The elf cat - a special breed!


2018-03-25 15:55:08




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The Elf is associated with the Celtic fictional characters of fairy tales. If someone dreams about someone unusual at home, the animal referred to in the article will be very helpful. Cat elf is the youngest breed and at the same time rare.

cat Elf


Cat breed elf appeared not as a result of the work of nature, and as a result of crossing a Sphynx and American Curl. This idea originated from experienced breeders from the USA — Karen Nielson and Lead Kristen. Since the late 90's, these enthusiasts do not leave attempts to get a result from their experiments. Only in 2006 was born the long-awaited kittens. Because of the bend of ears ago, the breed was nicknamed Elf.

Where to buy

The Cat elf is sold almost exclusively in the nurseries of America. Registration in TICA has been possible since 2007. Breeders from other countries, specifically book of kittens and bred them with a view to subsequent sale. It should be noted that due to the unusual appearance, it is very difficult to give fake animals for the elves.

cat breed Elf photo

How it looks

The Peculiarity of this breed is the unusual shape of the ears. They are large and recurved. If seriously interested in the breed elf, you can see photos in this article. The eyes of animals too large, almond-shaped, often with green or blue. This is a very unusual cat, as an alien! It is noteworthy that the color of this cat can be absolutely anything! Depending on what color the parents - little elf is born grey and white, peach, black or other variations. In weight this animal is not a little adult up to 7 pounds! So you need to understand what the animal will be very well fed. Wool elves no, such a feature they inherited from Sphinx.

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The Cat elf is a kind and gentle beast. It is smart, patient, observant creature that gives a tenderness to his master. They are very kind and have a great affection to all family members. These cats is just the epitome of affection and kindness!

But the elves need a lot of attention. They must feel needed. These cats love to be near the master, even during sleep. But if the animal is hurt, it is able to revenge and mischief.

cat breed Elf

Health and particular care

Curls - the ancestors of the breed - very healthy and strong animals. Cat Elf from them has inherited this feature. If properly cared for and properly maintain it, it can live right up to 19 years! The cat needs regular bathing, at least 1 time in 2 weeks. As her skin is very delicate, you should use baby shampoo. It is not necessary to overfeed the animal, because being overweight is bad for the cardiovascular system.

The Elf needs special temperature conditions, you should always maintain warm. Sleeping place of the animal must also be specially equipped with a soft Mat or pillow is perfect.

The Cats of this breed are able to conquer the hearts of any person. Gentle, gentle, with soulful eyes - they cause delight and admiration!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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