The first Russian Patriarch: history, biography


2018-03-18 19:01:35




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At the end of the XVI century, was elected the first Russian Patriarch. It was the job, who was the Metropolitan of Moscow and all Russia. For the period of his Patriarchate had, many public crises.

Early years

The Future first Russian Patriarch, was born in 1525 in the suburban town of Staritsa. In the world his name was Ivan. He came from the townspeople. The boy went to school, which belonged to Staricha Uspensky monastery.

There in 1556, Ivan was tonsured a monk, which received the name of job. His decision to devote his life to the Church directly influenced by Archimandrite Herman. Job has become one of the most educated and prominent people in the Russian Orthodox Church. His personal qualities allowed the monk to become a significant person in his monastery.

the first Russian Patriarch

Ivan the terrible

In the period from 1566 to 1571, the future first Russian Patriarch was the Abbot of his native Staritsa assumption monastery. Perhaps the job would remain in this place for a long time, if suburban land does not become part of the oprichnina under Ivan the terrible reforms. So the Abbot met with the king. Ivan made him Abbot of the monastery. Soon the job was moved to Moscow.

In the early 80s the leader of the Church was the first Bishop of Kolomna, and afterwards Archbishop of Rostov. The first Russian Patriarch, before becoming the main face of the Church, traveled widely across the country. He also had a significant number of ties in the public environment. In the last years of the reign of Ivan the terrible job closer to Boris Godunov. These relationships have determined the fate of the Archbishop.


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Background of the emergence of the Patriarchate

In 1584, died Ivan the terrible. On the throne was his son Fedor, who was distinguished by poor health and dependence on his brother-in Boris Godunov. Close monarch began to direct their orders in Moscow. He dealt with the enemies and put in important positions in state friends. Among them were the future first Russian Orthodox Patriarch.

In 1586 Boris Godunov helped to bring the job was elected Metropolitan of Moscow. At that time it was the Supreme dignity in the Russian Orthodox Church. Metropolitan depended on the Patriarch of Constantinople, which at that time was Jeremiah II.

The Russian Orthodox Church since its inception, subordinated to the Greek bishops from the Byzantine Empire. At first the metropolitans were not even nee Slavs, and came from Constantinople. However, in the sixteenth century the situation became quite different. In 1453 Constantinople was captured by the Turks. The world capital of Orthodoxy became an Islamic city. The Church of Constantinople lost its former influence, and its Patriarch lived in exile.

This could not affect the mood in Moscow. Ivan the terrible was the first Russian Tsar, who took such a title (in fact, he was equal to the Imperial, that is, Byzantine). But if politically, Moscow has emphasized his Eminence, the religious plane - yet.

the first Russian Patriarch became

Organization reform

In 1586, the Moscow authorities have found a convenient excuse to finally organize the establishment of their own Patriarchate. At this time, the West of Russia visited Joachim. It was the Patriarch of Antioch – the head of one of the Eastern churches. Joachim sent the letter to Moscow with the request to allow entry to the Royal capital. It was the first time after the fall of Constantinople, when the Patriarch visited the Kremlin. In Moscow, was delighted with the request. Joachim on the way were held for three of the Embassy.

Patriarch of Antioch met with the Tsar Feodor Ivanovich. Then there were the first agreements on the establishment of the Russian Patriarchate. To perform the procedure of the institution, Moscow, it was necessary to enlist the support of all the major Eastern churches. Joachim was the first Patriarch in this list. After he left Russia, began immediate preparations for the important Church reforms.

The Role of Godunov

The Main initiator of the establishment of the Patriarchate in Russia was, of course, Boris Godunov. For him it was important not so much in the religious as in the political sense. Since Fedor was on the throne, his brother-in-law became the de facto ruler of the country. However, he looked to the future, clearly dreaming of the throne. The circumstances were on the side of the Godunov. Theodore and Irene (sister of Boris) had no children, who by law could go power.

