How to weave baubles of floss to the delight of myself and others


2018-03-23 22:34:08




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There are many people who are nice to give and receive gifts. Even if small, especially if they made himself. Making gifts with your own hands guarantees their exclusivity, and attachment of the particle of his soul. Preparing a unique gift for a certain person, you think about him, wonder how he'll be glad for your surprise, and involuntarily charged subject of the gift of positive energy. This is understandable, who would spend their precious time making even a small gift, but unpleasant to you?

Choosing what to make, many young women and girls thinking about how to weave baubles of floss. Moreover, currently, the baubles have lost the symbolism of – its former purpose as a friendship bracelet. The first baubles were worn by native American Indians (before Christ), then this looks unattractive, but very attractive attribute was borrowed from them by the Buddhists and hippies. Currently this is a favorite accessory for many designers, baubles ceased to be the privilege of the representatives of informal movements. Now everyone can emphasize your bright personality with decorations that are so easy to make, without spending a lot of time and money.

How to weave baubles of floss?

First of all, we need to stock up on the necessary materials:

  • Quality embroidery thread in various colors (length 1 m);
  • Safety pin;
  • Needle,
  • Scissors.

A Bit of diligence and accuracy. And after a couple of days your work will be crowned – it will result in a completely unique decoration, which is not ashamed to give a person dear to you.

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How to weave baubles of floss for those who've never done this before

  1. There are many different techniques of weaving from various materials but the most common – a bright and unique baubles of floss.
  2. The easiest way For beginners to learn how to weave baubles of floss in the manufacture of the bracelet of eight threads. Color choose in accordance with your (or for whom the wristband is intended) taste.
  3. Take the thread a length of approximately 1 m (if the brush is standard). In the case where the brush more than usual, it is better to calculate the length in the ratio 1:4, which corresponds to the required length of the bracelet to the length of the threads.
  4. Lay the floss in that order, in which it is necessary that alternated colors in the finished product, put them together and tie a knot, which is pierced with a pin. During future work, the bracelet has twisting – it is fixed with a previously prepared pins to chair, sofa or, finally, to his jeans in the area of the hip or knee (how convenient). Then braid braid small (3 cm), which becomes the basis of baubles.
  5. Next, tie two knots on the far right of the thread with the closest thread to the left. The result is the threads are reversed. Then the same thread to tie a knot with the following. And so to the edge, when will be ready the initial number of knots of the same color in diagonal stripes. Then take the next rightmost thread and doing the same manipulation. According to this principle, weave bracelet, until it reaches the desired size.
  6. In conclusion, neat braid pigtail of the same length, as in the beginning, and then remove the finished baubles with pins.

Look Great baubles of floss with inscriptions, names. Abundance patterns is striking, because the imagination of the talented people are truly limitless. Even created a special computer program for modeling baubles of different materials. In addition, on the Internet you can find a lot of various schemes – among them the baubles of floss with a picture, words, symbols that astonish with their beauty and uniqueness. While writing the article and she was eager to learn how to weave these gorgeous bracelets, and you? If you like this lesson, gather materials and start to delight your dear people.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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