Essay on the novel "Dubrovsky".Pushkin: the protection of the human person


2018-03-23 00:13:10




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“covered” – this work, which is based on the case, pretty typical of the proceedings of that time. And adventure motives were inspired by Pushkin, Schiller “Bandits”. But the essay on “covered” is affecting, above all, themes such as revenge and forgiveness, justice and equality.

essay on the novel Dubrovsky

The Story of nashchokina

A situation in which the more influential and wealthy landowners, using their capabilities, oppressed in every way the poor neighbors, in Pushkin's time was often. In the judicial sphere was dominated by tyranny. The landlord could deprive even more poor estate, which owed to him under the law. A similar case happened with a certain Ostrovsky.

As a result of unfair lawsuits he lost everything he had. However, I didn't give up, don't give up. He organized a robber gang, whose members sought justice in his own way. This story Pushkin told Nashchokin buddy. It also formed the basis of the work. Essay on the novel “covered” is often called “the Condemnation of the outrage”.

Honor and dishonor

This is the main motive. Protection of the human personality in the novel "Dubrovsky" - the essay which should begin with the image shocking pictures of manorial life, where despotism combined with subservience, indifference to human suffering - with venality. Against this background stands out a few images, and above all, the main character, whose name and named the product.


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Innate nobility or a long stay away from home played a role in the formation of the personality Dubrovsky, Jr., but he is absolutely alien to the landlord's arbitrariness and the slave worldview. These negative qualities have even the father of Vladimir-one of the best representatives of the nobility. Not surprising, because this worldview is passed down from generation to generation. To think differently, one of the representatives of this social stratum of society is necessary to be detached from this world, to shape their views away from it.

essay on the literature on the novel Dubrovsky

Oddly enough, quite often the reverse side of the coin of arrogance are cringing and nezaposlenosti. A person who is able to humiliate the other, ready for their own humiliation. Of course, if this exercise will be the one who is higher in social and material value.

Vladimir Dubrovsky this way of thinking was disgusting. He could always defend his honor. But considered it beneath his dignity to humiliate the other person, whoever he was: a nobleman officer, a peasant. Dubrovsky – a specimen of gentility, the example of a Russian nobleman. Such, unfortunately, were few. Perhaps because of this social layer and were destroyed.


The Essay on “covered” can avoid the way of the landlord-tyrant. Because of its permissiveness and resulted in key events of the novel.

In the Troekurov's house always full of visitors. But not all of them are here on their own. Treat them troyekurov almost as much as his serf. This man is a spoiled, perverted, and incredibly vain. However, I must admit it – in his heart there is something if not noble, it is able to appreciate and respect the nobility. It is no wonder for a long time the only person to whom he had regarded with reverence was his neighbor from Kostenice. Essay on the novel “covered” can reveal the complex inner world of this Russian master, in the revelries who were guilty, above all, his sycophants. Would landlords like Andrey Dubrovsky, in the area more, and would not be able to implement all their vain ideas of Troekurov. And therefore not corrupted.

essay the characters of the novel Dubrovsky

Masha Troyekurov

Since then, as Vladimir returned home and learned of the hurt caused by the father of a neighbor's master, in his soul dwelt a desire for revenge. About how he hatched his plan, the author tells the story. Pushkin has created this work in precise and realistic spirit, without unnecessary descriptions and asides. But enough of some of the episodes, and the reader becomes clear to the spiritual world, which remained Dubrovsky after his father's death.

The Essay in literature based on the novel “covered” you can devote lyrical motif of this work. Romantic theme here is closely connected with revenge and the desire to defend his honor. How strong they were, after a meeting with Mary Vladimir refuses them. He no longer wants to fix the evil Troyekurov.

protection of the human person in the novel Dubrovsky essay

Other characters

The Answer to the question about why Vladimir renounced vengeance, you can devote a full essay. The characters of the novel “covered” are a fairly complex system of images. In the center of the story – the son kishinevskogo master. The juxtaposition he creates a noble society. But there is also the background – kishinevskie serfs and peasants Troyekurov. However, asking the purpose of revenge, and with a certain toughness, covered with unusual for the landlord with respect to the ordinary man.It is not talking about love for the working people and about education, and the nobility.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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