How to determine my body type and how to live with it?


2018-04-02 13:15:34




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Women are always very picky about his appearance. Looking in the mirror, they constantly seek out the faults in the face, hairstyle and, of course, the figure. She is subjected to the harshest self-criticism even among those girls who have seemingly perfect settings. Besides, sometimes ladies spoil yourself clothing, chosen wrong. Not every knows how to emphasize your strengths and hide weaknesses. And in fact, it is only necessary to correctly determine the type of shape, as your image will be harmonious and will sparkle with new colors. Today we will discover all the secrets of the female Constitution, knowing that you'll turn into a real Queen, regardless of age and weight category.

A Little about the figure

Most women don't even think about how to correctly identify the type of figure that any society is to present yourself in a favorable light. The ladies seem to achieve the ideal need to lose weight, exercise and undergo a series of treatments in the beauty salon. However, the purchased blouse “like a friend" may not sit so well and the skirt, which was so gorgeous on the mannequin, and does disfigure the shape. And in these moments the woman may embrace despair, it ceases to believe in yourself, your attractiveness and even refuses to go shopping in search of a suitable new clothes, certain that she did not sew absolutely anything. But every woman has its beauty, strong personality and set of advantages that must be emphasized first and foremost with the help of clothes.

Based on the foregoing, how to determine the type of shape, women need to know from a very tender age. After all, it is not necessary to aspire to certain ideals imposed by society. Not always they can be your one-stop “I” even if there were a huge amount of effort.

Therefore, in the next sections, we look at the types of female figures: how to determine the advantages and disadvantages, and will find under each type of the winning outfit.

how to determine the type of shape

Is it Worth to strive for excellence?

Almost every woman believes that the ideal parameters of the figure are notorious 90-60-90. However, to achieve the cherished centimeters far from over, and it's not always laziness or lack of zeal. Just some ladies are genetically have a Constitution that no diet and exercises it is impossible to fit the standards. Yes, and you should not do this, because they are so changeable.

For example, in Ancient Greece it was considered a beautiful woman, tall, slim build without the expressed forms. But representatives of the Renaissance, on the contrary, admired the lush female figures, as if screaming about fertility and abundance. In the twentieth century ideals has varied more than once. Men stare at pretty women with a pronounced waist and full hips, and then suddenly in Vogue consisted of low girls with short hair, like teenagers. Today, too, with the perfect female figures are gradually changing, because women with strong thighs and rounded buttocks flashed in all the clips and printed on the covers of fashion magazines, eclipsing beauties with fashion catwalks.


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Therefore it is not necessary to follow the changing ideals, the main thing – to figure out how to determine the types of figure in women and learn how to use its advantages.

What is my body type?

Before you determine the type of shape, you need to understand what is included in this concept. First and foremost, you need to understand that these parameters are genetically predetermined. Genetics affect the development of fatty, muscular and bone tissues. Way of life your figure it is possible to adjust a little, but to completely change and customize it to fit certain standards will not work.

Body Types

Some commonly confused types of figures and body types, what not to do, because these concepts are completely different. If we talk about the body types, it is worth noting that there are three of them:

  • Ectomorph. They are often high growth, highlighted by the thinness and receding muscle mass.
  • A Mesomorph. This type is usually different athletes. They initially proportioned body with strong muscles. Mesomorphy can boast of great physical strength.
  • Endomorph. With this type of physique people really fast weight gain, not even excessive use of harmful products and lots of calories.

Experts say that each person combines at least two of the described types. In the usual life this information a little helpful. It is used mainly athletes or bodybuilders, components of a workout schedule based on their own physical features. In other cases, men are how to determine the type of shape absolutely not to think, what can be said about the fair sex.

Why knowing your body type?

How to determine my body type and why do it? These questions often asked by young girls who do not understand how to use their natural abilities. Because adolescent women are most critical of yourself.

