How to find out who owns a cell phone number


2018-04-02 00:18:09




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Sometimes it is imperative to find out whose mobile it is displayed on the screen of your cell phone. How to find out who owns a phone number?

You May annoying calls or texts received from unknown cell phone. If they do not carry a direct threats to your life or health, there is no blackmail to the police you just get sent away and you are left alone with their problem. In such a situation it is easiest to go to the salon and purchase a SIM card with a new number, which you re-distribute to all their colleagues, friends and acquaintances. But “the telephone good sense of humor” because it may be one of them and soon again will start to be a pest. Meanwhile, the answer to the question: «How to find out who owns the number?” is not so complicated. We will present several ways how it can be done. If the first option you have failed, don't give up, and continue to proceed.

How to find out who owns cell phone number: method # 1

As soon As the phone prankster again you called and became familiar to sniffle into the phone or sent his next text creation, try immediately to call back on these numbers. And it must be done not of his own, and from any other rooms and to a secret source did not know who he is calling. When people pick up the phone, try to change your voice and talk to him at least one minute. Perhaps you'll recognize the voice, who are over you jokes. If the voice is unfamiliar and familiar, somehow cleverly'll figure the Joker (“I'm calling about the ad…”, “We are conducting a sociological survey on the topic…”, etc.).

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How to find out who owns the phone number: method # 2

On the computer or the radio, purchase a CD with the database of mobile operators. Just note that sort of thing-thing illegal, so right on the tray you can hardly see. Gently ask the sellers, who can get you a disc. If you will not be accepted for officers in plain clothes, for good money the required you will become. However, remember that the disk will be information only about the person who owns the room, and in fact you can call for another friend.

How to find out who owns the number: method # 3

You can help. Let not you and your friends or even friends of friends there are relatives or just good friends, working in the agencies. Explain the situation, complain, weep and ask for a favor, for the provision of which is required by thanking all participants. If there are links you can not find, please contact with the problem in the detective Bureau, whose members probably have ties with the police, since most are former staff members.

How to find out who owns the number: method 4

You can also try your luck and contact the Manager of the cellular operator. Try to explain the problem, but be prepared that you will likely be denied. Employees of the company have no right to disclose confidential information about clients.

Could try to get in from the other side, through the cellular interior. The fact is that when the payer calls his figures, the Manager of the salon sees on a computer monitor his personal data, specified in the agreement with the operator (usually it's passport data). Use this to your advantage. Beforehand, think of some legend, sincere story to evoke pity Manager. For example, that your grandmother is in the hospital, her doctors are not allowed, and you want to recharge balance to her on the phone, but that's a shame, forgot the last digit. In General, business success depends on your acting ability, the ability to bluff and podgotovili and gullibility of the employee lounge.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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