Protein diet for weight loss: the most common misconceptions


2018-03-19 11:50:54




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Protein diet for weight loss every day it becomes more and more popular. Indeed, adhering to such a system of power, easy to lose weight, but it has significant drawbacks, which few people know. Let's consider the most common misconceptions regarding protein diet.

Many believe that carbohydrates are the culprits of the appearance of excess weight. To adherents of this idea are all well-known Dr. Atkins and the Creator of the Kremlin diet. Of course, this statement has some truth. For example, you can't deny that a part of the carbohydrates found in some foods, such as flour, processed cereals, etc., contribute to weight gain. But do not forget that in addition to “harmful”, there are useful carbohydrates, such as pectin and plant polysaccharides. Without them, our body does not exist. Carbohydrates are the source of formation of muscle is impossible without them proper metabolism of proteins and synthesis of hormones. Imagine the harm to the body will cause the lack in the diet of such minerals.

The Second incorrect statement is that protein diet for weight loss works wonders, and lose weight sitting on her, may be everything. This is not so. Let's look at aspects in more detail.

If from the diet to eliminate vegetables, fruit, starchy and sweet, calorie daily ration will decrease significantly, and that will cause drastic weight loss. But it could be a different outcome. The diet allowed unlimited meat and fish products, including all kinds of sausages, which you can freely fill the lack of calories. But should some products be replaced in excess of the other - and the weight will remain in place. Not to mention that the sausages protein  only 9%, but fat 20-45%, so such products are more fat than protein.

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The Third myth protein diet – immediately after the desired weight loss you can return to your normal diet. So you know that, in principle, no system of nutrition, including protein diet for weight loss, does not lead to such an outcome. Return to the usual menu means a return to the former lifestyle and, consequently, to the new weight gain. That is, in a short time the lost pounds will reappear. It is the third fallacy is often the cause of the null result in weight loss. Someone gaining weight after a couple of months after the diet, some can last up to a year. Therefore, after the protein diet need to diversify the menu of different vegetables and fruit.

Confusion – protein diet for weight loss can be a lifestyle, as it can stick to indefinitely. The statement is incorrect. The lack of carbohydrates in the body for a long time can lead to serious disturbances in the health and even to chronic diseases. In addition to reducing health and immunity, long use only protein can cause kidney stones, liver dysfunction and even the development of different tumors.

Of Course, protein diet for weight loss (reviews proof) is quite effective. And we don't urge to refuse her! But we should not become fanatical followers of protein power when you use protein foods as a source of weight loss. Very effective is the refusal of sweet and starchy foods, which contains so-called bad carbohydrates that contribute to the appearance of extra pounds. But do not forget about the necessary carbohydrates, which are present, for example, in vegetables, and without them it is impossible the correct functioning of the body. Although the desire to lose weight is sometimes very large, but still do not forget about your health.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
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