Why donating blood on RW? What kind of research and to whom is it necessary?


2018-03-18 16:20:47




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Often, during a consultation with a doctor or in General medical patients will be advised to donate blood on RW. What is this analysis? Why conduct this study? What diseases can be diagnosed with this test? These questions of interest to many people.

Blood on RW — what is it?

blood on rw that itThis analysis is known in medicine under the name of Wasserman. Such testing is highly specific and has been used by doctors for diagnosis of syphilis. The importance of research cannot be overemphasized, as it gives the opportunity to diagnose the disease in the early stages of its development, when there are no visible external symptoms.

In addition, Wasserman enables the Clinician to judge how active Treponema pallidum (the causative agent of syphilis), respectively, to determine the speed of disease development.

Who should give blood for RW?

What kind of testing is clear, but for whom such analysis is required? Of course, his conduct at the slightest suspicion for the presence of syphilis. For example, the blood must pass patients with a rash on the mucous membranes and skin of unknown origin, with an uncharacteristic discharge from the sexual system.

The blood Analysis on RW, HIV is carried out after accidental unprotected intercourse, rape, etc. Such a study is necessary for patients preparing for hospitalization. It is also recommended when planning pregnancy. By the way, pregnant women also carry out this testing, as syphilis in this case is extremely dangerous not only for the mother but for the baby.

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This study is also a compulsory part of medical examinations for workers in certain occupations, particularly cooks, hairdressers, beauticians, medical staff, etc. Analysis is also regularly carried out to patients with syphilis (including congenital forms) to determine whether the effect of treatment.

How to prepare for blood donation?

blood on rw

Blood for laboratory tests taken from a vein. For the reliability of the results to the test you need to properly prepare. First, it is worth noting that the blood on RW is carried out on an empty stomach (last meal should be at least 6-12 hours before analysis). That is why the procedure is usually administered in the morning — in most clinics and laboratories, blood sampling is carried out from 7 to 11 o'clock in the morning.

Before taking blood in any case not to smoke, to drink coffee. The day before the procedure is to abandon the overly fatty foods and alcoholic beverages, as this can affect the accuracy of the result.

Test Result for RW and its importance

Of Course, with the results of the analysis need to consult your doctor — the specialist knows exactly what hand over a blood on RW what it is. However, General information can be found. In the absence of infection, the test will be negative (in form will be the icon “-”).

blood analysis on rw, HIVAs for positive reaction, it can be interpreted in many ways. In the form of results such as marked one, two, three or four pluses. Three or four “+” — is that positive or even strongly positive reaction, which means — treatment should be started immediately.

But “+” and “ a++” may be the evidence of the presence of disease and false-positive results. Such patients analysis is recommended again. False-positive reactions are often observed among patients who abuse alcohol, or drug addicts. In addition, serological blood tests can be incorrect during strong inflammation, cancer, diseases, infections (e.g. viral hepatitis) and also during pregnancy and diabetes.

Article in other languages:

AR: https://www.tostpost.com/ar/health/8550-rw.html

BE: https://www.tostpost.com/be/zdaro-e/15313-navoshta-zdavac-kro-na-rw-shto-geta-za-dasledavanne-kamu-yano-neabhodn.html

DE: https://www.tostpost.com/de/gesundheit/15318-warum-spenden-sie-blut-auf-rw-was-ist-das-f-r-forschung-und-wen-es-not.html

ES: https://www.tostpost.com/es/la-salud/15327-por-qu-donar-sangre-en-rw-que-es-la-responsabilidad-de-la-investigaci-.html

HI: https://www.tostpost.com/hi/health/8557-rw.html

JA: https://www.tostpost.com/ja/health/8554-rw.html

KK: https://www.tostpost.com/kk/densauly/15309-nege-tapsyru-a-rw--a-an-tapsyru-kerek-b-l-zertteu-zh-ne-k-mge-ol-kerek.html

PL: https://www.tostpost.com/pl/zdrowie/15293-po-co-oddawa-krew-na-rw-co-to-za-badanie-i-komu-jest-to-potrzebne.html

PT: https://www.tostpost.com/pt/sa-de/15287-por-que-doar-sangue-em-rw-o-que-que-para-a-pesquisa-e-para-quem-voc.html

TR: https://www.tostpost.com/tr/sa-l-k/15315-neden-kan-ba-rw-bu-al-ma-ve-kime-ihtiyac-n-z-var.html

UK: https://www.tostpost.com/uk/zdorov-ya/15300-nav-scho-zdavati-krov-na-rw-scho-ce-za-dosl-dzhennya-komu-vono-potr-bn.html

ZH: https://www.tostpost.com/zh/health/9292-rw.html

Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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