The density of the oil


2018-08-17 10:00:21




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Density − is the mass of the substance, which is located in unit volume. The unit of density is (kg/m³) kilograms per cubic meter. From the group chemical composition depends on the density of the fuel. The smallest density have paraffin carbohydrates, and the biggest − aromatic and naphthenic hydrocarbons. Fractional composition of oil has an impact on the density value. The greater the density fractions of fuel (oil), the higher temperatures of their boiling. In practice, faced with a dimensionless quantity. This is a relative density which is the ratio of the density of the oil (fuel) at a particular temperature to the density of water taken in the same volume, at a temperature of four degrees Celsius. At 4°C water density of 1000 kg/m³. The relative density determined at 20°C.

The Device, which measure the density of oils, is called a hydrometer.

To measure the density of the liquid in the vessel with oil place the hydrometer to float it it freely. On a scale of a hydrometer shoot density values. Density can also be calculated by the formula: weight in kilograms divided by volume in liters.

Accordingly, knowing the amount and hydrometer determining oil density hydrometer, the tonnage of petroleum products can be defined easily by multiplying the density by the volume.

Most Often, the density of petroleum products (diesel oil, engine oil, etc.) is performed using photometric or hydrometers for petroleum products. Compared to traditional devices that determine oil density (hydrometers), many advantages has any photometr. In a very narrow range you will be able to measure density with a hydrometer. If each measurement of a liquid by a hydrometer, you, on the one hand, can save on buying electronic densimeter, however, on the other hand, will have to buy new to replace broken hydrometers. But if you buy protomer, it will be more convenient means of measuring the density, they can be used for many years. Definitely need to consider when buying photometry that any device of this kind, in addition to laboratory must be certified according to explosion protection, because the measurements are carried out in hazardous areas.


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Measurement of density of petroleum products is necessary to evaluate fuel quality, and also to determine its quantity. Quantification is a calculation of the mass of oil product by measuring its temperature, density and level (to calculate volume).

Weight is Calculated because of the listed parameters only when it changes temperature constant Will change as the volume (level) and the density of the oil.

The Lubrication of all moving parts of the engine provides engine oil. It covers items with a protective film that reduces friction and wear, resulting in the wheels is transmitted more energy. It also protects against dirt, corrosion and harmful deposits in engine parts. Oil is able to refresh the engine due to the fact that the combustion chamber diverts excess heat, passing it down to the sump.

Mineral oil is a simple oil used by man for decades. Make them by cleaning of raw oil, and then mix the oil with various additives, which prevent the formation of sludge, drugs that prevent wear and improve viscosity. Mineral oils are comparatively cheap and are averages.

In the laboratory to produce synthetic oil. They are more expensive and get it by complicated chemical processes.

Semi-synthetic oils are a mixture of the first two. In them the average ratio of 20-30% synthetic oil and 70-80% mineral.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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