Dreamed gold - what does that mean?


2018-03-21 10:06:12




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The Interpretation of dreams sometimes interested in even the most skeptical and deseveres person. In fact, if you, for example, dreamt about gold, I would like to know how it prophetically. Suddenly need to do something – and tomorrow will become rich? Or, alternatively, on the horizon, outlined financial problems. They also should be ready, right?dream gold

The Positive interpretation

The Man who dreamt of gold, must decide for themselves what kind of sleeper he is more inclined to trust. Too controversial for different interpretations. Note, however, that most of them believe the overall dream was positive. Its main value – wealth and success.

The Maya, in particular, believed that the one who dreamt of gold, waiting for a dramatic improvement in their lives. However, that dream has come true, according to them, the whole week after the need to wear as much jewelry made of this metal. To find love, a good and unexpected twist of life, salvation or strengthening in the eyes of others, personal honor – that's what it means to dream of gold in the Russian aristocratic tradition.

Chinese horoscopes the metal spivshiesya in any form, is considered a favorable omen. The only clarification-the Golden clips talking about the imminent and long trip, which, however, must be successful.

to dream a lot of gold

Negative interpretation

The British have the opposite opinion. What does it mean to dream of gold for them? In the first place – poverty, and formidable. In addition, malicious metal, the inhabitants of Albion portends a long illness. And indeed the dream of gold can only talk about the upcoming unfortunate changes of the normal pattern. If the owner of the gold – the groom is an English girl, she is seven times will think whether to become his wife, because marriage promises to be complex and unsuccessful.

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What does a dream about gold for women

The Gender of the dreamer very much changes the meaning of the dream. For example, if a woman dreams of gold jewelry is to the emergence of a potential husband who will be very rich, but extremely stingy. So what else is to think about how happy you will be in such a marriage. But if a man saw in dream gold in the form of bracelets, earrings, chains, it will suffer the loss of his wife (usually a divorce) and part property (that is section).

For women, the presentation in the dream of the Golden ring – the promise of a wedding soon. And if snovideni in mind at the moment there is no contender for the hand and heart, is to pay attention to new acquaintances. And if a pregnant woman dreamed of gold, she can be sure the delivery will be successful, the child will be born absolutely healthy. If this dream is constantly repeated, it means that the woman is at heart a talented kid. In the first years of his life she will need to exert maximum effort to find out exactly what the tendency in the child.

what does it mean to dream of gold


It is Important, how it looked like “filthy lucre". So, to dream of gold bars in their hands so to ensure that any initiatives, any new action steps you will be a stunning success. If the ingot you found on the doorstep – glory and wealth, earned through their own efforts. If you dream about gold chains and salary – icons, someone soon will greatly deceived. As a result, you or will greatly suffer because of the treachery, or go broke. A crown of gold worn on the head of the dreamer, it portends the same, and if the dreamer is sick, can warn about the imminent his death.

But gold plate – the symbol of sustainable glory or waiting for a high position. Moreover, both accompanied by wealth. If you are one of such dishes eat or drink the value of sleep is enhanced significantly.

Oddly enough, to dream of a lot of gold, and in any form, except dishes, – not a very happy omen. And this is similar to the vast majority of commentators. Varies only in the direction in which the dreamer will suffer damage. Some believe that it is waiting for the imminent poverty. Others – that perseverance in their errors and bias to the people, inherent in the person who saw this dream will lead him to the aggravation of relations with others. What, in fact, a dream and warns.

On the other hand, to dream of a lot of gold, someone donated – is a reason to look to the giver. Friends who have made such a gift, most likely, false, and in fact treat you much worse than the show. In difficult times they without hesitation you throw, and even can hurt. The French believe that to dream of a lot of gold means to warn of impending ill-considered deed, which will bring not only financial losses, but also serious life complications.

what does it mean to dream of gold

The Value of the production method

Often more important than quality, in which people dreamt about gold and where it came from. For example, the discovery of a gold mine heralds a lesson hard, but respected. On the contrary, if you wash the Golden sand, then secretly going to make indecorous act in relation to someone to infringe on someone's rights. The precious metal as a gift meansquite an expensive gift in reality, and the discovery of gold – to profitability some started your business, which also does not require much effort. If the dreamer dreamed the gold bought them – to trouble, and, most likely, empty. At the same time it is a sign that their actions in reality you have lost the respect of others.

dream gold

The value of the action of gold

What does it mean to dream of gold? Much depends on what you do with it. Carry on the back or on the shoulders – to eke out in life a heavy burden. Give a certain person (not giving, namely giving) – waiting for the return of the debt or bankruptcy of the financial institution where your money lie. Lose gold – will not notice in a lifetime opportunity to improve it. If during sleep the person collects the scattered jewelry or coins, it says that he was waiting for misfortune, loss and failure. The size of the impending disaster can be approximated by the ratio of harvested and remaining: the more you manage to raise, the less damage will be incurred.

Article in other languages:

BE: https://www.tostpost.com/be/duho-nae-razv-cce/10846-bachy-u-sne-zolata---shto-geta-znachyc.html

DE: https://www.tostpost.com/de/die-geistige-entwicklung/10851-gesehen-in-einem-traum-gold---was-bedeutet-das.html

ES: https://www.tostpost.com/es/el-desarrollo-espiritual/10855-visto-en-un-sue-o-de-oro---que-esto-significa.html

KK: https://www.tostpost.com/kk/ruhani-damuy/10847-k-rd-m-vo-sne-altyn---b-l-ne-degen-s-z.html

PL: https://www.tostpost.com/pl/rozw-j-duchowy/10845-widzia-em-we-nie-z-oto---co-to-znaczy.html

PT: https://www.tostpost.com/pt/desenvolvimento-espiritual/10841-viu-em-seu-sonho-de-ouro---o-que-isso-significa.html

TR: https://www.tostpost.com/tr/ruhsal-geli-im/10852-r-yamda-alt-n---ne-anlama-gelir.html

UK: https://www.tostpost.com/uk/duhovniy-rozvitok/10849-bachiv-u-sn-zoloto---scho-ce-znachit.html

Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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