What is a healthy lifestyle? Starting from scratch


2018-04-02 18:28:09




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What is a healthy lifestyle? Clearly this question to answer difficult. This and proper nutrition, and active sport. Healthy lifestyle – it is, above all, love and care about myself personally. That is, it is needed carefully to follow him. But this does not mean that you need to pay attention only to the clothing “the weather”. Just all you need to evaluate the complex – ranging from garments and ending with food.

So what is a healthy lifestyle?

For starters, let's evaluate ourselves. How do you start your morning? If a cool shower, fifteen-minute charging and a full Breakfast, then there are no complaints. But! If it starts in a hurry, and you barely have time to freshen up, then something to do.

To the body felt good, but in the mirror beamed a smile, then night sleep should not be less than 8 hours in a row. A cool shower in the morning will give vigor and freshness to the body. Charging is flexing all the joints that also rested at night. Tilts to the side, arm swing and squats – this is what you need. Breakfast should be light, but nourishing-milk porridge, yogurt, fruit, cottage cheese and green tea. This is the morning of a man who knows what a healthy way of life.

Now let's talk about food. You always want to be pampered and that and that. Not worth it to deny, just know your limits. For example, you really like bread. Then 2-3 times a week so quench your hunger, but no more. Sweets should be replaced by fruits, bitter chocolate and dried fruits. Enter in the diet of more vegetables, veal meat, herbs and natural juices. Remove excess fats and calories. But do not resort to extremes. Everything has to be gradual and logical, that is, to remove unnecessary products gradually. Because the body hard to switch from, for it is a lot of stress.

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The Clothes should be from natural fabrics, comfortable and beautiful. Pay special attention to linen, as it is closest to the body. Do not spare money, do not buy linen on the market grandmothers. To anything good it will not.

Footwear should always be comfortable, as the feet are placed a set of points, which are responsible for the organism as a whole. Don't wear too high heels and shoes without arch support. The heel is 7 cm for women and 2 for men – this is perfect for people who know what is a healthy way of life.

You Need to play sports. Though not every day, but still. Hiking to work and back, climbing stairs on foot. Such procedures make to strengthen the heart muscle, which is very good nowadays. Once a week you can visit the pool. It is known that swimming is excellent strengthens the vestibular apparatus in this case involved all muscle groups. Besides, this way you can improve a healthy lifestyle for children. In the water they thrive, socially adapted, and just relax in the company of parents.

When the kid with you, it is easier to follow diet, exercise, and other treatments. But what if a child went into the garden, and coming home in the evening, he already looks tired and sad? Then you need to find out whether a healthy lifestyle in kindergarten – if enough kids are outdoors, how well do they sleep, do they have a full food. Such answers you can give any nurse group.

Now in children's institutions the practice of hardening children, Hiking the whole group to theatres, performances and in the pool. Don't be opposed to this and support, even if the window is not summer.

If the baby has some problems, then it is best to give it to a special kindergarten. Here take care of a young body and find the approach to its problems.


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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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