The incomplete transformation of insects: peculiarities of development and functioning


2018-03-22 08:32:08




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Insects are the most diverse in species composition by class of animals, which differ from each other on various grounds. One of them is a type of transformation in the process of individual development.

Types of insects development

All members of this class, a newborn individual is significantly different from adults. This type of development is called indirect. But different groups of insects it can occur with complete and incomplete conversion. Often the larva and adult differ not only in appearance but also in their ways of life. So, butterfly larva feeds on green foliage, and the adult - floral nectar. Insects characterized by incomplete metamorphosis, lead the same way of life at all stages of development.

The term "transformation" means the presence of the larval stage in the process of individual development. Only occur ontogenesis of insects in different ways.

Complete and incomplete transformation

Some insects from the egg the larva vyluplivajutsja, in General resembling the adult - adults. This is individuals with incomplete conversion. Their larvae are immediately capable of self-nutrition, growth and moulting, after the last of which they transform into adult insects. For example, incomplete conversion is typical of cockroaches. In the course of development they undergo the following stages: egg, larva, adult.

Various species of beetles, butterflies, bees, bumblebees, ants and mosquitoes develop with complete metamorphosis. Their larvae greatly visually different from the adults. This primarily is the lack of wings, compound eyes. In addition, larvae have shortened or missing limbs, and oral devices are modified. After this stage in insects with complete metamorphosis pupation occurs. This process is very important. During the pupal stage the insects do not feed and does not move, which provides the experience of adverse conditions. The length of this period varies from 6 days to up to several months depending on the species. In the photo you can see larvae of the Colorado potato beetle, which, agree, almost reminiscent of an adult.


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incomplete transformation

Insects with incomplete metamorphosis

This group of animals include representatives of the units of the Termites, Orthoptera, Lice, Bedbugs, praying Mantises, etc. a Partial transformation means, that appearance and way of life only emerged larvae does not differ from adults. For example, all parasitic bugs at different stages of the body is flattened, and the wings are absent. And termites have a very thin and sometimes transparent skin, which persist throughout life.

the incomplete transformation of the typical

The order Orthoptera

Partial transformation is the hallmark of all the members of the order Orthoptera. They are quite varied: everything in nature there are over 20 thousand species. Orthoptera can be easily distinguished from other insects by the rear leathery elytra. During the flight they unfold fan-shaped. This device protects the delicate membranous wings. Also characteristic of this group are the mouthparts chewing type and hind legs capable of jumping a great height, and length relative to the size of the insect.

The Incomplete conversion is typical of all Orthoptera. It is well-known grasshoppers. And the owners of orchards and gardens will probably remember the mole cricket, which is a pest of root systems of many crops. This insect is well developed digging feet, which it does in the soil moves.

insects with incomplete metamorphosis

Orthoptera Grasshoppers are herbivorous insects with indirect development. They pose a significant risk to agriculture, because when you travel from place to place destroying everything in its path. It is primarily a crop of cultivated plants, because it is very voracious.

A Squad of Lice

I'm Sure many learned pictured wingless parasitic insects. It's the lice. Attaching to the hairs on the host's body with movable claws of each leg, they feed on his blood. To do this, the lice have distinctive mouthparts piercing-sucking type.

complete and incomplete transformation

These insects are very dangerous. The human louse is a carrier of diseases such as recurrent and typhus. Long time of drugs against them did not exist. During severe outbreaks over the last century from typhus killed about 30 million people. To avoid getting infected with lice, you need to adhere to basic hygiene rules: do not use other people's combs, a towel, clothing, hats.

Thus, a partial transformation is a type of indirect development in insects in which there is no pupal stage and the larvae are morphologically and anatomicheski similar to adult - adult.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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