Godunov was the sole ruler. It was important for him to control the whole state machine. The Church was an important political tool. So the Royal brother-in-law wanted to loyal to his Patriarch.

For this role Godunov without delay chose the job. Between them was a long-standing relationship of trust. As time has shown, the first Russian Orthodox Patriarch remained a faithful ally of the Godunov even in the most difficult moments for him.

the first Russian Orthodox Patriarch


The job was made Patriarch on 5 February 1589. His first major event in new quality became the help of the Georgian king Alexander. This monarch was sandwiched between two powerful Muslim powers-Turkey and Persia. To somehow save his country, Alexander took Russian citizenship.

Now the Georgian monarch needed help in restoring order in Church Affairs. Just at this time, the first Russian Patriarch was job. He wrote to the king two large letters which have been preserved to our days. In his letters the Patriarch gave Alexander tips on dealing with heretics who divide the Orthodox Church in Georgia. The job took several iconographers and theologians. They were sent to the Caucasus to revive the Georgian Christian life. The preserved letters, which first Patriarch of the Russian Church sent to Alexander, testify to his great learning and extensive reading. Affected by the years spent in monasteries. At the same time job mercilessly criticized not only heretics and Muslims, but also Catholics with the Protestants.

Participation in public policy

When the first Russian Patriarch was job, Boris Godunov was hoping to make it their mainstay in the system of secular government. This plan proved to be successful. The fact that job, unlike all his predecessors (even metropolitans), actively participated in public Affairs. After daily services in the churches of Moscow, the Patriarch went to the meetings of the Boyar Duma where he defended and promoted the ideas of Boris Godunov in a particular aspect of policy.

But before that the opinion of the predecessors of job weighed a lot. On the advice of the king, which was attended by the entire state leadership, according to tradition the first Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church received the right to speak in the beginning of the event. God-fearing Fedor always listened to his counsel.

The Election of the first Russian Patriarch, even at the formal level, significantly changed the foundations of the state. Now the head of the Russian Orthodox Church officially became the second person in the country. On his shoulders lay a heavy burden and responsibility, whether he wanted it or not. This principle Russia borrowed from Byzantium. In the Empire at all times, the Patriarch and the Emperor was almost equivalent figures.

first Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church


Of Course, the election of the first Russian Patriarch is connected with the name of Boris Godunov. In 1598 he finally became king after the death of his predecessor, Fedor Ivanovich. Godunov did not belong to the hitherto reign of the Rurik dynasty. It did not add to his authority in the eyes of the boyars. However, the new king established a rigid sole mode of power.

The election of the RMA (the first Russian Patriarch) Godunov was necessary to get additional support when he was just a confidant of the monarch. Now the situation has changed, and the head of the Church almost ceased to participate in public life.

Instead, the job started Christianization of the Volga region and Siberia. These lands were recently annexed to Russia. Their expanse was home to many Muslims and pagans. The name of the first Russian Patriarch associated with the opening of the temples in these regions. The Christianization of Siberia and the Volga region ran parallel with the influx of the Russian population from the Central regions.

first Patriarch of the Russian Church

Enemy of the false Dmitry

Boris Godunov failed to keep the peace in their country. First, Russia was struck by famine, which led to unrest among the people. Fatal blow to the king was the appearance of the false Dmitry. The pretender was coming with a large army to Moscow. Godunov from the violence of saved natural death at the feast.

After his death, it became clear that job is not to preserve the dignity of Patriarch. Supporters of the false Dmitry seized him and sent into exile in his native staritskiy monastery. Soon in Moscow announce Dmitry. On his orders, killed Fyodor Godunov-Boris's son, the former king just a few weeks.

the election of the first Russian Patriarch associated with the name


Before the appearance in Moscow false Dmitry was anathema. From the Church he was excommunicated the first Russian Patriarch. The biography of this Hierarch draws us human, not crack...

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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