Types of aquarium fish.


2018-03-21 17:26:09




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Table of contents:

Dream to have a home of your own area of the underwater world does not leave very many. Because when people are watching aquarium fish – it rests and calms down. And how different types of aquarium fish!
Of Course, an aquarium – it is a beautiful and surprisingly bright pond. But, do not forget that it is a pretty complex ecosystem with its foundations and requirements. And before you decide on such a serious step as to equip a tank at home should be prepared properly.

Today we consider the basic types of aquarium fishes and some features of their content. The most common are viviparous and ikromechuschie fish. The first category includes such fish whose fry are born immediately, bypassing the stage of spawning. They do without any help from parents. With regard to the latter, these fish spawn on plants or in the ground. And only after a certain time of eggs, the larvae hatch.

It is Important to know that some aquarium fish are not compatible. For example, in no case be kept in the same aquarium skalyariy and South American cichlids. Then immediately it should be noted that almost all types of cichlids are predators. And if you give your preference to these fish, then contain them to be separate.

Honestly, newcomers to the aquarium case the best option will be the most undemanding aquarium fish, of which there are a considerable number.
It is known to all, guppy, angelfish, swordtails or barbs. This group also include makropody, goldfish, gourami, and many others.
The Most popular fish for beginner aquarists, of course, are guppies. They quickly and easily adapt to virtually any established conditions.

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Gourami, makropody and belong to the family of labyrinth fishes. These fish are beautiful and easy to maintenance. For them, the purity of the water in the aquarium is not critical, as gourami, makropody swallow air directly from the water surface.
Marinosci in the aquarium is not very difficult to notice. Their bright red color attracts the attention of everyone around. These fish are omnivores and are peaceful. But they have one minor feature – is able to jump out of the water, so the aquarium should be closed.

Relative to the barbs we can say the following: first, there are more than two hundred species. They are peaceful and very active. In addition to all the other barbs are very pretty fish. But this kind of aquarium fish do not leave alone their slow neighbors, trying at every opportunity to nip at them whisker fins.

The Novice aquarist in any case, you should seek help from a specialist in this area. In a specialty store seller will provide you with all necessary information and will tell you how to choose different types of aquarium fish.

Perhaps now you are wondering and how much are aquarium fish? The prices fluctuate depending on various factors. This and their size, and rarity of the species, and the exotic nature and the complexity of breeding, and much more. But, even among the cheapest types you can pick up these fish, which will delight you with its unearthly beauty.

It is Important to remember that if you all the same decided to create at home underwater world, then this should be approached very thoroughly. Because aquarium fish – this is only half the story. You must purchase the appropriate equipment, to create conditions for vital activity of fishes, planted aquarium plants. Do not forget about the prevention of various diseases of aquarium fish. Yes, they too sometimes get sick! If you do it right, your aquarium will be a very long time to please all your family members!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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