The symbols of chemical elements and the principles of their designation


2018-03-25 07:17:15




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Chemistry, like any science, requires precision. System data representation in this field of knowledge was developed by many centuries and up to today the standard is an optimized structure that contains all information necessary for further theoretical work with each specific element.

When writing formulas and equations is extremely inconvenient to use the whole names of substances, and today, for this purpose one or two letters – the chemical symbols of the elements.


In the Ancient world, as well as in the Middle ages, the scientists used a symbolic image to indicate various elements, but these signs were not standardized. Only from the thirteenth century attempts were made to systematize the symbols of substances and elements, from the XV century newly-discovered metals began to appear the first letters of their names. This strategy names used in chemistry today.

Current state of system names

Today there are more than one hundred twenty chemical elements, some of which are found in nature is extremely problematic. It is not surprising that in the mid-nineteenth century science knew about the existence of only 63 of them, and there was not a single system name or a whole system of representation of chemical data.

names and symbols of chemical elementsThe Last problem solved in the second half of the same century Russian scientist D. I. Mendeleev, building on the unsuccessful attempts of his predecessors. The naming process continues today-there are several elements numbered 119 and above, conventionally indicated in table Latin a reduction in their number. The pronunciation symbols of the chemical elements this category is for the Latin reading of numerals: 119 – ununennium (lit. “one hundred and nineteenth”), 120 – unlikely (“a hundred and twenty”), and so on.


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The greater part of the elements has its own name, derived from Latin, Greek, Arabic, German roots, in some cases reflecting the objective characteristics of substances, and in others acting as nothing motivated characters.

Etymology of some elements

As mentioned above, some of the names and symbols of chemical elements are based on objectively observable characteristics.

The Name of phosphorus, glowing in the dark, comes from the Greek phrase "bear the light”. When translated into Russian language reveals quite a lot of “speaking” names: chlorine “green”, bromine – “smelling”, rubidium – “dark red" Indies – “Indigo”. Since the chemical symbols of the elements given in Latin letters, a direct connection of the name with the agent for the carrier of the Russian language usually goes unnoticed.

There are more subtle Association with the name. So, the name selenium comes from the Greek word meaning “Moon”. It happened because in the nature this element is a companion of tellurium, whose name in Greek means “Land”.

specify the symbols of chemical elementsSimilarly named and niobium. According to Greek mythology, Niobe-daughter of Tantalus. The chemical element tantalum was opened earlier, and its properties are similar with niobium – thus, a logical connection "father-daughter" was projected onto the relationship of the chemical elements.

Moreover, the name tantalum was named after the famous mythological character is not accidental. The fact that the receipt of this element in its pure form was fraught with challenges, which scientists and appealed to the idiom “tantalising”.

Another curious historical fact is that the name of platinum is literally translated as “serebristo”, i.e. something similar, but not as valuable as silver. The reason is that the metal is melted much more difficult silver, but because long time no use and was of little value.


When you look at the periodic table the first thing that catches the eye – names and symbols of chemical elements. It's always one or two letters, the first of which – a capital. The choice of letters due to the Latin name of the element. Despite the fact that the roots of words come from ancient Greek, and Latin, and other languages, the standard names are added to them in Latin termination.

Interestingly, most of the character's native Russian language will be intuitive: aluminum, zinc, calcium or magnesium, the student easily remembers the first time. More complicated is the case of those names which differ in Russian and Latin. The student may not immediately remember that silicon – silicium, mercury – hydrargyrum. However, remember it will have – a graphical image of each object is focused on the Latin name of the substance and will appear in chemical formulas and reactions as Si and Hg, respectively.

the chemical symbols of the elementsTo memorize names, such students it is useful to perform exercises such as: “Set the correspondence between a chemical symbol and its name”.

Other waysnames

Some of the Names of elements came from Arabic and was “styled” for the Latin. For example, the sodium got its name from the root bases, meaning "boiling substance”. Arabic roots can be traced the names of potassium and zirconium.

symbols of the chemical elementsThe impact of the German. From him come the names of such elements as manganese, cobalt, Nickel, zinc, tungsten. The logical connection is not always obvious: for example, Nickel is a reduction from a word meaning “copper devil”.

In rare cases, the titles were translated into Russian language in the form of tracings: Hydrogenium (literally "born of water") turned into hydrogen and carbonium - carbon.

Names and place Names

More than a dozen items are named after various scientists, among them albert Einstein, Dmitri Mendeleev, Enrico Fermi, Alfred Nobel, Ernest Rutherford, Niels Bohr, Marie Curie and others.

Some names are descended from other proper names: names of cities, States, countries. For example: Moscow, Dubna, europium, tenascin. Not all the names will seem familiar to a speaker of the Russian language: it is unlikely that people without cultural training learns the word of nijoni self Japan-Nihon (lit.: The land of the rising sun), and hafnium is the Latin version of the Copenhagen. To know even the name of his native country in the word ruthenium is not the easiest task. Nevertheless, Russia, in Latin language is called Ruthenium, and in her honor named the 44th chemical element.

the pronunciation symbols of the chemical elementsAppear in the periodic table and the names of celestial bodies: the planets Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Ceres, the asteroid Pallas. In addition to the names of the characters of Greek mythology (Tantalum, Niobium), and there are Scandinavian: thorium, vanadium.

Periodic table

Familiar to us today as the periodic table named after Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev, the elements presented in rows and periods. In each cell a chemical element denoted by the chemical symbol, next to which are some other data: its full name, sequence number, distribution of electrons in layers, relative atomic mass. Each cell has its own color, which depends on allocated s-, p-, d - or f - element.


When writing isotopes and Saburov relative to the top left of the element symbol is the mass number-the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus. While lower left is the atomic number representing the number of protons.

set the correspondence between the symbol for the chemical elementThe ion Charge is written at the top right, and on the same side of the bottom is indicated the number of atoms. The symbols of chemical elements always begin with a capital letter.

National variants

In the Asia-Pacific region have their own versions of writing the symbols of chemical elements, based on local ways of writing. In the Chinese system of symbols symbols are used of radicals, followed by the characters in their phonetic value. The symbols of the metals are preceded by the sign “metal” or “gold”, gases – radical “pairs”, nonmetals – character on “stone”.

In the European countries, there are also situations when the signs of the elements in the record differ from those recorded in the international tables. For example, in France, nitrogen, tungsten, and beryllium have their own names in the local language and marked by appropriate symbols.

In conclusion

While Studying at school or even high school, remember by heart the contents of the entire periodic table is not required. In memory you should keep the chemical symbols of the elements that are most often found in formulas and equations, and infrequent from time to time to look in the Internet or the textbook.

a chemical element denoted by the chemical symbolHowever, in order to avoid errors and confusion it is necessary to know how you structure the data in the table, which is the source to locate the required data to clearly remember the names of the elements are different in Russian and Latin. Otherwise, you can accidentally take Mg for manganese, and N is for sodium.

To get the practice at the initial stage, exercise. For example, specify the symbols of chemical elements for a randomly taken sequence of names from the periodic table. As you gain experience everything will fall into place and the question of remembering this basic information will disappear by itself.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
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