Cortexin for children


2018-11-12 14:00:28




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In the pharmaceutical market medicine "Cortexin for children" (children's release form, vials of 5mg) appeared in 2009. It belongs to the nootropic drugs and does not use age restrictions.  Producer – the Russian pharmaceutical company “GEROPHARM”.

Pediatricians, neonatologists and pediatric neurologists believe that with the advent of Cortexin effective and safe drug for the treatment of in very young children many diseases of the Central nervous system, cerebrovascular disorders, epilepsy, cerebral palsy. Indications for use can be traumatic brain injury. Quite often (and successfully) the drug is prescribed in case of delay of speech and psychomotor development. Therefore, Cortexin for children, in whom neurologists find some deviations in the development of the nervous system, becomes a drug of choice or drug, contributing to their adaptation. A Clear and undeniable advantage it is that this medication has a stimulating effect on the nervous system.

Now the drug is available in two forms of issue – in vials for injection 5mg and 10mg and is a yellowish porous mass. The exact dosage and duration of treatment determined by the physician based on the patient's condition and the nature of the disease. In applying the drug “candles” the children's doctor (most often pediatric neurologist) appoint repeated courses, so you need to tune in long time treatment. The course of treatment-10 days, repeated courses are assigned in three or six months. Often the drug is administered twice a year in spring and fall.

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The Mechanism of action agents is associated with its ability to activate your own peptides in the brain and restore its normal electrical activity, as well as its high antioxidant activity, providing stable operation of the whole nervous system.


• violations of cerebral circulation of various etiologies;

• encephalitis;

• epilepsy;

• delay of speech and psychomotor development in children;

• attention disorders, including those associated with hyperactivity;

• cerebral palsy;

• vegetative-vascular dystonia;

• reduced learning ability.

Contraindication for the use of the drug in Pediatrics is individual intolerance to the components of medicine "Cortexin for children." Instructions for use contains sufficient for patients information, which is required to be read before beginning treatment. There indications, contraindications, possible side effects of medication. Specified, and the composition of Cortexin. It consists of peptides of the cerebral cortex of cattle, contains all the essential amino acids needed for normal brain function. Glycine acts as an auxiliary component.

Injections of a medicine “candles” for children can be very painful, so doctors recommend to dilute it in 5ml of 0.5% solution of novocaine. But as a solvent for the drug and there may be a physiological solution (0.9% sodium chloride solution), and water for injection, which is especially valuable when allergic reaction to novocaine.

Cortexin relates to a thermolabile drugs, it should be stored at temperatures of 2-20oC.

The Drug Cortexin for children who have pediatricians find abnormalities of the Central nervous system or diagnosed as "cerebral palsy", helps to improve brain function. It helps with speech delay and contributes to the development of learning skills. But to appoint or cancel the drug can only be a doctor, self-medication is unacceptable!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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