The drug "Andipal": reviews, instructions for use, analogs


2018-08-11 03:00:31




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Table of contents:

The article will look at the user manual on application to “Antipolo”, reviews and analogues.

Tool included in the group of combined drugs, which have antispasmodic, analgesic and vasodilating effect. It with a high degree of effectiveness relieves pain associated with cramps smooth musculature. In addition, it has a mild antihypertensive effect, negligible lowering blood pressure. Is a common drug that is often issued in the complex therapy for hypertension.

andipal application reviews

Reviews of “Antipolo” below.


The Drug belongs to a combined clinico-pharmacological group and has analgesic, antispasmodic, sedative and vazodilatiruushimi effect.

“Andipal” available from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription and refers to low-cost drugs. The average cost of one pack is about 30-40 rubles.

The Pills are manufactured in the form of a valium, have a yellowish or white hue. Tablets are packaged in packs of 10, 30 and 100 pieces.


The Active ingredients of the drug are the dipyrone or Metamizole, papaverine hydrochloride, and phenobarbital bendazol. Moreover, tablets present a number of auxiliary substances, such as starch, talc, sterinova acid, start calcium, etc.

The Drug effectively dilates blood vessels, relieves spasms and pain medication, what's going on thanks to its composition of active substances.

Papaverine Hydrochloride and bendazol have the ability to expand peripheral blood vessels and to reduce the high tone of the so-called smooth muscles. Sodium Metamizole has antipyretic and analgesic effect on the body.

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andipal manual reviews

“Andipal” depending on the indications prescribed as antispasmodic in case of disturbances in the blood vessels of the brain and the periphery. The drug causes lower blood pressure, reduces the total peripheral vascular resistance (SVR), and regulate collateral circulation. Phenobarbital in the composition of the drug can potentiate the effects of other substances, and also has a slight calming nervous system activity.

Feedback about the use of “Adipala” abound.

Indications and contraindications

This user manual contains the following indications for its use:

  • Pain, arising on a background of muscle spasm of the gastrointestinal tract, the brain vessels and peripheral arteries.
  • Hypertension.

There are also a number of contraindications to the drug. Among them:

  • Glaucoma angle-closure type.
  • Bowel Obstruction.
  • Child Age under 8 years.
  • Enlargement of the prostate.
  • Failure of liver or kidneys expressed by the type.
  • High sensitivity to the drug components.
  • Deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.
  • The Period of gestation and lactation.
andipal usage instructions reviews
  • Severe angina, decompensated form of heart failure in the chronic form, tachyarrhythmia and other diseases related to blood and circulatory system.

Phenobarbital affects fetal development. Even in small doses, it can cause underdevelopment of the brain unformed child. In addition, under attack the nervous system of the fetus. Increases the risk of having a child with cerebral palsy. Therefore, the admission of “Adipala” during pregnancy is under a categorical ban. In most cases,the choice remains with the woman.

It is Necessary to take into account the fact that most antihypertensive drugs are able to exert teratogenic, that is, detrimental effect on the fetus. Reviews about ‘Adipala” from the pressure of contradictory.


“Andipal” is assigned to oral intake without chewing. The standard dosage is considered for an adult is 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day. The duration of intake should not exceed 10 days.

Before taking this medication be sure to consult with your doctor. The length of treatment may be adjusted depending on the nature of the disease and the patient. However, more than 10 days in a row to take the drug is not recommended.

The Drug is administered at high pressure, that is hypotensive. In case of hypotension its use is strictly forbidden, as this can lead to negative changes in the brain.

andipal reviews doctors

Side effects

According to the reviews, “Andipal" can cause a number of adverse reactions. In particular, these include:

  • Nausea with subsequent vomiting.
  • Violation of blood coagulation.
  • The Failure of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Decrease in immune traits of an organism.
  • Depression.
  • Weakness.
  • The
  • Disruption of the functioning of the liver system.
  • Persistent feeling of sleepiness.
  • An Allergic reaction to the drug components.
andipal usage instructions reviews analogues

According to the ratings for “Antipolo”, the side effects usually appear on the background of continuous use.

If you exceed the dosage of the drug may have overdose symptoms such as:

  • Vertigo.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Collapse.

If there are signs of overdose, you must immediately wash the stomach and make the treatment. In the future, assigned symptomatic therapy. This is confirmed by the instructions for use and reviews of “Antipolo”.

Special considerations

“Andipal” is not designed for long-term treatment. Tablets are used for symptomatic reception on the testimony of the patient. If you want to take the drug for more than a week, you need to monitor the condition of the liver and to analyze the peripheral blood of the patient. If after three days after you start taking the therapeutic effect is not observed, it is necessary to refuse from the further ingestion and consult a doctor.

It is Important to remember that the “Andipal” is part of the group of narcotic analgesics. That is, it can affect psychomotor reactions. For this reason, during the treatment to abandon driving. The presence of phenobarbital causes addiction to the drug over time. Children older than 8 years, the drug should be taken only in strict accordance with doctor's orders.

andipal pressure

In combination with some drugs the effect of “Adipala" increases. Such medicines include:

  • Beta-blockers – “Inderal" "Metoprolol", etc.
  • Diuretics – “Lasix”, “Furosemide” etc.
  • Nitrates, such as “Nitro”.
  • Calcium channel Blockers – “AG” and others.
  • Myotropic antispasmodics – “Aminophylline”.

To Reduce the hypotensive effect of “Adipala” capable of combination with the following drugs:

  • Analeptics – “Joints”, “Cytisine”, “Sulfokamfokain” etc.
  • Tonic preparations, such as tincture of ginseng, Rhodiola rosea, Siberian ginseng, etc.
  • Agonists – “Adrenaline”, “Ephedrine", etc.

The manual also says that the combination of “Adipala” with drugs from the group of opioid analgesics may cause adverse reactions. At simultaneous reception with chelators worse the drug is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. The same applies to antacids and those containing bismuth.


A Modern pharmaceutical market is ready to offer a number of similar drugs that have the same properties as “Andipal”. In particular, these include:

  • ‘Parasol”.
  • “Analdim”.
  • “Captopril”.
  • ‘Kovalgin”.
  • ‘celebrex”.
  • ‘Quatrex”.
andipal pressure feedback

However, before you switch to another drug, you should consult a doctor, since all of these analogs have a number of contraindications.

Reviews of doctors about “Adipala”

As for opinions, from the doctors they are in most cases positive. Note, however, that “Andipal” is the means of emergency aid and often is assigned to relieve an attack of hypertension. All the experts stress that regular admission for hypertension is better to choose other, more suitable for these purposes, the drugs.

Reviews of “Adipala” from patients

With regard to patient feedback, they encountered both positive and negative. Some of the drug is not suitable individually. Or takes effect at the start, but over time the body gets used, and “Andipal” to act ceases. Other patients only suitable this drug. Besides, he, unlike many others, is cheap and affordable, you can buy it at any pharmacy. This is not to forget about the contraindications and possible side effects, so the drug should be taken only as directed by your healthcare doctor.

We have reviewed the instructions for “Antipolo”, and reviews.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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