Beautiful congratulations for a wedding


2018-03-23 00:22:09




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Your friends to take such a serious step as marriage. I want to support them in this important matter and tell them not just nice words, and most beautiful wishes and greetings. The wedding usually invite a considerable number of friends and relatives, so it is important not only to sincerely convey my best wishes, but also be concise. Perhaps you yourself was not just a witness of how talkative guest, after another glass of champagne, a clock begins to recite his beautiful congratulations for a wedding. It's tiring not only newly married, but all those present (though they are all suffering). Try not to tighten your speech, make it short but voluminous.

Greetings in prose

Simple and original way to congratulate the bride and groom, remembering something funny, related, some interesting, memorable case. Especially entertaining if it was connected in some way with the newlyweds. This will not only amuse others, but will also attract special attention to your person. Beautiful anniversary greetings you can write on the postcard, which you can find in any store or make your own in the form of a collage. Often all greetings simply impossible to remember, because a lot of them, and given you unusual postcard will at any time recall your sincere wishes, she will be the memorable item that will always return the newlyweds to the day of their meeting and their wedding.

Congratulations in the verses

If you prefer a beautiful congratulations for a wedding to speak in verse, we can try to independently write a small poem. Young will appreciate your creativity, as well as guests. In that case, if the Muse has not been able to reach up to you can use the following small quatrains.

He & She – a husband and wife.
Born on the planet new family.
The Joy in his eyes. A kiss on the lips.
Your marriage, undoubtedly, is born in heaven!

Love beautiful heart,
That your family was enduring.
That day after day the feelings were all the more beautiful
And the house always - full bowl.

Wedding Day – it's a sea of surprises,
Wonderful accomplishment of dreams.
Gifts, rings, congratulations,
The Bride – a delicate symbol of beauty!

Christian greetings for the newlyweds

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If the bride and groom – and the believers, and you will certainly want to mention this in your sincere wish, you can use the following Christian congratulations on the wedding.

Blessed be the family!
Blessed be the road!
You are protected by always
The Almighty God!

When the heat of two hearts
The Lord in one pieces
The skies lead them down the aisle
And you God bless!

Wishes humorous

If you can't imagine my life without humor and want to remember the guests and the young, use beautiful congratulations for a wedding with a fun quatrains, for example:

Always live happily and amicably,
Well, fight if you must.
But remember that bound you tight,
And live you can not be without each other.
But it is impossible to be sad at all
Let's shout "Kiss!”

Be Sure to mention that the humor that is inherent in your message must be clear to all. For wedding unacceptable two-digit and mocking expressions, they can be misinterpreted. Also, avoid vulgarity and jokes "below the belt". It can be not only unethical, but also may create a conflict situation. In this case, you will of course remember the guests, but not with the best hand. Although, what's a wedding without a fight?

Home – sincerity

Someone's wedding is very difficult to be original, because the main wish of a strong, happy and prosperous family will sound from almost every guest. You can certainly dig on the Internet, ask your friends for advice. But it's not the most important. Much more important to any of your greetings was from the heart. Try not to worry. Beautiful congratulations for a wedding was not "crumpled", practice several times at home in front of a mirror.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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