However, perfectly aware of the their advantages and disadvantagesdefined on the basis of typology, can be very advantageous to pick up clothes and to look great too. Do not forget that pregnancy will impose its mark on the figure and in this case, knowing her type you can easily hide some extra weight for the first time after childbirth. And then will come in the form, paying attention to your weak spots.

types of shapes in women how to identify

Types of female figures: a General overview

Experts have not once developed for the various types of shapes, but the classic version is always remains the most popular and common. Proceeding from it, there are five types of female figures, which include all women without exception:

  • Hourglass. It is this type today mostly corresponds to the parameters of ninety/sixty/ninety. Women‘hourglass" narrow and have a pronounced waist, while the bust and hips are almost equal. Interestingly, even when weight ladies of this type remain seductive, because it is distributed throughout the body evenly.
  • Rectangle. These women have, like their predecessors from the previous description, in fact, identical to the hips and chest. However, the waist they barely noticeable and almost not expressed. If weight gain fat is localized on the waist, back and sides.
  • Pear. Experts say that this type of figure occurs most often in the world. Women“pear” have strong thighs but the upper part of the body is characterized by narrow shoulders and small chest. Extra weight accumulates in lower part of the body.
  • Cone. Such women have narrow hips, a slim waist and broad shoulders. The lady can possess a big bust or be upset by his absence, in any case, her shoulders would be enough to stand out relative to the lower part of the body.
  • Apple. Such women are also quite a lot and they have very slender legs, sloping shoulders and a cute rounded tummy. On it and accumulate excess weight in the event set.

It is Worth considering that women by nature belong to a particular type of shape and cannot be changed.

How to determine the types of figures in a woman?

Today, this issue is solved quite easily, because the Internet is a way to learn his typology. For example, insert the paper back, to determine the type of shape is possible with the help of a second person. If it is, gently turn your body contour, schematic illustration well we will see what type you belong to.

Many online calculators on various websites suggest to define the type of shape of the wrist of the girl. However, experts refer to this method quite skeptical, because until now not invented anything better and more conventional with the tape measure.

It can help to determine the type of shape in the parameters. How to do it, we explain later. And now give only a General description of such measurements. For example, if comparing the width of the hips and shoulders, they were equal, then you can belong to a type of pear, hourglass or Apple.

Those women whose hips are quite round, refer to the hourglass or pear. And if the size of, for example, sweaters and jeans vary in favor of the former, your style – it is a cone or, as it is called, the inverted triangle.

how to determine the type of shape parameters

How to determine the shape type in the parameters?

If you are seriously decided to find out his typology, you can use the tape and mirror. It is better if you will be another person who can help to correctly place the tape and adjust it if necessary. So, how to determine the type of female figure in the parameters? Let's deal with it.

Any woman interested in how to determine the type of shape size, need to do three important measurement of your body:

  • Breast volume
  • Waist size;
  • Hips.

The First measurement can be done over the bra, but without the push-up. The tape should stay parallel to the floor surface and passing through the most protruding points of the chest.

Waist is measured at the line located just above the navel. During the measurements it is not necessary to involve the stomach and tighten the tape very tight. She should be free to pass through the narrowest part of the body in the waist area.

The Hip is also measured at the most protruding points measuring tape parallel to the floor.

All made the measurements necessary to write on the paper, so that later it is easier to focus on these numbers. How to determine the type of the figure in centimeters? It's very simple, let's get to the results.

You can refer yourself to type the hourglass if your hips and chest are roughly the same volume, and the waist is less than approximately thirty centimeters. In the case when the waist under the former identical figures are not too flashy, we're talking about the rectangle. Breast size much smaller volume of hips with beautiful and slim waist matches the type of pear. The woman belongs to the cone in that case, if the upper part of the body gives the most significant result. About Apple you can say that with a girl to centimeters are given the tummy and Breasts, but thighs have the smaller sizeof all, and the legs are slender.

Now that you know how to determine the type of female figure in the parameters, you can proceed to a more detailed description of the listed types, while also highlighting their strengths and weaknesses.

how to determine the type of shape women's options


Assume that you have identified the type of hourglass figure (how to define it, we already told earlier). What it means, and how more advantageous to apply themselves?

Women of this type have a pronounced contrast between waist and hips. This ratio is globally accepted as the ideal, despite the actual volume of the fair sex. If you belong to this type, your main goal – not to spoil the natural environment and emphasizing them with his clothes.

You can use any form-fitting silhouettes, belts, clothing with the smell and trousers with high waist. Women‘hourglass" are free to carry extra-long cut. They really are and emphasize the proportions of the figure.

In choosing clothes should be afraid of baggy clothing that hides the beautiful curves of the body. In this case, you'll seem more complete. A similar effect is created and a dress with a high waist, straight cut clothing and jeans with a low waist.


