Triathlon: what is, swimming, Bicycle and running stages. Summer sports


2018-03-27 22:38:12




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Table of contents:

In this article we will answer a few questions: triathlon - what sports discipline, what is the feature of this ambiguous directions and how to prepare yourself for the marathon? After all, triathlon – a relatively young sport, who were not yet widely known.

It includes three main summer sport: swimming competition, a Cycling race and run according to the classical scheme. Moreover, it turns out, there are many varieties of this discipline.

what is triathlon

How to

Usually summer sports start in the late spring and competition in the triathlon starts with a swim in crawl style. But before you begin to water procedures, the athletes first perform a mass start and after a short race, jumping off the pontoons in the pool. By the way, the water must be at least 25 °C. But if the opportunity to warm up her no, use an additional equipment-a wetsuit for a triathlon.

The Standard scheme involves a swim on a certain route with the placement of special signal buoys. If the distance was reduced arbitrarily, the judge can impose penalty points in the form of extra seconds, which upon completion will be deducted from the total time.

summer sports

The Ride

After the water discipline should be Cycling-in which the participants are prepared in a designated area, called a reserve area. It should be said that the route of the race are many cafeterias where you can eat and quench your thirst. But any help for professional athletes on these points inadmissible and punishable with penalty points.

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If the judge outlined melodically as a short, the participants used the bike for triathlon. As for custom races (like Ironman) are considered acceptable in their race, and in this case the start is already separate. These races are considered long.

bike for triathlon

In Accordance with legal regulations of International sports federations, bike for triathlon can be equipped with a short steerer beds, but within the brake levers.

During the races at this stage, a valid group pacing, while in Ironman is forbidden-riders are required to move separately from each other, which greatly enhances the efforts of the athletes. But this applies only to individual disciplines, and the Olympic area is the usual triathlon. What standards and types of triathlon, we will discuss later.


The Last stage are cross country meets on a solid road surface. Now to athletes is simple, but at the same time difcult task – to keep their positions, which they achieved in the previous two stages.

triathlon distance

Punishment in this area is the prevention or stop of the athlete, and in rare cases disqualification (in the presence of obvious assistance or other scams). It should be said that the discipline of the Ironman type requirements are much tougher those who has a normal triathlon (what is Ironman, discussed below).

Stop, usually not more than 30 seconds, and the main and most common violation at this stage is deliberate hindrance next to a running athlete.


Today described the direction is quite popular, and, unlike other sports, there are different types of competitions. Therefore, it is impossible not to clarify, talking about triathlon, what is Tristar, super sprint, and its other varieties:

  • Tristar. In this kind of distances at each step are considered to be short, i.e. swim 100 meters, bike race on 10 km free race at 1 km.
  • Super sprint. Also applies to short distances, but with a slightly larger distance: swim-400 meters, the race – 10 km run-2.5 km.
  • Ironman. In English the word means “iron man”, and regulations in such relevant: swim 1.5 km race bike 40 km and run 42 km.
  • Ultramarathon. The distance here can safely be called a marathon. The mileage on each stage is increased several times and is performed more than one day, according to the standard rules.


That the athlete has successfully passed all stages of the triathlon, he needs special equipment, which is designed to significantly ease the passage of the route. Triathlon and its variants – summer sports but this does not mean that the choice of sports equipment can be approached from negligence. Here every detail is extremely important, and good equipment will significantly increase the chances of winning.

triathlon wetsuit

So, at the stage of swim need comfortable wetsuit for triathlon. Incidentally, their varieties a little, and the main selection criterion is the distance and water temperature. At a distance less than 1500 meters, for example, allowed the use of sports bottoms that much more rational, given the small distance and weight hydrosylate. And for marathon distances or in cases wherethe water temperature is below 25 degrees, the use of melts is unacceptable. Allowed only wetsuits that protect athletes from exposure.

It is Worth to note that the thickness of such equipment shall not exceed 5 mm-just enough to make all the necessary termoregulirovanija functions.

Cycling Gear

Triathlon Competitions at this stage are not much different from the classic race, so the equipment is appropriate.

triathlon competitions

So, of course, you must have:

  • Helmet with aerodynamic features. In addition to the protective features, it ensures good aerodynamics, which is especially important on steep descents.
  • Points. In addition to the blinding sun, sunglasses protect your face from insects, dust and dirt.
  • Shoes. Here the main is based on the complexion of a cyclist and a secure grip with pedals. The best option for this stage will contact the pedals that pull the pedal after foot, greatly facilitating the passage of the race.
  • Suit. Like helmet, suit helps to overcome aerodynamic drag. In addition, high-quality fabric prevents the skin friction on the saddle. And with the weather conditions, a good material should handle, ensuring the rider maximum comfort.

Running gear

A Critical factor at this stage was and still is shoes. She picked up specifically for the current coverage and the individual characteristics of the runner. The best option for the stage – sneakers.

Selected high-quality shoes – strictly according to the size and preferably from the venerable brand like a “Adidas” or “of asiks”. Save on sneakers – a more expensive, the more that ultramarathon and Ironman will not forgive you.

Summing up

The Only way to improve your endurance and minimize the painful consequences of each stage – it training. And this point applies to virtually all summer sports. The main phase, which ends triathlon competition, – it's running, so the emphasis should be put on him. Cycling, like swimming, develops a whole bunch of muscles that is affected during the run, and therefore long-lasting and high-quality training on cross-country segments will significantly help you in other stages.

Once you achieve success on the treadmill, you can add variety to the route, alternating Jogging with bicycling. Often will alternate running and Biking, so it will be easier for the athlete to overcome the entire distance entirely. Well done, it is useful to spend some time in the pool.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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