors and so on. Depending on regional (territorial) basis should be allocated to domestic investment. For beginners in the subjects of the activities often, they are the most simple and effective tool to gain profit. Investments in the domestic economy is divided in turn by region. In addition, there is outside investment. For novice investors, this option also could be a very promising way to increase capital. Depending on the economic sphere allocate production and non-production types of activities.


On this basis, different classifications exist. Books on investing are isolated, for example, categories such as conservative, aggressive and moderate investments. First have a low level of risk and high liquidity. The last category is characterized by moderate values of the probability of occurrence of loss. Aggressive investments have a high yield and level of risk, low liquidity. In accordance with another classification, to allocate high-, medium-, low - and unprofitable investments.

How to start investing?

From zero earn in the field of investments will not work. To get income, it is necessary to have some means. Before you begin investing, you need to check the state of finances. In modern conditions is rapidly increasing cost of living, increase the required payments. In this regard, those funds that planned to invest, may not be enough. how to start investing from scratch

Basic principles

The Knowledge they need to intelligently investing. Where to start? In which program to invest? What funds are necessary to carry out the first investment? For novice investors, these questions are the most relevant. To navigate in the system, it is necessary to know the basic terminology correctly and to understand them. In this case, the decisions taken will bring the desired effect. You need to understand time...

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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