The Village Kosh-Agach. Attractions in Altai region


2018-03-25 13:26:11




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The Village Kosh-Agach is located in the Southeast of Altai Krai and the administrative center of the eponymous district. In this area is pretty harsh climate, so here you can find not so many tourists. Of particular interest to the Kosh-Agach district is the historians, archaeologists and nature lovers. For admirers of the Buddha, this region is considered a sacred place of power.

Kosh Agach, Republic Altay

Description Kosh-Agach district

The Area is located near the village of Kosh-Agach, has diverse and interesting landscape. The main part of the region – semi-desert, nestled among snow-capped peaks, the height of about 2000 meters above sea level. The diversity of natural resources of the Altai territory impressive. Here you can see the steppe zone, tundra, and coniferous forests that are near the river Dzhazator. In the forests are the most common trees such as cedar, larch and spruce.

The Winter here is very long, the cold can hold up to 7 months and this is not surprising, because the severe climate of the region is in the district of Kosh-Agach. The Republic of Altai – one of the coldest regions of Siberia, there are places where you saved the permafrost. Very noticeable temperature drop, during the day the temperature can change significantly.

hotels Kosh Agach


The history of the settlement dates back over 200 years. Kosh-Agach founded by Russian merchants in 1801, This place was a shopping centre in the South of the Altai mountains. Mongolia until the late 1880-ies belonged to the Chinese Empire and was the trading partner of the Kosh-Agach merchants.

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The Village is situated at an elevated location, the altitude is about 2000 metres above sea level. Here the river Chuya, on the banks of which stands the Kosh-Agach. From the main administrative center of Altai Krai-Barnaul - village removed at 438 km and to the border of Mongolia at a distance of not more than 50 km from the Main population of this region – the Altaians and the Kazakhs. Russian rural areas is almost no.

The Name of the village is of Kazakh origin, it translates as “a couple of trees”. Surprisingly, the village is located in the desert steppe in the Chui and trees in the area did not find. Floating in the sky flocks of birds of prey. In the village almost no rainfall, and the weather is mostly Sunny.

In 2003, the earthquake, and the village was at the epicenter of the disaster. During a natural disaster had destroyed some of the houses.

The District is located in the border area, so to visit the Ukok plateau, you need to obtain a permit in the border service Department located in the village.


The village has a number of social facilities: market, shops, recreation center, gas stations, cafes and hotels. Kosh-Agach to the early 90-ies had its own small airfield, which arriving aircraft from Barnaul. In 2003, the village began the construction of a neighborhood of cottages. In 2014, this area was running a solar power plant-the first in the country.

The Ukok Plateau and other area attractions

Despite the fact that in the village, the tourist infrastructure is not developed, these places attract a large group of foreign and Russian travelers. Of particular interest is the unique nature and the Ukok plateau. In Kosh-Agach district really is something to see:

  • Chuya River with numerous rapids.
  • Shavlinskoe lake.
  • Us – pristine glaciers.
  • Blue lake.

Tourists can visit one of two museums that are in the neighbouring villages: Cocora and Zhana-Aul.

village of Kosh Agach

The Most important and significant attraction of these places is the Ukok plateau, which belongs to the UNESCO world heritage site. Plateau is situated on hills among mountains, at a height of 2000-2500 meters above sea level. Several dozen rivers that cross it. To get here extremely difficult. The mountain passes are inaccessible, and to use them for several months. But those tourists who show perseverance, will receive unforgettable impressions. They will open:

  • Nature;
  • Pristine lakes;
  • A variety of endangered animals and birds;
  • Evidence of habitation in these places of ancient civilizations (rock art).

village of Kosh Agach

On the plateau were found many historical artifacts and monuments. Burial ground AK-alakha 3 most well-known object. Here in the early 90-ies was discovered the mummy of the Altai Princess, Dating back more than 2500 years.

Where to stay in Kosh-Agach?

If you've decided to visit this unique corner of nature, it is helpful to know where you can stay for the night. Although the village of Kosh-Agach small size, there is a decent hotel “David”, which can accommodate 30 people. The hotel is near the establishments of service centers: tire, car wash and gas station.

hotels Kosh Agach

The hotel has rooms:

  • Junior – 3;
  • Quadruple – 2;
  • Double – 8;
  • Six – 1.

Your car canto Park near the hotel completely free of charge. In General the on-site restaurant placed on the TV. On the floor are a bathroom and a shower. To the morning visitors can cook their own meals. The hotel has a sauna, it is possible to borrow an iron. As entertainment-Billiards.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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