Birthday gifts for dad: with your own hands and at any age


2022-10-29 14:43:27




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No matter how old your child is, you can always jointly make gifts to dad for his birthday with your own hands. Let's start the list with ideas for the smallest crumbs.

Even before the yeargifts to dad for his birthday with his own hands

Even when your baby is just lying in the crib and studying his own pens, you can already make birthday gifts to dad with your own hands. The best gift will be a postcard with an impression of the baby's hand or foot. Leaving an imprint on the paper and letting it dry, you can turn it into a bird, funny little men or an octopus. Write a mutual wish and the gift is ready.

1-3 years old

At this age, your baby is already capable of great feats. You can make a tank or his favorite car out of plasticine for Dad. Sculpt on a sheet of paper without making three-dimensional models. Or you can take an ordinary white T-shirt and bright finger paints. Paint, put the prints of the handles and legs on the white fabric. Let it turn out to be a bright and elegant T-shirt, which you will give to your beloved dad on his birthday. Invite him to immediately put on a new outfit, which will please the child very much.

4-6 years oldon my beloved dad's birthday

At this age, the baby can make any simple craft under your strict guidance. An excellent solution would be an application for dad's birthday. Print two identical drawings on a piece of paper. You will paste cut paper or fabric on one, and use the other as a stencil for precise contours.

7-11 years old

Let at the same time as the child grows up, the gifts to the father for his birthday, made with his own hands, grow up. At this age, he can already compose a fairy tale and draw (pick up) illustrations for it. Such a small book can be presented for any holiday, but if the story in it concerns Dad and tells about his talents, then you will not find a better gift.

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12-15 years old

The age is quite serious when teenagers plunge headlong into the world of computer technology. Ask him to make a presentation for the father of the family. Add some sentimentality, photos and music to it. You can also make a guessing game about your dad. Any man will appreciate not only the attention, but also the work of the child. In addition, this gift develops the youngest master. Teach him to select colors, insert information and present it in a non-standard way. You can even prepare a diagram of Dad's talents.

16 and olderdad's birthday application

Many people believe that making gifts for dad's birthday with their own hands in adulthood is not at all relevant. But it's not like that at all! Support every initiative in the grown-up child to please relatives and friends with the help of man-made gifts. In principle, any master class is suitable at the discretion of a son or daughter. It can be a homemade cake, and the polished surface of Dad's car, and beautiful embroidery, and a hand-knitted scarf - in a word, everything that your heart desires. Whatever the gift, if it is made with love, there will be no price for it. After all, it means that you have raised an attentive and grateful child. A gift made with your own hand can be given both as an independent gift, and as a pleasant addition to some purchased item (a certificate or an envelope with money).

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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