Stroller for dolls Smoby. How to choose: description, range, reviews


2020-07-22 20:00:12




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Early Girls begin to imitate their mothers, so a welcome gift for them will be the doll and any toy counterparts things that parents use, including the doll stroller. Smoby — it is a European firm producing toys for children that combines safety, style and practicality.

stroller for dolls Smoby

The reasons for the popularity

The Company has gained international fame and demand in the market of goods for children for many reasons. What is so good pram from Smoby?

  • Complete identity between these models and toys for kids.
  • Bright, fashionable design.
  • Application in the production of safe hypoallergenic raw materials.
  • Large selection of strollers and related products from a specific series for the realization of the whole doll world.


All produced by this company strollers can be divided into three main groups:

  1. The Classic version with a cradle, for example, Hello Kitty, Frozen Heart, Landau Calin etc.
  2. Transformers 2 in 1, 3 in 1. Bright representatives of the line are the doll stroller Quinny Smoby and models of Maxi Cosi.
  3. With Pleasure: copies Roxanne, Baby Nurse, etc.

In addition to wheelchairs, the firm creates a series of toys, made in a single design. Such a kit includes one or more dolls, a stroller, a crib for the baby or a bed decorated with a canopy, a kitchen, a kit for feeding and many other accessories to choose from.

doll stroller Quinny Smoby

A Very high demand series Baby Nurse, as well as the range of Minikiss, which is focused on the smallest and most attractive because stroller toy is a Walker. If it is planned that the stroller Smoby will long remain a favorite toy of the child, should look for models with adjustable handles.

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Almost all the strollers assembled resemble a cane, so it is convenient to store or carry in hand for a walk.


Stroller for dolls Smoby 3-in-1 easily is transformed from a classical model for newborns with pleasure and in a cradle-carry. It has:

  • Robust plastic frame with 4 wheels, equipped with rubber tires;
  • Removable bassinet;
  • The seat belt protects the doll from falling out;
  • Basket for products where the baby can lay down favorite toys and doll accessories;
  • Rollaway hood of textiles;
  • Non-slip and durable the handle;
  • Lightweight and robust metal frame;
  • Rubberized front wheels, which rotate 360°.

stroller for dolls Smoby 3 in 1

Transforming Such models, without a doubt, the girls will like, because they make it possible to diversify the game, create new scenarios for role-playing fun. For example, to beat growing up a favorite doll, when her strollers for newborns with pleasure. Stroller for dolls Smoby Maxi Cosi created for riding two pups at the same time, help the child to act out the scenes with the twins or brother and sister on the walk.

Stroller for dolls Smoby: feedback

Most of the buyers reviews which are diverse, bought the stroller as accessory for doll Smoby brand. The children are very pleased with the gift, and the parents noted the following advantages of toys:

  • High reliability
  • Practical, as the seat is easy to remove and wash. It even after many washings looks like new;
  • Nice appearance, the toy is very similar to a real stroller;
  • All items are models of transformers are securely fastened, easy to understand and going;
  • Very comfortable rubberized handle;
  • Lightweight but agile.

stroller for dolls Smoby maxi cosi

Kids love and sometimes to sit instead of a doll in a toy stroller, so users with special pleasure to emphasize that the stroller for dolls Smoby is able to withstand the weight of even a three year old child.

Buyers did not like the lack of some models of strollers attachments for dolls. It makes the children uncomfortable when playing and walking. Therefore, it is necessary to learn all the features of the selected model, in the future not to be disappointed in the purchase.

Properly collected and well-balanced stroller from Smoby company easy rolling on any floor and on the street. While it is resistant, extremely strong and durable. Structural components of wheelchairs is made of super-tough plastic that will easily withstand the weight of the child. The girl together with girlfriends is more than one year are happy to carry and rock your favorite dolls in the stroller or a cradle from Smoby.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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