How to increase the pressure?


2018-04-02 07:03:08




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Table of contents:

A letter From one woman:

“Most of my friends suffer from continuously high pressure, and I, in turn, the opposite of hypotension.  Until that moment, until I've had a Cup of coffee, feel so wild appatov, you do not want anything at all. But if there's no coffee on hand, you can not imagine what to do, because sometimes it is so bad that I want to scream. So what to do? How to increase the pressure?”

To Give an answer to her question is almost no difficulty.  Low blood pressure, speaking correctly, is the hypotension, but the meaning of the words have the same meaning. For females hypotension is a very serious problem, hindering the level of quality of life as much as hypertension.

Before you learn how to increase the pressure, you need to determine what pressure should be considered low. It is possible to consider low pressure 105 to 65 mm of mercury column. When this indicator clearly felt heart pain, weakness and lethargy, it seems that everything that's been happening quite interesting and gray, constantly have a headache and lack of oxygen, and also increases the General level of irritability. Sorry, but the whole list of symptoms is too large to enumerate, but symptoms such as muscle pain, dizziness, nausea, disorder of the gastrointestinal tract and heaviness in the stomach area are the main.

If you too bad and you want to learn how to increase the pressure rapidly, it is sufficient to refer to drug treatment, however, this is not the best solution, as there are many other methods to increase pressure, more sparing belonging to the body. These include walks in the fresh air and sound sleep. If you start a good night's sleep, your physical and psychological form will gradually come to normal. Because of hypotension, the person needs to sleep for a few hours more than if he was healthy. And for effect before going to bed to do an evening walk in the fresh air. Come home to ventilate the entire room and leave a window slightly ajar, as the excess heat may not always be effective.

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If you are constantly interested in what can be pressurized, so you have hypotension and as a result, you avoid all possible physical activities. In part, this is, of course, correct, but not quite. No need to carry heavy weights, enough each morning to do exercises, which will greatly improve your health in the shortest possible time. After the morning warm-up should go under the douche, which perfectly strengthens blood vessels and the heart, activates metabolic processes, increases the speed with which the blood circulates, also do not forget to carefully RUB the body with a brush. After a shower wipe the whole body with a towel if it is hard - it's just a plus.

If you don't want to constantly ask the question: «How to increase the pressure?”, just need to start eating healthier. In that case, if you are against medication and you are tired of coffee, you can pay attention to such herbs as licorice, Valerian, hawthorn, elecampane, ginseng. Good helpers are essential oils such as Jasmine, rosemary, clove and lavender. In that case, if there is a strange lack of energy, you need to put a few drops of one oil or a combination thereof on a handkerchief, and in a few minutes to breathe through it, it is guaranteed to rejuvenate you.

If you follow all the recommendations described in this article, we will ask the question: «How to increase the pressure?”, much less. Good luck to you!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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