The hero of Russia, Colonel Dmitry Razumovsky: biography, activities and awards


2019-04-21 08:20:30




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The Only person who your life does not measure above the rest, but on the contrary, puts in the last place, can occupy the ranks of the defenders of the security service. Examples of such brave heroes who gave their lives for the sake of others, a lot, and one of them - Dmitry Razumovsky. He considered dignity to die in battle. So what happened during the terrorist attack in Beslan, when the Colonel took a bullet protecting children's lives. This tragedy has caused the death of 10 soldiers from the special forces. Total killed 334 people, including 186 children.

Childhood and leadership skills

In 1968, was born Dima in the city of Ulyanovsk, famous for the birth of the leader of the proletariat. Like all children his age went to learn to read and write: first - school No. 9, and then in a grammar school №1, which was received in due time the knowledge of V. I. Lenin. At that time, in the last educational institution could learn only the best pupils, such as Dmitry Razumovsky - activist, athlete and student.

His Mom in one of the films dedicated to the memory of a hero, remembered that he was a boy very kind, always asked as a child to sing his songs (my mother worked as a music teacher), the latter should sound “despicable”. On the question of who he wants to be, the child answered, “Commander”.

Dmitry Razumovsky hero of Russia

A Serious attitude to sports and physical training helped the young man to succeed in Boxing. Dima in 1985 he became the champion of the USSR among young men.

Difficult student

As it is now is poorly treated or Soviet regime, but the culture of the time was aimed at development of patriotism, honor and sense of justice. Favorite film Dima was “State border", consisting of 8 movies and telling about the service of the Soviet border guards. Boy thanks to the historical-adventure film decided for myself that after graduation he wants to study military science and to protect the country's borders.

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Dmitry Razumovsky

Enrolling in frontier school of Moscow, he earned the nickname “Inconvenient cadet”, that is, a fighter for justice. Among classmates, the guy had authority, because he could speak out in the face of the truth to anyone, despite the regalia and the rank. Dmitry Razumovsky, whose biography is at every stage of its life, accompanied by the desire to be perfect, honest and brave, being in the ranks of the Soviet army, counted in the training options and exhaust them to the maximum quality of performance.

You got the wrong guy

In the late eighties there were cases of attacks by young people in cadets returning from leave alone. The conversation began with a request from a person in uniform to give a cigarette to one of the gang. One day when Dimitri was in a hurry on a nightly build, met him loafers with the same nicotine issue. The bullies didn't know that in front of them is former heavyweight Boxing champion. Dmitry instead of cigarettes started giving strokes. A gang of young men immediately rushed back down and retreated away.


Dmitry Razumovsky, trained in frontier College, wanted to go to Afghanistan, but the military conflict by the end of the study (1990) was already settled. Then the young Lieutenant wished to start the service on the Afghan-Tajik border. Initially, he was Deputy head of the Outpost, and later – head of the assault group (DSH).

Lieutenant Colonel Dmitry Razumovsky

A Competent theorist Dmitry Razumovsky (the hero of Russia in the future) was calculated every step of the operation. It gave impressive results: the group with which the Lieutenant went in search of the Afghan terrorists, sure they were found and eliminated. Record were six clashes in one day. Forethought and well-functioning teams helped to save the lives of their wards. During his service on the border in Tajikistan has not suffered none of the soldiers subordinate to Dmitry, though there were many victims.

In 1993, on the 12th Outpost was attacked by spirits, there were about 300 people. Border detachment to strengthen had only one crew and infantry fighting vehicles was 80% staffed. In this unequal battle killed the head of the Outpost and the best friend of Dmitry – Mikhail Maiboroda, and 25 soldiers. Razumovsky regarded this battle as a betrayal by the superior command, because the situation is reported in time and orders were not given. A year later, while on vacation, Dmitry Razumovsky learns about the daring spirits attack on the Outpost, which killed 7 guards. Then he decided to avenge dead friends by giving an interview «Komsomolskaya Pravda" that is ready to serve "cannon fodder”, but only knowing the interests of the state. He publicly blamed the higher management and said, “Where is the concern about Russian, Russia?”.


Then the captain Razumovsky was dismissed from service after four years of hard work on the Tajik border. The reason for this was that the justice for which they fought Dmitry whole life.

Dmitry's Wife, Erica, whom he had met at the funeral of his friend Michael, saying that he had a dream to serve in the special forces “alpha”. But by fate he ended up in another unit, "pennant"where he received the title of "Colonel". Dmitry Razumovsky became the subject of interest of special forces. Practical experience of the officer was investigated, came out benefits from its recommendations and guidance.

The service Began, where each secret names, faces, nowhere to go, can not hurt also. The trip could begin at any time, and where, it does not need to know even his wife. Razumovsky demanded from his subordinates to do the exercises the way he did them to perfection.

Dmitry Razumovsky biography

Operations "pennant" confidential, all but the last under the command of Dmitry was effective and not sacrificial. Except one…

Beslan, awards

August 2004. Dmitry was on vacation and was going after the 1st of September to go to Ulyanovsk to the parents. But there is another trip. One of the schools on September 1 in Beslan was seized by terrorists. It was the third day in the hands of bandits was 1128 hostages. The explosion occurred in the school and stormed the building. A sniper's bullet hit Razumovsky, he was killed in battle, as they had wanted.

On 6 September of the same year Dmitry Razumovsky – the Hero of Russia posthumously, according to the decree of the President.

a monument to Dmitry Razumovsky

Three years have Passed since the tragedy. In his native city of Ulyanovsk to the beginning of the school year in the Central square a monument to Dmitry Razumovsky in the form of a running soldier in whose arms the child. A memorial plaque mounted on the house where he was born Hero of the Russian Federation, in the gymnasium №1.

Awards of Dmitry Alexandrovich.

Dmitry Razumovsky hero of Russia

Today, his wife Erica and has two sons Dmitri, Mikhail and Alexei.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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