Systematics of plants


2019-09-19 17:20:32




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Systematics in biology deals with the study of species diversity. The major tasks include classification and identification.

Systematics of plants associated with the development of botany. The first scientist who applied the classification was Theophrastus. He divided plants into herbs, shrubs, bushes and trees. Subsequent studies were carried out in the Renaissance. At the time, albert the Great noticed the differences between dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous plants. The first classification was published in 1583, the year. Systematics of plants, was created by an Italian Cesalpino, was based on the work of Theophrastus and supplemented in accordance with the characteristics of the structure of fruits and seeds (“the organ"). However, Cesalpino allocated and algae, ferns, mosses, mushrooms. These he attributed to the category of "seedless plants”.

Subsequently began to appear and taxonomic category. In 1689 the French botanist Magnol introduced the category of “family”, later, in 1693, John. Ray introduced the concept of “view”, and in 1700 Tournefort – the term “race”. Systematics of plants at Tornatore was supported due to its simplicity. It was based on the structure of the flower. Ray has proposed a more natural classification. However, it was more complex  – meant the separation of monocots and dicots.

The Greatest recognition, however, received an artificial classification Carl Linnaeus. Proposed system was published in 1735 in the first edition of "types of plants" ("Genera Plantarum"). The classification of Linnaeus was the number and structure of the stamens, the distribution of unisexual flowers. The result is a twenty-four classes. Twenty-three included seed plants, and in the 24th class was composed of ferns, mosses, algae and fungi. Despite the fact that Linnaeus did not recognize the concept of “family”, his taxonomy of plants was at the time most convenient in practical application. Together with the separation system, scientists have proposed the use of binary nomenclature. In addition, the very definition of "taxonomy" was introduced by Linnaeus.


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In 1764, was a new system. Its author was Adanson. The basis of their system the scientist put the largest number of different signs. Equally important was the classification proposed in 1789 Jussieu. Botanist, divided all plants into fifteen classes, within which was identified a hundred "natural orders”, which contained the description and title.

IN the NINETEENTH century received widespread system of de Candolle. It was developed in 1819. Scientist have identified two departments: cellular and vascular plants. Subsequently, many botanists have tried to improve the system of de Candolle. So brown, a British scientist, determined the differences between angiosperms and gymnosperms plants.

Modern systematics of plants. Examples of classifications.

The Development of modern systems of classification of plants began after the publication in 1859, the year Darwin's work “origin of species”.

Braun, a German researcher, took as the basis of evolutionary development. His classification was based on the structure and development of the flower. Widespread system of Engler. He proposed a classification developed by the sections and genera, speculated on the origin of angiosperms. The system of Engler was used in the scientific world until the beginning of the 21st century.

Wettstein (Austrian botanist) improved this classification. Two researchers (Engler and Wettstein) systematized and algae. This classification is subsequently changed Paser.

Historically, plants are divided into lower and higher. The development of classifications were also carried out in two directions. The main systems of higher plants is presented in accordance with the names of the researchers: Cronquist, Bessie, Nickel silver, etc.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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