"ART-Clinic" the clinic of plastic surgery and cosmetology: description and reviews


2018-03-27 07:39:13




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Today, in the presence of financial possibilities, you can have a perfect appearance. Cosmetic rejuvenation methods available for almost everyone. More accessible and became plastic surgery. Specialized agencies in the fight for customers offering popular services at a reduced cost. No exception and the ‘ART Center" - clinic of plastic surgery and cosmetology. The institution regularly organizes attractive promotions, discount system.

Basic information

Today this is a popular clinic of plastic surgery and cosmetology. Reviews about it can be heard mostly positive. Attracts people a great experience of rendering services in the field of aesthetic surgery. The first patients could solve their problems here in 2003. The founder of a medical institution is honored doctor, Professor Alexander Ivanovich Nerobeev. This specialist has received recognition not only in Russia but also far beyond the country's borders.

Nerobeev Alexander

“the ART Clinics" - plastic surgery clinic that uses gentle methods of reconstruction. The rehabilitation period after surgery is minimized. Attracts patients also extensive experience of local experts in the field of cosmetology. The clinic has a research base. Here are not only the classic beauty treatments and operations. The clinic can be helped patients with unusual problems.

Plastic surgery in “ART-Clinics”

Clinic of plastic surgery and cosmetology – it is a place where you can solve many problems with the appearance. There are people who not just aim to become more attractive, and want to correct natural or acquired defects. Popular cosmetic surgery of the ears. Now there is no need to let go of the long hair to hide the ugly part of the body. Surgical method for the correction of auricles helps you quickly and painlessly improve the appearance. The patient can go home on the day of manipulation.

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What else attracts patients "ART Center" (clinic of plastic surgery and cosmetology)? In the clinic of Professor Nerobeev you can perform a quality rhinoplasty. The cost of the operation varies in the range of 250-300 thousand rubles. Rhinoplasty – this is a difficult surgery that requires special attention of the doctor. Specialists of medical institutions are perfectly cope with their responsibilities. This is evidenced by the numerous positive reviews.

Oral and maxillofacial surgery

The Defects on the face of the cause, as a rule, most of the complexes. But for modern medicine, nothing is impossible. All the resources for complex operations is “the ART Clinics” - clinic of plastic surgery and cosmetology. In a medical facility at a high level is the elimination of facial asymmetry. Specialist, which is taken for a particular patient, carefully choosing the method of therapy. It is the age of the person, the degree of asymmetry of the face, the individual characteristics of the organism. You have to work with both bone and cartilage tissue. As a rule, after surgery is followed by a long period of rehabilitation.

Plastic surgery

Many patients seek help when the damage to the nerves of the face. Loss of sensation of the individual sections – a common complication after injuries of the head or neck. Restore full functionality of the nerve endings – this piece of work. Reviews about the clinic of plastic surgery and cosmetology "ART Center" show that the local professionals do their job perfectly.


In the walls of the clinic, anyone can get high-quality beauty services, as in conventional beauty salons. But there is more emphasis on therapeutic procedures. Thus, in “ART-Clinic" (the clinic of plastic surgery and cosmetology) often treats patients who are long-time struggle with acne. The patient is individually selected methods of treatment. Shows good results plasmolifting, and cryotherapy.

beauty Shots

Also Popular are anti-aging treatments. Mesolifting and biorevitalization – this is a great opportunity to look young at any age. Reviews show that for rejuvenating treatments to the clinic address the girls after 25 years. Good results also shows microcurrent therapy, ultrasonic lifting, etc.


Beautiful well-groomed hair is decorated with both women and men. Dull hair, dandruff, excessive oiliness of the hair – all of this can cause a lot of trouble. A lot of good reviews heard about trichologists “the ART Clinics”. They are specialists who know how to return hair to its formerbeauty.

The Popularity of laser hair treatment. Medical flash stimulate blood flow to the follicles and of the epidermis. This manages to get rid of many problems. Laser therapy shows high efficacy in alopecia (abnormal hair loss).

Therapy of many diseases of hair is not confined to therapeutic procedures. Sure drug therapy is prescribed, aimed at addressing the main causes of the disease. Often hair loss occurs due to hormonal failure, and the dandruff is a consequence of fungal infection. To help cope with any problems of the appearance of the clinic of plastic surgery and cosmetology. Reviews confirmation.



From overweight suffer 70 % of the world population. If you are unable to cope with the problem on their own should seek help from professionals. Reviews about the clinic of plastic surgery show to each client an individual approach. Shaping is based on gradual weight loss through proper nutrition, moderate physical exercises and cosmetic procedures. In the most severe cases surgery is performed – liposuction.

To Fix the result obtained using a therapeutic massage. Reviews show that it is possible not only to get rid of extra pounds, but also to put in order the skin to remove cellulite.

Article in other languages:

AR: https://www.tostpost.com/ar/health/6169-art-clinic-the-clinic-of-plastic-surgery-and-cosmetology-description-a.html

BE: https://www.tostpost.com/be/zdaro-e/10998-art-kl-n-k-kl-n-ka-plastychnay-h-rurg-kasmetalog-ap-sanne-specyyal-sty.html

DE: https://www.tostpost.com/de/gesundheit/11000-art-kliniken-klinik-f-r-plastische-chirurgie-und-kosmetologie-beschrei.html

ES: https://www.tostpost.com/es/la-salud/11006-el-arte-de-cl-nicas-es-una-cl-nica-de-cirug-a-est-tica-y-cosmetolog-a-.html

HI: https://www.tostpost.com/hi/health/6172-cosmetology.html

JA: https://www.tostpost.com/ja/health/6170-cosmetology.html

KK: https://www.tostpost.com/kk/densauly/11000-art-klinik-plastikaly-hirurgiya-zh-ne-kosmetologiya-klinikasy-sipattam.html

PL: https://www.tostpost.com/pl/zdrowie/10995-art-klinik-klinika-chirurgii-plastycznej-i-kosmetologii-opis-specjali-.html

PT: https://www.tostpost.com/pt/sa-de/10991-art-cl-nicas-cl-nica-de-cirurgia-est-tica-e-cosmetologia-descri-o-espe.html

TR: https://www.tostpost.com/tr/sa-l-k/11005-sanat-klinikleri-klini-i-plastik-cerrahi-ve-kozmetoloji-a-klama-uzmanl.html

UK: https://www.tostpost.com/uk/zdorov-ya/10999-art-kl-n-k-kl-n-ka-plastichno-h-rurg-ta-kosmetolog-opis-fah-vc-ta-v-dg.html

Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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