Shirting fabric – basic types


2020-07-04 03:00:08




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One of the most common solutions for clothing stands shirting fabric. A variety of articles of this material is tens of names. In this article, we consider some of the most popular types of fabrics represented type.

Summer shirting fabric

shirting fabricFor sewing light clothing for the warm season different materials are used. Shirting fabric, the characteristics of which are presented below have a special ability to freely pass air, so made of them things are hygienic, comfortable and great for wearing on hot summer days.

Among the most common fabrics for sewing summer clothes is to provide:

  1. Printed Cotton – the material is a natural cotton fabric. Produced by successive plain weave fibers which have a thin, delicate structure.
  2. Calico – resistant to abrasion, hygienic and easy material. In appearance and texture fabric in many ways similar to chintz. A significant difference stands high tear strength and abrasion resistance.
  3. Satin & ndash; very durable material on a natural basis with the addition of a small amount of synthetic fibers. Assuming the practicality of applying such tissue is not inferior to silk.
  4. Voile   fabric that is characterized by a transparent structure and utmost ease. Due to the fact that the density of the shirting fabric of this sample is very small, it is often used for sewing elegant, airy nightgowns. The material often goes into the making of the feminine, and erotic clothes.

Winter shirting fabric

plaidThe Main requirement for the manufacture of clothing for the cold season, serves the high conservation of heat. Moreover, shirting fabric that is used for sewing winter clothes, should provide total comfort when in contact with the body.

Choosing shirting fabrics in the cold season is fairly limited:

  1. Bike & ndash; a practical cloth on a natural basis. The material has a fuzzy surface. Specified quality ensures full comfort and good insulation in the course of wearing.
  2. Flannel – presented by cotton, woolen and wool blend fabrics. A characteristic feature of the material is a soft fleece on both sides of the door. This winter shirting fabric not only has a very attractive texture, but soft to the touch.
  3. Bumatay – advocates a specific kind of flannel. The defining difference is the weave of the fiber twill way in which the NAP is formed only on one side of the product.

Demi shirting fabric

density shirting fabricFor the manufacture of clothing, designed for operation in the offseason, used the materials of medium thickness and density. Here we use mostly cloth in a cage, which is often tartan – high-quality fabric, which perfectly stretches and contributes to the realization of the most complex styles of clothing.

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Baptiste – another is thin enough jacket fabric, which is medium density. The surface of the material is silky and has a pleasant, distinct sparkle. Despite the relatively low thickness, Batiste has a sufficiently high tensile strength. Most often used for sewing light blouses, spring dresses, baby clothes.

It is also Worth noting this winter shirting plaid weave like poplin. The material is a cotton fabric that has a medium density. The texture of the fabric soft and pliable. Therefore, the products of poplin do not cause discomfort upon contact with the body.

In conclusion

shirting fabric featureShirting fabrics include natural materials, that provides high hygienic quality of finished products made from the paintings of this plan. The bulk of the materials are perfectly passes air, has the wear resistance, does not cause allergic reactions on the skin.

As for the shirting fabrics, which composition contains synthetic fibres, such paintings almost do not wrinkle and did not shrink. All this contributes to the ease of wash and care of such materials.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
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