Ogorode-country chores: transplanting tomatoes into the ground


2018-03-28 12:10:09




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Spring and beginning of summer – the most troublesome for residents of rural areas or residents of the suburban areas periods. At this time there are major planting works, and works in the gardens enough from dawn to dusk. Especially a lot of trouble with crops that require hand planting, for example, tomatoes.

transplanting tomatoes in the groundSeedlings outdoors

To Cook the seeds under the seedlings should be ahead of time, and to grow it starting in late February - early March, of course, at home, on windowsills or in greenhouses under the film. Transplanting tomatoes in the ground is carried out in April - may, depending on weather conditions. Tomatoes – thermophilic plants. It is therefore important that not only the air but also the soil is well warmed. And the threat of frost should be avoided definitely. Otherwise the seedlings will die.

The Location where you plan to transplanting tomatoes in the ground, be sure to choose a Sunny, open, and if there is shading, light, scattered, and not all day. But it is in a Sunny spot tomatoes are best gaining strength, well Mature and give a very solid crop. However, the draft tomatoes are also bad. So try to pick a plot of land that it did not blow all the wind. Next to transplanting tomatoes in the ground were successful, the garden should not be placed in damp, swampy area. Of course, the tomatoes love the moisture, they need it. But the excess of it will lead to rotting of the root system, and the tomatoes will disappear. transplanting of tomato in open groundWith regard to the composition of the soil, the perfect soil and loamy rocks. As the feeding need of organic and mineral fertilizers. Of course, not always transplanting tomatoes in the ground is the place where nothing grew. But, selecting sites, it is better for the tomatoes get to those where it grew beans, peas, other legumes or root vegetables, greens. Only now, after potatoes, tomatoes is better not to put – the land is already exhausted. One last caveat: the soil may be infected by different kinds of pests, for example, the mole cricket. To protect the young plants from raids, between the rows of planted garlic and onions. Their smell will repel pests.

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Conditions of transfer

transplanting of tomatoes in open groundTransplanting of tomato in open ground is done when the young plants have the beginnings of buds. They should be firm, juicy, with a strong stem and a few branches with leaves. To prepare seedlings to advance. Approximately 10 days before the transplant, it is necessary to reduce watering, and 2 days to stop watering altogether. And just before landing, for 6 hours before, pour generously. Also need to replant in moist soil and be sure the “water”. Transplanting of tomatoes in the open ground should be carried out either on a cloudy day or in the early morning hours or after sunset, when solar activity is on the wane and will not harm the plants. The evening even better: cool night will allow the seedlings to acclimate to recover before the long daylight hours.

The Fit you need to do not close and at a distance of about 50-70 cm And between the rows leave a space of two feet. Land, of course, should be soft, excavated and "airy". Seedling dug a small hole where is placed the root, prikatyvaet and part of the stem to the first leaves. The ground should be lightly pressed to compaction. Each sprout is well watered. Near each Bush hammer pegs of a height of 80 cm – they will soon need for garters. Care for the seedlings carefully, and a good harvest is guaranteed to you!

Article in other languages:

BE: https://www.tostpost.com/be/hatn-tul-nasc/11121-ogorodo-dachnyya-klopaty-vysadka-rasady-tamata-u-grunt.html

DE: https://www.tostpost.com/de/gem-tlichkeit/11126-ogorodo-landbemhungen-anfangen-tomaten-umpflanzen-in-den-boden.html

ES: https://www.tostpost.com/es/la-comodidad-del-hogar/11131-ogorodo-de-campo-diligencias-el-desembarco-de-las-pl-ntulas-de-tomate-.html

KK: https://www.tostpost.com/kk/domashniy-uyut/11123-ogorodo-sayazhay-masha-at-t-s-ru-k-shett-topyra-a-yzana.html

PL: https://www.tostpost.com/pl/komfort-domu/11117-ogorodo-domki-obowi-zki-sadzenie-sadzonek-pomidora-w-gruncie.html

PT: https://www.tostpost.com/pt/o-aconchego-do-lar/11113-ogorodo-chal-tarefas-a-planta-o-de-mudas-de-tomate-no-solo.html

TR: https://www.tostpost.com/tr/domashniy-uyut/11127-ogorodo-yaz-i-leri-ini-fide-domates-toprak.html

UK: https://www.tostpost.com/uk/domashn-y-zatishok/11122-ogorodo-dachn-klopoti-visadka-rozsadi-pom-dor-v-grunt.html

Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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