If you have found that relate to this type of shape, then do not worry. The rectangle is no less feminine than the previous type. Moreover, such a figure is considered a more sporty and athletic. Insufficiently expressed the waist easy to do with the help of various accessories, making the image more harmonious and closer to the ideal.

The Main emphasis in this case is always on the legs and waist, with this approach, the visual effect is simply stunning. Therefore, the rectangles should choose the clothes fitted silhouette and Supplement it with belts or straps in any quantity. If you like your coat or jackets, then give preference to models with straight shoulders. They will look at you more advantageous.

Pants is best to choose a classic cut, they can be regular length or ankle-length. Also the rectangles shown form-fitting pants or jeans with a low rise. Good on such body type and dresses without shoulders or with very thin straps.

But you need to avoid baggy models of direct silhouettes, the shoes and clothing with an open belly. If you have a trim figure things like this will not spoil your image, but will not become its decoration.

how to determine the type of shape women


Women of this type frequently exhausting physical exercises and diets, to do thighs and buttocks slimmer. However, in most cases, this does not give the desired result, because the protruding lower part of the body – this is a genetic predisposition. Therefore, women-“pear” it is necessary to balance the top and bottom with the help of clothes and also to draw attention to a thin neck, narrow shoulders and graceful hands.

To apply themselves most advantageously, pear needs to prefer blouses and sweaters in light shades, oversized scarves, hats and caps, smooth cut lines and soft tissues. They really go the clothes with padded shoulders, trousers of dark colors and expanding to the bottom, as well as deep necklines, or tops that expose the shoulders. From skirts to choose “pencil” or a trapezoid.

Pears must avoid wearing clothes with an abundance of decorative elements in the lower part, pants or skirts with bright prints, turtlenecks and baggy outerwear almost to the floor.

determine the type figure back


Ladies of this type can be proud of long and slender legs, but they usually have a flat butt and broad shoulders. Some people think cone the likeness of male figures, but experts say that with the help of clothes can be easily turned into feminine. The main purpose of the cone is a visual narrowing of the shoulder girdle and emphasis on the waist. It is not necessary to try to give volume to the hips, bottom to expand in any case impossible.

In everyday wardrobe is to include clothes, shirts, things made of thick fabric, vests. Works well all that visually lengthens the figure. For this purpose you can use deep cuts, ties, jewelry and long scarves and long flowing hair.

Women-"cones" you must select the trapezoidal cut and peplum look good on these women and pants with a low rise. It is necessary to refuse from very short sleeves, thin straps on tops and tunics, an abundance of ruffles, lace and floral prints. Is to avoid anything that focuses attention on the upper body. This category can include major accessories, hats, snudy and too soft tissue. Also, the stylists are advised to give up the haircut caret. It would be absurd to look on the woman“taper” and not decorate it.

determine the type of shape of the wrist


Ladies of this type have outstanding Tits, and the volume of the waist, the legs usually remain slender, even when setweight. Pounds deposited in the waist and stomach. Also often suffer from hand and neck.

Women“apples” often try to bring myself to type the hourglass. However, this is impossible, because the main task in this case is to create the visual effect of the rectangle. This can be done with properly fitted clothes. How to determine the type of shape Apple, you already know, but for now let's talk about creating the right image.

It is Worth considering that women of this type can be slim and full, and therefore the recommendations for them are a little different. For example, look so thin shown fitted cut, with an emphasis on the waist. But Podlaska fit And silhouette. To pull will help shape and plunging neckline, especially if the woman has beautiful Breasts.

The selection of plain clothing, you must pay attention to the vertical folds work well flared trousers and clothes with lots of ruffles or other decorative detail at the bottom.

Some stylists advise to pay attention to the accent details. For apples is good in moderation – they can pay attention to either the upper body or the lower.

Clothing to avoid is tight fitting and baggy things bright prints tucked into pants or skirts, blouses, and larger straps and belts. Do not decorate the Apple and cropped jackets, tops or jackets. They give extra volume in the waist area as well as the high waist line dresses.

I Think now you will not be bothered by the question of how to determine the type of shape and how to live with it. After all, weaknesses can always be turned into advantages and to look in a regular outfit like a Hollywood star.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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