The state duty for registration of title to real property for individuals and legal entities


2018-03-23 01:57:19




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On the territory of the Russian Federation is the fixation of all real estate transactions. In order to be able to dispose of property, you must register the rights to make changes in the unified register. Depending on the situation, it is necessary to observe a certain procedure to collect the relevant documents when providing authorized organizations. An integral part of this procedure is the payment of the state duty for registration of property rights.

State fees

This is a payment provided by the state legal services charged to organizations and individuals. the legitimacy of the payments is governed by article 333. 33 the Tax code of the Russian Federation.

The state Duty for registration of ownership rights on immovable property is payable in the event of a need to execute a contract of sale, gift, exchange, succession and other acts subject to obligatory registration in accordance with the law FZ-122 N..

The Process of registration of real property rights

At the moment, in addition to the Federal registration service, to formalize their property rights in the multifunctional centers, which were created in order to relieve the registration office. The details of the state duty for registration of property rights through the DCP, may vary.

The Design may not exceed the deadlines without good reason, the preparation of papers can take much more time. Depending on the type of property and legal status of the object to which you are applying, the requirements for the required documents may vary.


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The Most common documents:

  • Statement with the request to change the owner of the title documents (i.e. the basis on which object owns the current owner, e.g. a contract of sale, certificate of inheritance, etc.).
  • Technical and (or) the cadastral passport.
  • Passports of the parties to the transaction.
  • Notarized power of attorney, if no personal presence of the stakeholders (Important in delegating correctly indicate not only personal data. Also prescribe, in relation to any object and which organizations are allowed to act on your behalf).
  • The Signed contract and transfer acts.
  • A copy of the account and information on the registered persons.
  • Proof of payment of registration fee.
Multifunctional center will answer all questions

Of Course, information about the enrolment registration fee a Registrar receives and independently, but are encouraged to provide this information along with other documents to exclude the possibility of deviation or increase in terms of the consideration of the application. For the Deposit to be credited to the budget, the Registrar begins the process.

Information about the property contained in the Unified State register of real estate. Ordering an extract from the egrn, you can learn about the claims, restrictions and encumbrances established in relation to a particular object.

How to pay?

the Payment of registration fee by Bank card

The Size of the state duty for registration of property rights for individuals and organizations has a significant difference.

As of 2018 one of the most common of registration fees paid for these services:

  1. Registration of limitations (encumbrances) of rights to immovable property, such as entering into long-term leases, concessions and so on, as well as the agreement on the alienation of real property (purchase-sale, exchange, rent, donation, etc.) is the sum of: for natural persons-2000 rubles, legal entities pay was 22000 RUB.
  2. Stamp Duty on share property in an apartment house is 200 rubles.
  3. For the land, with the purpose of individual housing, LPH, individual garage, garden, horticulture, erected or constructed on this plot of building needs to pay 350 rubles.
  4. Changes to the egrn upon registration of the mortgage organizations will cost 4000 rubles, and the rest — 1000 RUB
  5. Shared construction (new buildings): individuals contribute to the budget of 350 rubles., and legal — was 6000 RUB.

The state Duty for registration of ownership of the house and under it the land is paid separately.

Who can save the design?

Savings on stamp duty

From payment of state duty for registration of ownership of exempt Federal authorities, subjects of state power, bodies of local self-government level and poor families in a lawful manner.

Registration is paid by the buyer, and the number of buyers and receipts must be the same as the amount of the state fee is distributed equally between all claimants.

For Example, the contract of purchase and sale specified 3 persons on the part of the buyer. The stamp duty for registration of ownership of the apartment is 2000 rubles, 2000 ÷ 3 &≈; 666,66; round up to 667 so RUB, RUB 667 each pays for his personal right.

When the joint purchase of the spouses (joint possession) stamp dutyfor registration of the right of ownership, such as apartments, not shares, you can make money in one payment.

The Seller is taxable in case of change of data after the last registration of rights to the same apartment. Of course, before the deal there are different situations, for example, both parties (buyer and seller) agree to bear the costs in equal shares.

