Modern man: what is it?


2018-04-02 11:10:10




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Referring to philosophical anthropology, we will note that today, many scholars in this area believe that modern man has contradictory features: on the one hand, he is the Creator of the great achievements of our time, and with other ordinary consumer who does not think about the need of self-development.

Of Course, in every culture, there are outstanding individuals that promote progress, and also inactive people, however, if modern man as a collective image, the picture certainly looks contradictory.

The Modern man: the cult of success and morality

Today it is common for representatives of different cultures is the desire to achieve success. I wonder what early man thought was a success heroism (the period of 50-200 years ago), building strong family ties and the birth of healthy offspring, i.e. social realization without regard to wealth.

Now the measure of success (in most cases) is money, and chasing them at times aimed at the destruction of the environment, and sometimes self-destruction.

We Can say that the material and spiritual value in understanding modern man merge in the concept of one value, of material, while informed people they were believed to have large differences.

However, in a society still attaches great importance to such concepts as compassion, kindness, empathy, demonstrated by the various organizations established to support the poor.

Therefore, we can say that the value orientation of modern man polar: you can find examples of how altruistic behavior and selfish.

Modern man and technology

Another distinguishing feature of modernity – enhanced rate of introduction of new technologies and devices. And that's the difference between the life of a modern young man, it is inextricably linked to technology.


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Electronic devices have come to play a large importance for many modern people, they become not only part of everyday life, and even form a way of life. One has only to imagine a day without PC and Internet. Some without them can not be organized, but others simply will not find something to do, and still seek out other technical devices: the telephone, radio, TV. 200 years ago people existed without these devices, and now life without them would be very complicated.

Therefore, we can say that the life of modern people is very closely linked with technology, its quality largely depends on the technical capabilities.

Modern man and the problem of freedom

Previously, the issue of freedom was not as acute as it is now. People have learned to assert their rights, appreciate the advanced features and to respect the freedom of others. This is a positive feature of modernity: virtually all given the maximum possible freedom of development, which allows to show their talents. It contributes to the development of progress and evidence of the humanity of the world. Equal rights are important and useful to society. And the fact that now they are implemented is a positive feature of our time.

How to be a modern man

Historian and sociologist Boris Porshnev brought such a thing as “neoanthrope”, under which he understood the type of person the future, but he pointed out that its members can be found currently. This man has such features:

  • Free, beyond someone else's suggestion (developed consciousness);
  • Abstract thinking, developed the will and ability of suggestion are used only for constructive purposes;
  • The quest for life balance sheet of the company (no of revolutions);
  • Kindness.

According to the scientist, such people can lead society to prosperity and to reduce the number of conflicts that destructively influence all areas of life.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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