Kitay-Gorod, Moscow, St. Petersburg... Why was the city called the city?


2018-03-25 04:28:11




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Familiar words, nouns and adjectives, the names of rivers and settlements are often the target of research of etymologists. Scientists want to get to the point of origin of a particular concept. Well, for example. Why was the city called the city? To answer this question, let's see how it transformirovalsya words and what happens to the letters.

A and B were sitting on the tube, or Why the city was called the city

The simplest explanation says that the word “garden” (the fence) over time lost the letter “on”. Continuing the etymological "excavations", and following people's logic, we can draw a parallel and remember that "the outskirts" (the entrance to the village) – turned from colloquial contraction of the phrase "about face". If castle – a kind of settlement for the elite with a strong fence, for example, a Palace or a fortress, then a fence (or garden) refers to "about town", that is, near a fenced area outside. That's why the city is called the city.

Most Often, the population of such objects were craftsmen and merchants. Okolovodnyh when the number of residents increased, they built to protect the new fence-wall. So the city and grew around a Central, gated walls of the complex buildings.

why is the city called the city

Lived the Chinese in ancient Moscow?

Moscow was built rings, as evidenced by preserved denote: Garden ring, Boulevard ring, etc. In the 15th century, Ivan III expelled over the fence of the Kremlin family of artisan, merchant and merchant people. The construction of another wall was completed by Italian builders in 1538. The district received an interesting name - China town and the wall itself was called Kitay-Gorod. Today this area belongs to the Tverskoy district and is the administrative, cultural and business center of Moscow. Why call it China town? The place name originated from a mixture of Russian-Italian words and means "walled city”. According to one version, the word “China” has Turkic origins and is literally translated as a fortress, a fortified place. But another hypothesis is that it came from the East Slavic words “a whale”, “kit”, which means "fence" that is built on the principle of the fence. These sturdy wicker wall was installed at some distance from each other, and the interval between them filled with earth, large stones, rubble and clay. The result was a very sturdy wall, to break which sometimes could not even cannonballs. Thus, Chinese was not in Moscow.why is it called China city


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Still, an interesting science- etymology! As a result of researches it becomes clear different names. In particular, you can understand why the city was called the city. But back to our name.

After in 1922, Moscow became the capital of the USSR began a major restructuring and reconstruction of urban space. White stone wall of China-town was completely dismantled in 1934. Some remains of this structure remained on Revolution square, Teatralny proezd Yes in the subway from the station "China town" in the direction "Varvarka".

On the banks of a swampy river

“there will be a city built, we call by the name of the river!” says the Yuri Dolgoruky. Roughly describes the historical chronicle of the great urban planning. In fact, a small village on the banks of the river existed long before this momentous event 1147. Why named Moscow, it is clear – it bears the name of the river on which built. And what exactly does this word mean? There are a huge number of hypotheses, clarifying the origin of the name. Etymologists and other researchers still continue to deal with the history of his education and values. So what does this word mean? And why is the city called the city, and not, say, fence?why did you call

On the second syllable differences do not exist. It is believed that the language of the peoples of Komi borrowed particle “ Islands” meaning “wet” or “water”. And the first syllable is interpreted differently. Let's consider some versions:

  • “Moscow” - “dark” or “black” in the Baltic languages;
  • The peoples of the Komi Republic, this translates as “cow”;
  • Mari is “mesca" (bear);
  • Translation from Czech – “soggy bread”;
  • Slovaks word is set to “pool”;
  • The people of Erzya “many" beautiful, "Kuva”.
  • Proto-Slavic language “Moscow” is “wetlands”.

Following simple logic, it turns out that Moscow – is a river with muddy, marshy shores, or simply "swamp water". This version is confirmed by the fact that the river takes its beginning from Tarkovskogo swamps.

First there was just a fortress

Another Russian city, history of the name which quite often stirs the conscience of inquiring minds, – Petersburg. In the valley of Neva river, conquered from Sweden and annexed to the Russian Empire, Peter I ordered to build a city-fortress. Since the construction of (1703), and in 1720-th, the fortress was called Sankt-Piter-burh. Later the name has changed several times, that didn't diminish the value of this object. Good that brought the establishment of the new city on the banksNeva?

  • Russia gained access to new sea lanes.
  • Actively began to develop naval shipbuilding.
  • Future Peter and Paul fortress has become a reliable barrier for the conquerors.

In the future, this Fort has grown a beautiful city, which is now called the Northern capital of Russia.

why is the city called Petersburg

St. Peter burh, aka Saint Petersburg, Petrograd, Leningrad and St Petersburg

With a 1720 and 1914 the capital of the Russian Empire was called Saint-Petersburg. "Saint" Saint, "Peter" Peter, "Burch” - the city received the ‘city of St. Peter’. Think that comment is superfluous, after all, and everything is clear. The capital was given the name of its founder. That's why the city called Petersburg.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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