Calling Vikings as a key stage in the formation of Russia


2018-03-19 10:40:07




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The Formation of the Russian state is inextricably linked with this event as a vocation Vikings on Russia. Today, historians have conducted a heated debate about whether the place the event in the history of the country or is it a cleverly invented by the chroniclers. The first step is to understand what are these same Normans-the descendants of Russian princes. According to the theory of some scholars that the Vikings in ancient times was called the Scandinavian Vikings. Some sources also known to the Byzantine origin of the Vikings. This term was called the warriors are in a special position at the court of the Byzantine emperors since the 11th century. In accordance with the ancient sources, the Vikings were considered mercenaries from across the sea (in this case Baltic), regardless of their nationality.

According to the chronicle, in the autumn of 862, and there was a calling of the Vikings, this date is, of course, highly conditional, however, she appears in many written sources. The main source, which contains detailed information about the origin of this event is “the chronicle". However, the Vikings in Russia appeared long before their calling. It is known that from the ninth century onward, the tribes of Slovenes, Chud, Krivichi and others pay tribute came from the Varangian (Baltic) sea warriors, that is the Vikings. In the year 862 these soldiers were expelled from Russian lands by the United forces of the Slavonic tribes, however, soon after this event, between the tribes began a brutal civil war. Then, their representatives and decided to call on the Board of the Prince from the side and went on his quest for the sea.


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First the Vikings, called to rule in foreign lands, were three brothers, Rurik, Sineus and Truvor took Izborsk city and the Poconos, and the shore of White Lake. By the way, today there is a definite point of view, according to which the names of Sineus and Truvor are fictional chronicler. At the same time, there are plenty of sources attesting to the fact that these names actually existed and were very common among the ancient Scandinavians. The office of the chief princes of the lands was to collect tribute from them in favor of detention of the troops in case of war. In the year 864 Prince Rurik moved from Ladoga to the new and well-fortified city of Novgorod and gives the Board of fellows, the capital of the Polotsk Krivichi, Beloozero, Murom and Rostov. This distribution of land contributes to the formation of the first in Northern Europe adenocarinoma state called Upper Rus. Thus, held the call of the Varangians in the Russian land and was the beginning of the reign of the Rurik dynasty, who ruled the country right up to the end of the 16th century.

This event does not cease to haunt the minds of modern scholars and history buffs. For example, in the Chapter "chronicle", dedicated to the vocation, you can find a lot of contradictions. If the Vikings were expelled from Russian lands, why to him, it was decided to apply for the calling of the Prince? This strange behavior of our ancestors historians explain the following: tribes, freed from the extortion of some of the invaders were preparing a new more devastating onslaught of others. The threat of attack by the Scandinavians on the Northern Russian lands were very real. Calling the Vikings on the Board and the choice of Rurik as a Manager contributed to the preservation of peace in the Slavic lands and defended them from the attacks of hostile earlier Scandinavians.

The Formation of the Russian state is connected with the name of Rurik. The existence of this historical figure today is confirmed by many facts, however, controversy about who actually was Rurik, is still underway. Some scholars identify it with some Danish knight errant Rerikom, who was a great warrior and bravely served their masters, competently defended their land and made successful inroads on the land of neighbors. By the time when the calling of the Varangians in the Russian land, Rerik has gained invaluable experience as a diplomat, military leader and adventurer. Perhaps he was called as the Prince of the messengers of ancient tribes.

Despite all the disputes of scientists about how true to enrolled tribal elders, calling to rule their lands foreigner, this event had a great influence on the development of the country as a whole. The Vikings brought with them a good weapon, able to protect from the onslaught of the enemy, perfect ships facilitated trade between Russia and other European States. At the same time, from the Slavic peoples, they received the honey, wax, grain. The Scandinavians have enriched Arab gold pouring into their lands along the famous waterways of “from the Varangians to Arabs” and “from the Varangians to the Greeks”.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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