Payment may other persons without formal power of attorney, it is important to specify the details of the payer

How to pay legal costs through public Services and save? You will find the answer below.

Where to learn details of the state duty for registration of rights of ownership

E-services «public Services» extremely easy to operate, multifunctional, and on the official website of the Rosreestr provided the exact details of the state duty for registration of property rights. For citizens who do not have the desire or ability to use electronic innovations, you must take the pre-requisites. The main thing is to get the latest information for the day of making of money as the same service often vary. Requisites for payment of state duty for registration of property rights will be given at the offices of Rosreestr, in the DCP.

Details of the registration fee should correspond to the selected registration management. Digital code (CSC), Rosreestr and IFC differ, depending on the designated application.

Deposit Options

Easy payment

When depositing money in the Treasury can pay in cash or by Bank transfer. In both cases, make such payments only to accredited payment system, directly to the offices of the Bank and on the website services.

The state Duty for registration of ownership rights to the apartment and other property payable to the terminals. Sometimes they are placed directly in the institution that carries out registration, and also in the offices of the Bank.

State duty via the ATM savings Bank

Using the terminal, you will find the right payment yourself, or try to turn to professionals for help.

The Mobile app is used as a payment option.

Payment with the application Sberbank online

We Need to consider the Commission provided for the operation of a specific institution.

Payment through the savings Bank

The citizens of great popularity the savings Bank of Russia. Its offices are located, as a rule, in close proximity to state institutions, sometimes the ATMs are directly in the same building. It is very convenient, besides the fee for the operation is minimal, in some cases not charged at all. Through your personal account using the credit card of the Bank, it is easy to find the payment on the VAT number or a unique code. Unique ID QR code — an innovation that helps to eliminate errors in data entry. You can get it along with the payment details. If you have problems with self-service terminals, contact the managers or cash in Bank.

There are Also payment options through the Internet.

How to pay legal costs through public Services?

Increasingly using a virtual method of payment of state duty. In 2009, officials of the Russian Federation has appointed Rostelecom as the contractor on the development of the official website. Currently, it was millions of users, as it is very easy to obtain a wide range of services and information on state enterprises and other social bodies. To register on the site can be anyone, but you must confirm the data. Confirm them in the multipurpose centers at the place of registration, passport, and then opens access to the full amount of the services, including payment of the registration fee.

From 2017, in order to implement the Internet portal, registered on physical persons and legal entities, the stamp duty for registration of ownership of the apartment and other real estate more profitable other forms of payment 30%.

This service before the registration of real estate, the client removes itself from the intermediate procedures. So, he did not have to present a receipt of state duty for registration of property rights and rent it together with the rest of the package of documents to the registration office. Transfer of funds in the budget of the recipient takes place online. The Registrar sees the payment at the time of receiving the documents.

the Website of the electronic government of Russia

The Process is quite simple. First we need to apply on the website, after which you will receive an receipt with the required details, with the recalculation (i.e. 30% less under Rosreestr). To make money for a service, it is sufficient to use a Bank card or virtual money, or even means of mobile phone.

The Official email service allows the whole procedure of registration of rights on real estate without a visit to the registration authorities. Electronic information that gives this service, have legal effect, the same as with a personal visit to the relevant organizations.

Order refund

Errors when funds allow as individuals (full name, passport details, etc.), legal (CPT, VAT number, wrong name). It becomes cause of failure of the statement to make legally significant actions.

If an error occurred, or the amount of the state duty for registration of ownership was much higher than needed, should apply to the organization, which was to make legally significant actions. There is also a form of writing the application to be completed by the payer or his authorized representative (only with the indication in the authorization of those credentials). To apply for a refund allowed within 3 years from the date of making of money. Internet networks are filling the application form on the official website of Rosreestr.

Who to trust?

Don't forget: if you for any reason do not want or are not able to undergo the procedure of registration of the property on your behalf may apply to any other adults. For payment of registration fee notarised power of attorney is not required. But for all the registration and pre-gathering certain documents power of attorney issued by a notary with a listing of all instances, as well as showing the boundaries of the authority in relation to a particular situation. As a rule, reliable assistants for individuals become employees of proven estate agents.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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